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标题 基于四元数的四轴飞行器姿态控制
范文 荆学东 潘翔
摘 要: 为了实现四轴飞行器的姿态控制,建立四轴飞行器四元数运动学方程,给出了四元数微分方程的解析解和數值解,在此基础上求解出欧拉角。四轴飞行器采用串级PID控制算法,以欧拉角作为系统外环,补偿后的角速度作为系统内环。通过Matlab/Simulink仿真,对比单级PID控制效果,验证了算法的可靠性。最后,搭建了飞行器试验平台,在STM32飞控板上编程实现算法。实验证明,该控制系统较单级PID具有响应速度快,超调量小等优点,基本满足室外飞行要求。
关键词: 四轴飞行器; 四元数法; PID控制算法; 串级PID; 姿态控制; 微分方程
中图分类号: TN967.6?34; TP273 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2018)16?0116?04
Abstract: A quaternion kinematic equation for the quadrotor aircraft is established, the analytical solution and numerical solution of the quaternion differential equation are given, and the Euler angle is solved on this basis, so as to realize attitude control of the quadrotor aircraft. The cascade PID control algorithm is used for the quadrotor aircraft, taking the Euler angle as the outer ring of the system and angular velocity after compensation as the inner ring of the system. The reliability of the algorithm is verified by using the Matlab/Simulink simulation to compare the effects of single?level PID control and cascade PID control. The aircraft test platform is established. The algorithm is implemented by means of programming on the STM32 flight control board. The experimental results show that in comparison with the single?level PID, the control system has the advantages of faster response speed and less overshoot, which can basically meet the requirements of outdoor flight.
Keywords: quadrotor aircraft; quaternion method; PID control algorithm; cascade PID; attitude control; differential equation
本文通过建立四轴飞行器四元数运动学方程,得到该方程的数值解,再将四元数转换为欧拉角,避免了欧拉角法运算量大、存在奇异点的问题。在控制算法方面,采用串级PID控制,增加了系统的可靠性和鲁棒性。通过Matlab/Simulink仿真,并搭建四轴飞行器实验平台,验证了算法的正确性。1 姿态描述与姿态角表示
1.1 四轴飞行器姿态描述
从仿真图可以看出,俯仰通道阶跃响应上升时间为0.7 s,超调量为22%,在1.2 s达到稳定,在调节过程中出现震荡,震荡的幅度较小频率较低,曲线稳定后没有震荡。单级PID自动控制效果不理想,为达到更理想的控制效果,本文采用串级PID控制,增强系统的稳定性和鲁棒性。
3.2 串级PID控制
从仿真图可以看出,俯仰通道阶跃响应上升时间为0.25 s,超调量为2%,在0.35 s达到稳定。通过仿真图对比可知,在串级PID控制下,控制系统响应速度快,超调量明显减小,且没有出现震荡,比单级PID控制更加稳定可靠,达到了良好的控制效果。
4 实 验
考虑到仿真结果与实际飞行情况的差异,为验证双闭环PID控制算法的可行性,搭建了基于STM32微控制器的四轴飞行器,调试确定了各个参数见表1,并进行了室外飞行实验,飞行效果良好,如图5所示。5 结 论
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