标题 | 实际气候条件下气凝胶玻璃光热特性实验研究 |
范文 | 陈友明 李宇鹏 郑思倩 刘洋 摘要:在实际气候条件下搭建气凝胶玻璃-中空玻璃对比实验平台,对比测试两者在相同气候条件下辐射、照度、温度等参数,分析气凝胶玻璃在实际气候条件下的采光效果和节能潜力.对辐射分析表明,太阳辐射透过气凝胶玻璃进入室内后几乎全为散射辐射,且相比中空玻璃全天减少约45%的太阳辐射得热.对照度分析表明,天气越晴朗气凝胶玻璃的采光效果越好.温度分析表明,相比于中空玻璃,由于气凝胶对太阳辐射的吸收作用,气凝胶玻璃系统各层壁面温度较高,且室外太阳辐射越大,各层壁面温度越高.能耗分析表明,夏季晴天透过气凝胶玻璃的总得热量比中空玻璃减少37%. 关键词:SiO 2气凝胶;气凝胶玻璃;对比实验;太阳辐射;照度;得热量 中图分类号:TU111.2 文献标志码:A Experimental Study on the Optical and Thermal Characteristics of Aerogel Glazing System under Real Weather Condition CHEN Youming ?偉j , LI Yupeng, ZHENG Siqian, LIU Yang (College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China) Abstract: A comparative experimental platform for aerogel and hollow glass was set up, by comparing the parameters such as radiation, illuminance and temperature under the same climate conditions, the daylighting effect and energy saving potential of aerogel glass under actual climatic conditions are analyzed. Radiation analysis shows that the solar radiation becomes almost scattered after entering the room through aerogel glass, and the total solar radiation is reduced by about 45% compared with the hollow glass. Illumination analysis shows that the weather is clearer, the better the lighting effect of the aerogel glass. The temperature analysis shows that, compared to the hollow glass, the surface temperature of all layers in aerogel glass is higher because of the absorption of aerogel to radiation, and that the greater the outdoor solar radiation, the higher the temperature is. Energy consumption analysis shows that total heat gain through the aerogel glass is 37% less than that through the hollow glass. Key words: SiO2 aerogel; aerogel glazing; experimental comparison; solar radiation; illumination; heat gain 建筑围护结构的保温性能是影响建筑采暖空调能耗的最主要因素[1].玻璃外窗是现代建筑围护结构不可或缺的组成部分,具有采光、通风、美观等功能, 对室内人员舒适性有重要影响.玻璃幕墙因极具吸引性的外观、通透的视野,在我国许多公共及商业建筑中被大量使用.但玻璃外窗和幕墙是围护结构中保温隔热的最薄弱部位,是影响建筑节能的最主要因素之一,外窗的能耗约占围护结构总能耗的50%[1].当前,公共建筑的窗户和幕墙以普通中空玻璃为主,而中空玻璃的传热系数与遮阳系数均很大.以普通6 mm+12 mm+6 mm中空玻璃为例,其传热系数为2.7 W/(m2·K)左右[2].当前已采取热反射、吸热、低辐射、贴膜、涂膜等技术降低玻璃的遮阳系数SC值;使用中空、真空玻璃等降低玻璃的综合传热系数K值,改善玻璃系统的保温隔热性能.无论哪种现有的建筑节能玻璃,其传热系数和遮阳系数依然相对较大,其对降低采暖空调能耗的幅度非常的有限[3].增强玻璃窗户和幕墙的保温隔热性能,减少玻璃窗户和幕墙的能耗,是建筑节能领域亟待解决的关键问题[4]. 建筑保温材料及其技术研究与开发是降低建筑能耗和实现建筑节能的重要途径.纳米多孔二氧化硅气凝胶作为新型透光隔热材料,将颗粒形或板状气凝胶密实填充于2塊或3块平板玻璃中间的空气腔中构成气凝胶玻璃系统,形成一种新型的保温隔热多层透过体系, 其综合传热系数K可达到1 W/(m2·K)以下,太阳得热系数SHGC为0.3~0.6[5],具有优异的保温隔热和良好的透光性能以及耐高温、隔音减震的特性.目前对气凝胶玻璃的研究与应用尚处于初级探索阶段[6],国内外针对气凝胶玻璃光热特性的研究还很欠缺[7-9].Zeng等[10],Lallich等[11], Wei等[12] 通过测量法向入射的反射率和透过率,得到气凝胶在红外光波长范围(2~25 |
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