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标题 《中华人民共和国外商投资法》英语译文中的问题分析


    摘 要:《中華人民共和国外商投资法》已经通过,并将实施,但其英语译文中仍然存在一些问题。本文分析《中华人民共和国外商投资法》部分法律条文的英文翻译中存在的各种翻译方面的问题,指出其原因,并给出了改进建议。





    第六条 分析:因为此句是一个否定句,否定词“不得”既否定“危害中国国家安全”,又否定“损害社会公共利益”,英语的否定句中否定词后面的两个并列项之间要用“or”连接,肯定句中才用“and”连接并列项。“不得危害中国国家安全、损害社会公共利益”的译文建议改为:“shall not endanger China's national security or harm the public interest”。

    第九条 分析:“适用”常译为“apply to”,其中,“apply”是不及物动词,“to”是介词,“apply to…”的主语是法律、协议、政策等,适用的对象做宾语,这一点从本法的第二条的英语译文也可以看出<第二条:在中华人民共和国境内(以下简称中国境内)的外商投资,适用本法。第二条英语译文:This Law applies to foreign investment in the territory of the People's Republic of China(hereinafter referred to as “within the territory of China”)>,所以,第九条的英文翻译建议修改为:The State policies concerning the support of enterprise development apply to foreign-invested enterprises equally in accordance with the law.

    第二十条 第三句 分析:此句汉语中,“公平”“合理”修饰“补偿”,“及时”修饰“给予”。而英语译文中,“timely” 和“reasonable”并列修饰“compensation”,“公平”之意没有译出。此句建议译为:The expropriation and requisition shall be conducted in accordance with legal procedures and fair and reasonable compensation shall be made timely.

    第二十一条 分析:本条文的汉语意思是各种所得“可以以人民币或者外汇自由汇入、汇出”。而英语译文中只有汇出,没有汇入。也许译者认为,只可能汇出,但实际上,汇出后还有可能汇入。译者应忠实于原文。此条译文建议改为:Foreign investors' capital contribution,profits,capital gains,assets disposal income,intellectual property royalties,legally obtained damages or compensation,liquidation proceeds,etc.,may be remitted freely inward and outward in the form of RMB or foreign exchange according to the law.

    第二十二条 分析:“技术合作的条件由投资各方遵循公平原则平等协商确定”这句话中,“投资各方”是“确定”这个动作的执行者,即句子的主语,其前面应使用介词“by”,而不用“between”。投资各方一般翻译为all investors即可。另外,“阻止/禁止某人干某事”英语表达是“prohibit sb.from doing sth.”,而不是“prohibit do sth.”。所以此句译文建议改为:The conditions for technical cooperation are determined by all the investors through equal negotiation in accordance with the principle of fairness.Administrative agencies and their staff are prohibited from forcing technology transfer by administrative means.

    第二十三條 分析:此句中“商业秘密”有两个定语:“履行职责过程中知悉的”和“外国投资者、外商投资企业的”,其中,第二个定语跟先行词之间的修饰关系更加密切,应紧跟在先行词后面。另外,“向某人提供某物”英语表达是“provide sth.for sb.”。所以此句译文建议改为:The administrative organs and their staff shall keep confidential the business secrets of foreign investors and foreign-invested enterprises known to them during the performance of their duties,and shall not disclose or illegally provide them for others.

    第二十四条 分析:此句的第二个分句中,否定词not修饰后面三个“不得”干的事情,最后两个并列项之间应用连词“or”连接,而不用“and”。“set forth”意为“出发,动身,启程;阐明,陈述”。“设置”用动词“set”即可。所以此句的译文建议修改为:The people's governments at all levels and their relevant departments shall be in compliance with the provisions of laws and regulations in formulating normative documents concerning foreign investment;unless authorized by laws and administrative regulations,they shall not derogate from the legitimate rights and interests of foreign-invested enterprises or increase their obligations,set conditions for market access and exit,or interfere with normal production and operation of foreign-invested enterprises.

    第二十六条 第三句 分析:此句中,“前款规定”译成了“the provisions of the preceding paragraph”。从上下文可以看出,“前款”指的是第二十六条中本句前面的两句话的规定,即“国家建立外商投资企业投诉工作机制,及时处理外商投资企业或者其投资者反映的问题,协调完善相关政策措施。”和“外商投资企业或者其投资者认为行政机关及其工作人员的行政行为侵犯其合法权益的,可以通过外商投资企业投诉工作机制申请协调解决。”所以,此句的译文建议修改为:If a foreign-invested enterprise or its investors believe that the administrative actions of the administrative organ and its staff infringe upon their legitimate rights and interests,in addition to applying for a coordinated solution through the complaint and settlement mechanism for the foreign-invested enterprise in accordance with the preceding provisions in this article,they may also apply for administrative reconsideration and file an administrative lawsuit according to law.

    第二十七条 分析:“商会、协会”在第一句中译成了复数“chambers of commerce and associations”,第二句中却译成了单数“The chamber of commerce and association”,而后面的物主代词两处都用了“its”,出现了前后不一致的情况。因此,第二句建议改为:The chambers of commerce and associations shall carry out relevant activities in accordance with the laws,regulations and their articles of association to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of their members.

    第三十一条 分析:此条和第九条的问题相同,“适用”常翻译为“apply to”,其主语是法律、协议、政策等,适用的对象做宾语,所以,此句建议改进为:The provisions of The Company Law of the People's Republic of China and The Law of the Partnership Enterprise of the People's Republic of China shall apply to the forms of organization,organization structures and activity criteria of foreign-invested enterprises.

    第三十六条 第三句 分析:“外商投资准入负面清单规定”这个短语中 “外商投资准入”是修饰“负面清单”的,而不是“负面清单”修饰“外商投资准入”,译文对原文不够忠实。“前两款规定”指的是第三十六条第一句和第二句的规定。不能译成“ the preceding two paragraphs”。此句建议改为:Where the investment activities of a foreign investor violates the provisions of the negative list for the admission of foreign-investment,in addition to the measurement measures in the preceding two provisions in this article,it shall also bear corresponding legal liabilities under the law.

    第三十九条 分析:staff 是集体名词,意为“全体职工,全体员工”,指具体某个员工可用a staff member,而不用a staff。“构成犯罪”被译成了“if he commits a crime”,显然不妥,“犯罪”和“构成犯罪”含义是不一样的,“构成犯罪”英语为“constitute a crime”。所以,建议本句修改为:If a staff member of an administrative organ abuses his power,neglects his duties or engages in malpractices in the promotion,protection and management of foreign investment,or leaks or illegally provides others with trade secrets that he or she knows in the course of performing his duties,he shall be punished according to the law;if a crime is constituted,he shall be held criminally responsible.

    第四十一条 分析:此句中,“国家另有规定的”有二种情况:一是“外国投资者在中国境内投资银行业、证券业、保险业等金融行业”,二是“外国投资者”“在证券市场、外汇市场等金融市场进行投资的管理”。此译文的问题是“进行投资的管理”没有翻译出来。因此,此句建议修改为:If the State has other provisions for foreign investors investing in banking,securities,insurance and other financial industries or conducting investing management in the securities market,foreign exchange market and other financial markets within the territory of China,such provisions shall be applicable.



    [1]李克兴.法律翻译 译·注·评[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2018.







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