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标题 复杂复印机故障信号的检测与提取
范文 黄燕

摘 要: 针对当前复印机故障信号检测提取方法中存在误检率高的问题,提出基于蚁群的复杂复印机故障信号的检测与提取方法。基于蚁群的复杂复印机故障信号的检测中,利用检测某一路径的最大代价和最小代价得到蚂蚁于该路径上所释放信息素的浓度,以此计算蚁群对于某条路径选取的概率。更新该条路径上信息素浓度,按照路径上的蚂蚁存留的信息素浓度对复印机故障检测过程中路径选择优先顺序进行判断,以检测出复印机故障信号源。将复印机故障信号源代入小波包分析中,得到复印机总故障信号,计算故障信号中的各个频带信号相应能量,利用各频带相应能量,构建复印机故障信号特征向量。实验结果表明,与当前方法相比,所提方法误检率最低约为0.3%,故障检测准确性较高,检测性能更为优越。
关键词: 复印机; 故障信号; 信号检测; 信号提取; 蚁群; 小波包
中图分类号: TN911.23?34; TH165 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2018)22?0103?03
Abstract: In allusion to the high error detection rate of the current fault signal detection and extraction method of the photocopier, a fault signal detection and extraction method based on the ant colony is proposed for the complex photocopier. During the ant colony based fault signal detection of the complex photocopier, the concentration of the pheromone released on the path by the ant is obtained by using the maximum cost and minimum cost of detecting a certain path, so as to calculate the selection probability of a certain path by the ant colony. The pheromone concentration on the path is updated. The path selection priority during the fault detection proces of the photocopier is judged according to the pheromone concentration retained on the path by the ant, so as to detect the fault signal source of the photocopier. The fault signal source of the photocopier is substituted into wavelet packet analysis to obtain the total fault signals of the photocopier. The corresponding energy of each frequency band signal in fault signals is calculated, which is used to construct the feature vector for fault signals of the photocopier. The experimental results show that, in comparison with the current method, the proposed method has a higher fault detection accuracy and better detection performance with a false detection rate of about 0.3% at minimum.
Keywords: photocopier; fault signal; signal detection; signal extraction; ant colony; wavelet packet0 引 言
上述方法不具备较为完善的性能,因此提出基于蚁群的复杂复印机故障信号的检测与提取方法。1 复杂复印机故障信号的检测与提取
1.1 复印机故障信号检测2 实验结果与分析
在Matlab 2017上搭建实验平台,以图1所示复印机作为实验对象进行实验。实验过程中,分别使用不同方法对比的形式,验证基于蚁群的复印机故障信号的检测与提取方法有效性。实验指标为设备故障检测误检率。
实验结果如图2所示。3 结 论
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