标题 | 以肾癌医学理论英文对话为警务语言规范的关于医患矛盾纠纷排解的社区警务英语口语教学 |
范文 | 对肾癌患者进行医学理论解释工作是医生出诊,对病人进行治疗的一部分工作,但是由于近期医患关系出现的明显问题,应该从安全的角度对这一问题进行认真的分析。患者对医务人员的不满有各种原因,但是从安全角度来说应该首先保障矛盾双方的安全。 在警务人员介入医疗过程全过程时,需要与多位专业医生协作,因为患者在对自己病情了解的基础上,也有选择治疗手段途径的权利,作为警务介入的警务人员首先要尊重患者的选择权,在这基础上对患者选择的治疗方法也要进行相应的介绍解释,以便患者可以在选择的基础上更多的了解治疗方法,医务人员的选择以及医务人员的治疗效果上有更多的了解。 当病人确诊肾癌时,对明细胞癌这个专业医学术语有疑问,社区警务人员要对病人的提问进行解释工作,尽量用专业明了的语言对患者进行讲解,让患者首先对自己的病情有一个大概的了解,用客观事实的描述,与患者建立起最起码的信任。在提到一些医学术语时,一下提供一些标准的对话如下: A:what is clear cell carcinomas ? B: usually a solid mass frequently something from the kidney is clear cell carcinomas and often? fixing a fibrous capsule.these tumours can develop very large size .the the color of tumour is? yellow? .the yellow colour is due to? glycogen content and? clear cell appearance on histological exam. 当患者需要做穿刺的时候,警务人员对患者进行解释工作时的理论对话,语言素材参考如下: A:what is the role of percutaneous biopsy? B:percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy is important part of the diagnosis of many solid organ tumours. information of cytology is essential to the beginning of treatment to biopsy of renal tumours .a check is made to ensure normal blood clotting. ultrasound guide the performance and connected to the lesion .usually? being placed in the lateral position .the lesion is? examined . the component is cystic or likely necrotic.? needle trajectory need to aviod possible necrotic center.local anaesthetic is in skin entry site and into the abdonimal wall.needle should be care not to inject any air bubbles as this can be caused the lesion to be obscured.under realtime ultrasound guidance and with suspended respiration ,the biopsy needle is inserted as to the tip of needle just penetrates the lesion.the device is fird.at the end of procedure the patient is rescanned. 當患者需要经动脉栓塞治疗时,警务人员做解释时,提供一些相关理论参考,如下: A:what is the embolization in renal cancer? B: embolization was prior to surgical nephroctomy.the accepted place for embolization in the modulation from advanced RCC . such palliation includes control of haematuria ,hypercalcaemia hypertension .congestive cardiac failure and pain .reported? on patients who did not undergo surgery due to disease ,being unfit for surgery? .all? patients had kidney embolized . 当患者需要做消融手术时,警务人员应该如何做医学解释,对话材料如下: A:how to use image guided ablation? B: IGA makes significant role in the management of early disease. to destroy living ,perfused tissue is.the targeted use.Cryotherapy has been a practical tool .high intensity focus microwave are disseminated rapidly.RFA is? by means of an exposed antenna .pads are connect to the patient s thighs and tip induces coagulative nercrosis . small cell death occurs .optimal heat transmission from? tip to parts of the lesion.the hoal entire target volume . 警务人员对肾癌肿瘤分期的解释和治疗方法的说明如下: A:how does? imaging modalities for staging and what is the surgical technique? B:the diagnosis of IVC invasion is important determinant when planning the surgical approach . varicocele and engorgement of veins may indicate the vene cava by tumour thrombus .however ,for this reason ,the diagnosis of IVC extension is mainly based on radiology examination. the incisions are? to thel side or based on? extended down the abdomen as a paramedian incision .both of these incisions are exposure for performing radical nephrectom .the renal artery is divided. kidney connect to the renal vein .it is important not to carry out any unnecessary manipulation of the renal vein. IVC is carefully cut from the surrounding structures above and below the renal vein .it is important to cut the IVC .this can either be achieved with vascular clamp . the surface of IVC at the junction of renal vein is then cut the tumour thrombus. in most cases there is no connect to the kidney. 警务人员对于肾切除术向患者做的医学理论说明: A:how about laparoscopic radical nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma? B:? ?we use technique for? tumours . the initial cut begins to mobilize the kidney.the vena cava on the left are then identified and gonadal vessels are divided. following? vein will helps to identify the renal vein . the renal vein are divided sharply .further dissection proceeds from the upper pole . the adrenal gland is spared. the specimen is removed . 以上是警務人员对患者做解释工作的对话提供的语言参考。 有很大一部分患者对肾癌医学理论知之甚少。对患者进行理论医学解释的目的是让患者对自己的病情有透彻的了解。但有的时候患者对医学理论的解释并不能真正的了解。这时就需要警务人员以问答的方式对患者进行讲解。通过警务人员与患者的沟通,可以更进一步了解患者的需求,警务人员可以帮助患者搭建适合于患者个人情况的医务人员进行医治。 作者简介: 霍梦陶,(1983-12-21),男,汉族,天津人,本科,研究方向为社区警务英语教学,从事公安社区警务工作。 |
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