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标题 基于Hilbert?Huang变换的语音合成基音标注搜索新算法
范文 李娟 张雪英 黄丽霞 孙慧霞 陈建玲
摘 要: 在TD?PSOLA语音合成系统中,基音标注的准确性是一个非常重要的因素。针对传统的短时自相关函数和小波算法准确性不高和没有自适应性的缺点,提出一种基于Hilbert?Huang变换的基音标注方法。该算法通过Hilbert?Huang变换分析语音,具有自适应性,根据自身情况选择基函数,分解过程满足条件自动停止。采用文中自适应算法对整段非平稳语音信号进行基音标注,其中浊音段、过渡段采用Hilbert?Huang变换进行标注,清音段、非语音段用相近基音周期插值。实验证明,相比自相关方法、小波方法,文中算法反映了一帧内准周期的细微变化,适应性较好。对于频率不同的男声和女声,准确度可达到90%以上。
关键词: 基音标注; 语音合成; Hilbert?Huang变换; 基音周期; 小波变换; 自相关函数; 自适应性
中图分类号: TN912.3?34 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2018)12?0153?04
Abstract: The pitch annotation accuracy is a very important factor in the TD?PSOLA speech synthesis system. In allusion to the shortcomings of low accuracy and lack of adaptability of the traditional short?term auto?correlation function and wavelet algorithm, a pitch annotation method based on Hilbert?Huang transformation is proposed. The algorithm analyzes the speech by means of Hilbert?Huang transformation, has adaptability, and selects basis functions according to its own conditions. The decomposition process of the algorithm stops automatically when the conditions are satisfied. The adaptive algorithm is adopted in this paper to conduct pitch annotation for the whole segment of non?stationary speech signals, in which the voiced speech segment and transition segment are marked by means of Hilbert?Huang transformation, and the voiceless speech segment and non?voice segment are interpolated with the similar pitch period. The experiment shows that in comparison with the auto?correlation method and wavelet method, the algorithm in this paper reflects the subtle variation of the quasi?period in a frame, has good adaptability, and has over 90% of accuracy degree for male and female voices with different frequencies.
Keywords: pitch annotation; speech synthesis; Hilbert?Huang transformation; pitch period; wavelet transformation; auto?correlation function; adaptability
0 引 言

1 Hilbert?Huang变换理论
2 文中自适应标注算法步骤

1) 对语音信号进行每帧220样点的无重叠分帧。
2) 端点检测,采用两级判别法。第一级用短时能量判别,第二级用短时平均过零率判别。
3) 清浊音检测,采用能量判别。根据判别准则,浊音帧标记为1,非语音帧、过渡帧、清音帧标记为0。
4) 对于每个浊音段,起点帧号数字记录到向量[p],结束帧号数字记录到向量[k]。
1) 过渡帧附近的声门脉冲能量过低,使用阈值对于过渡帧的判断本身就容易有误差;
2) 在过渡帧里,尤其语音段和非语音段的交界处,已经不具有准周期性。
另外在实际操作中还要考虑到运算的实时性,需要用运行时间来衡量。以样本1“中国科学院”为例,使用自相关标注的运行时间是2.6 s;使用小波方法标注的运行时间是2.7 s;使用本文自适应的方法标注的运行的时间是3.9 s;所以从这个角度来说,本文自适应方法的运行时间还需要进一步缩短。

4 结 语
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