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标题 一种新的基于超像素聚类的图像分割算法x

    姜全春 王宁 李雷




    摘 ?要: 本文提出了一种使用具有噪声的基于密度的聚类方法进行超像素聚类来提高图像分割准确性的方法,首先以较低计算成本得到超像素分割,然后我们再利用密度聚类的原理将相关联的超像素聚集到一起,利用超像素对图像边缘信息的准确分割,来提高图像分割的准确性。我们在构建图形时使用局部邻域将算法应用于分割中,并利用DBSCAN既可以适用于凸样本集,也可以适用于非凸样本集的特性对超像素进行聚类分析。将所有各组紧密相连的样本划为各个不同的类别,则我们就得到了最终的所有聚类类别结果。该方法的一个重要特征是其能够在像素点密度大过某个阈值时,保留图像区域中的细节。

    关键词: 密度聚类;图像分割;超像素分割;局部邻域

    中图分类号: TP751 ? ?文献标识码: A ? ?DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1003-6970.2019.06.010

    本文著录格式:姜全春,王宁,李雷,等. 一种新的基于超像素聚类的图像分割算法[J]. 软件,2019,40(6):4448

    【Abstract】: This paper proposes a method of using super-pixel clustering based on the density-based clustering method to improve the accuracy of image segmentation. Firstly, the super-pixel segmentation is obtained at a lower computational cost, and then we use the principle of density clustering. The associated superpixels are gathered together. and uses superpixels to accurately segment the edge information of the image to improve the accuracy of image segmentation. We use the local neighborhood to apply the algorithm to the segmentation when constructing the graph, and use DBSCAN to apply to both the convex sample set and the non-convex sample set to cluster the superpixel. By grouping all the closely connected samples into different categories, we get the final results for all cluster categories. An important feature of this method is its ability to preserve details in the image area when the pixel density is greater than a certain threshold.

    【Key words】: Density clustering; Image segmentation; Superpixel segmentation; Local neighborhood

    0 ?引言



    1 ?SLIC算法和密度聚类理论

    1.1 ?SLIC算法



    1.2 ?密度聚类方法

    DBSCAN是基于一组邻域来描述样本集的紧密程度的,参数 用来描述邻域的样本分布紧密程度。其中, 描述了某一样本的邻域距离阈值,MinPts描述了某一样本的距离为 的邻域中样本个数的阈值。

    3 ?实验结果分析


    4 ?结论



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