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标题 基于有理函数模型的GNSS?R岸基海面风速反演算法
范文 刘原华 魏伟 牛新亮
关键词: 岸基; 理论模型; 相关时间; 幂函数模型; 海面风速反演; 有理函数模型; 数据拟合
中图分类号: TN911.1?34; TP7 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 文献标识码: A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 文章编号: 1004?373X(2019)01?0065?03
Abstract: Under the shore?based condition, the waves can′t fully grow. The theoretical model of wave spectrum is not enough to fully describe the relationship between relevant time and wind speed. The empirical model with power function form is generally used to invert the wind speed of the sea surface. In this paper, a new empirical model with rational function form is proposed to replace the traditional empirical model with power function form for sea surface wind speed inversion. The experimental data shows that the correlation coefficient between wind speed inversed by the new empirical model with rational function form and actual wind is 0.986 2, and the root mean square error is 0.45 m/s. In comparison with the traditional exponential model with power function form, the correlation coefficient is increased by 0.80%, and the root mean square error is decreased by 20.19%.
Keywords: shore base; theory model; correlation time; power function model; sea surface wind speed inversion; rational function model; data fitting0 ?引 ?言
本文提出有理函数形式的经验模型反演海面风速。首先介绍了传统幂函数形式的经验模型反演海面风速的方法,在此基础上提出有理函数形式的经验模型反演海面风速的方法,经过试验证明,有理函数形式的经验模型反演结果相比幂函数形式的经验模型反演结果其相关系数提高了0.80%,均方根误差降低了20.19%。1 ?传统幂函数形式的经验模型

通過有理函数形式的经验模型反演风速值与实测风速对比,得到有理函数形式的经验模型反演海面风速的均方根误差为0.450 6 m/s。4 ?结 ?语
本文提出有理函数形式的经验模型取代幂函数形式的经验模型反演海面风速,并用试验数据对幂函数形式的经验模型和有理函数形式的经验模型进行对比分析。有理函数形式的经验模型反演结果与幂函数形式的经验模型反演结果相比,其相关系数由0.978 4提升为0.986 2,提高了0.80%;均方根误差由0.564 6 m/s降低为0.450 6 m/s,降低了20.19%,证明了本文模型的可行性,为岸基海面风速反演提供了一种新的经验模型。
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