标题 | 基于Matlab的扩张状态观测器仿真及分析 |
范文 | 肖强等![]() ![]() 摘 要: 以常见的二阶系统为基础,对自抗扰控制器设计中的核心部分扩张观测器进行了数值仿真。仿真分为两步进行:观测器参数分别选择线性参数和非线性参数,比较这两种观测方式的效率;在观测器中引入高斯加性白噪声,检验观测器的观测效果。仿真结果表明,只要合适选择观测器的参数,就能够以较高的效率获得较为满意的观测效果。 关键词: Matlab; 非线性观测器; 扩张状态观测器; 自抗扰控制器 中图分类号: TN964?34 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2015)08?0041?02 Simulation and analysis of extended state observer based on Matlab XIAO Qiang, LIU Yan?hang, JING Tao (Xian Electronic Engineering Research Institute, Xian 710100, China) Abstract: Numerical simulation of the extended state observer, which is the essential part of active disturbance rejection controller, was performed based on the most popular 2?order system. The simulation consists of two steps: in the 1st part, linear parameters and non?linear parameters are selected for the parameters of the observer, and compared for their observing effect; in the 2nd part, Gauss additive white noise is imported in the observer to check its observing effect. The simulation result shows that the satisfied observing effect can be obtained effectively if only its parameters are selected well. Keywords: Matlab; non?linear observer; extended state observer; active disturbance rejection controller 状态观测器是现代控制理论的重要组成部分[1?2],它是从系统状态空间方程出发,利用原系统的输入和输出信号获得原系统状态变量估值的方法,在传感器噪声处理、系统相移抑制以及高性能控制系统的设计中应用得非常普遍[2?3]。扩张状态观测器(Extended State Observer)是自抗扰控制器(Active Disturbance Rejection Controller)的核心部分[4?5],它不像通常的状态观测器如隆伯格观测器(Luenberger Observer)[2]需要预先知道系统模型,也不关心系统是线性系统还是非线性系统,因此避免了使用过程中对模型的依赖[6]。本文通过Matlab[7]对扩张状态观测器进行数值仿真,给出并比较了ESO对二阶系统在线性参数和非线性参数下的观测效果,考察了系统存在高斯加性白噪声条件下的观测效果,并对观测结果进行了分析。 3 结 论 从仿真的结果可以得出以下结论: (1) 对于参数选择合适的ESO,不论参数选择何种形式都能获得不错的观测效果; (2) 非线性观测的效率要优于线性观测,而且从噪声中获得系统状态的能力要远优于线性观测; (3) 按文中选择状态变量的方式进行观测,ESO的观测效果会随着系统状态序号的递增而逐渐变差。 参考文献 [1] DORF R C. Modern control system [M]. USA: Prentice Hall, 2011. [2] ELIS George. Control system design guide[M]. USA: Elsevier Academic Press, 2004. [3] DORF R C.现代控制系统[M]. 邹逢兴,译.北京:高等教育出版社,2001. [4] 韩京清.自抗扰控制技术[M].北京:国防工业出版社,2009. [5] 韩京清.自抗扰控制器及其应用[J].控制与决策1998(1):19?23. [6] 韩京清.自抗扰控制技术[J].前沿科学,2007(1):24?31. [7] 薛山.Matlab基础教程[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2011. [8] PAN J F. Auto disturbance rejection speed control of linear switched reluctance motor [R]. [S.l.]: IAS, 2005. [9] 陈永春.Matlab M语言高级编程[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2004. [10] GAO Zhi?qiang. A dynamic decoupling method for controlling high performance turbfan engines [R]. [S.l.]: IFAC, 2005. |
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