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标题 q 阶区间 orthopair 模糊 power 平均算子及其应用





    摘要:将 power 平均算子推广至 q 阶区间 orthopair 模糊环境,提出一种 q 阶区间 orthopair 模糊 power 平均(q-RIVOFPA)算子并研究其性质。同时,给出一种基于 q-RIVOFPA 算子的模糊多属性决策方法,并通过实例验证其可行性和有效性。

    关键词:q 阶区间 orthopair 模糊集;q 阶区间 orthopair 模糊 power 平均算子;多属性决策

    Abstract: Power averaging operator is extended to q-rung interval-value orthopair fuzzy environment, and a q-rung interval-value orthopair fuzzy power averaging operator is proposed. Likewise, some properties of the aggregation operator are studied. Meanwhile, the fuzzy multi-attribute decision making method based on q-RIVOFPA operator is given, and its feasibility and validity are verified by the example.

    Key words: q-rung interval-value orthopair fuzzy set;q-rung interval-value orthopair fuzzy power averaging operator;multiple attribute decision making

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