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标题 蚁群与小波粒子群算法结合优化配电网重构
范文 李世光 孟凡涛 赵沙沙 高正中 程建军
关键词: 配电网; 重构; 蚁群算法; 小波变异粒子群算法; 有功损耗; 节点电压
中图分类号: TN911.1?34; TM732 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 文献标识码: A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?文章编号: 1004?373X(2019)01?0124?05
Abstract: An ACO?IPSOWM algorithm combining ant colony optimization (ACO) and improved wavelet mutation particle swarm optimization (IPSOWM) is proposed to reconstruct the power distribution network after failure or adding DG efficiently and stably. The minimum active power loss and minimum node voltage deviation of the power distribution network are taken as the objective function, and converted into single?objective problem after weighting and normalization. The binary coded switching states and topological correction strategy are used to check the radiation of the power distribution network. The algorithm is preliminarily optimized by using ant colony optimization algorithm, and the wavelet mutation is used to extend the effective population space to avoid that the algorithm falls into the local optimum. The power distribution network reconfiguration is simulated after the fault of IEEE33 node system and DG output of system node. The experimental results show that the ACO?IPSOWM algorithm can combine the advantages of ACO and IPSOWM after selecting the appropriate parameters, and the reconstructed performance is better.
Keywords: power distribution network; reconfiguration; ant colony algorithm; wavelet mutation particle swarm optimization; active power loss; node voltage0 ?引 ?言

选取合适的权重系数后,对含DG和不含DG应用本文算法进行Matlab仿真实验,算例1已知不含DG时重构后网损值为138.526 kW,含DG调和重构后网损值为73.415 kW;图5分别为含DG和不含DG时配电网重构后的节点电压偏差值,不含DG重构后节点电压最大偏差值约为0.052 p.u.,接入DG重构后节点电压最大偏差值为0.036,由此可见接入DG出力优化对减少配电网网络损耗、提高电压质量有很大帮助,但是由图5可以看出一个问题,各个节点电压之间存在明显波动性,电压不稳定,这时可接入无功补偿装置弥补无功的缺失。
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