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标题 基于多类别特征融合的疲劳检测系统研究
范文 张博 李鸿 李会超
关键词: 疲劳检测; 信息融合; 图像识别; 行为特征; 回归分析; 模糊评价
中图分类号: TN911.73?34; TP391 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 文献标识码: A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?文章编号: 1004?373X(2019)01?0152?05
Abstract: The single or similar feature index in fatigue detection is easily disturbed, so a fatigue detection system based on multi?class feature information fusion is proposed according to the regression analysis and fuzzy evaluation theory. In accordance with the features of each fatigue characteristic, the feature parameters are described and extracted. The quantitative classification of fatigue degree is performed in combination with PVT test. The advantages of regression analysis for explaining the multivariate influence intensity and fuzzy mathematics for dealing with the uncertain problems are used to complete the design and modeling of the detection system. An optimization algorithm is proposed to overcome the interference factors in image feature extraction. The simulation experimental results show this system can detect the fatigue state of drivers effectively, and its performance is obviously improved by the optimization algorithm.
Keywords: fatigue detection; information integration; image identification; behavioral characteristic; regression analysis; fuzzy evaluation0 ?引 ?言
目前,针对疲劳检测这一问题主要有基于生理参数和基于行为特征两类检测方法。如日本Canon KK基于脑电波这一生理参数,研发了一种防瞌睡装置。文献[2]以驾驶员对方向盘的操作行为作为突破口,设计了基于ZigBee的车载疲劳检测方案,在不降低识别率的前提下实现了驾驶员疲劳状态的快捷检测。但此类检测方案多采用单一的检测指标,检测结果的可靠性会因环境干扰而明显降低。由Seeing Machines公司研发的Face LAB系统[3]则是检测驾驶员瞳孔直径、头部姿态、凝视方向等多个特征信息,并进行融合分析,进一步增强了检测结果的准确性。但因其所选特征均为图像特征,所受干扰因素相同,检测结果的可靠性并没有得到明显改善。文献[4]在图像信息检测的基础上,引入车辆轨迹分析,并采用SVM算法的数据融合模型,在一定程度上降低了图像特征提取中干扰因素对检测结果的影响,但车辆轨迹分析本身受路况等复杂环境影响较大,可靠性存疑。本文在融合信息检测理念的基础上,选取不同类别的疲劳特征,完成了疲勞度的量化分级,结合回归分析及模糊评价理论的优势,设计了一套基于多类别特征的疲劳检测系统,有效地提高了检测结果的可靠性和准确性。

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