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标题 基于残差观测器的电机迭代学习控制系统
范文 杨亚楠 秦雪元 李小青 李超峰
关键词: 推杆电机; 闭环控制系统; 残差观测器; 迭代学习控制; 机电耦合; 转速补偿
中图分类号: TN876?34 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?文献标识码: A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 文章编号: 1004?373X(2019)03?0119?03
Abstract: A motor′s iterative learning control method based on residual error observer was designed. The electromechanical coupling model of the transmission system was established. The iterative learning control for speed compensation is carried out under the framework of residual error generator control based on observer. Robustness and disturbance rejection performances of the motor speed control system under the influence of load disturbance are improved. The simulation results show that the control system can effectively reduce the amplitude of variation of motor speed under the influence of load disturbance, and improve the stability of the closed?loop control system.
Keywords: push rod motor; closed?loop control system; residual error observer; iterative learning control; electromechanical coupling; speed compensation0 ?引 ?言
在工业生产需要直线驱动装置的过程中,通常采用 “旋转电机+滚珠丝杠”(推杆电机)的驱动方式和直线电机的驱动方式。相对于直接带动负载的直线电机驱动方式,推杆电机接入传动装置后也能产生有效的推力,设计不同的传动装置还能使负载获得多角度的推力。推杆电机拥有成本低、控制性能稳定的特点,尤其是在低速运行状态下,推杆电机相比于直线电机能够提供较大转矩[1?2]。

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