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标题 基于ExcelVBA技术的门诊药房特殊药品日发药统计程序设计

    闫冰洋 李维凤


    摘 要:本文利用Excel VBA技术设计门诊药房特殊药品日发药统计程序,对日发药明细表数据按日进行累加,得到每种药品的日发药明细数据,单次统计时间由原来的120 min以上降至2 min以内,提高了门诊药房药品统计效率。

    关键词:门诊药房;Excel VBA;药品统计


    The Statistical Program for Daily Delivery of Special Medicine in Outpatient Pharmacy Based On Excel VBA Technology

    YAN Bingyang LI Weifeng

    (School of Pharmacy, Medical College of Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an Shaanxi 710061)

    Abstract: This paper used Excel VBA technology to design a statistical program for daily delivery of special medicines in outpatient pharmacies, and accumulated daily delivery schedule data to obtain daily delivery breakdown data for each medicine. The single statistical time was reduced from more than 120 min to less than 2 min, which improved the efficiency of drug statistics in outpatient pharmacy.

    Keywords: outpatient pharmacy;Excel VBA;drug statistics


    本文将从门诊药房特殊药品日发药统计实际工作入手,分析目前工作的不足,利用Excel VBA语言设计特殊药品日发药统计程序,以提高特殊药品日发药统计效率。

    1 资料与方法

    1.1 特殊药品日发药统计程序的算法构建



    1.1.1 日发药明细表。选择起始日期及终止日期,从医院HIS系统查询导出日发药明细表,保存成“.xls”格式。导出的日发药明细表格式如表1所示。

    1.1.2 库存盘点表排序与排版。为保证库存盘点有序进行,根据货架位置进行排序,并进行排版。

    1.2 特殊药品日发药统计程序设计



    Sub 指定品种日发药明细 ()

    Dim wb As Workbook

    Dim sht_db As Worksheet

    Dim sht1 As Worksheet

    Dim sht_fymx As Worksheet

    Dim i, k

    Dim arr_rfyyssj, arr_yfy, arr_rq, arr_cxpz, arr_bt '日发药原始数据,发药数据,日期,查询品种,标题

    Dim dict_ydbh As Object, dict_yfy As Object, dict_rq As Object ? '药典编号单位,月发药数量

    Set dict_ydbh = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

    Set dict_yfy = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

    Set dict_rq = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

    Set sht_db = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("datebase")

    Set sht1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("sheet1")

    Set sht_fymx = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("日发药明细")

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Cells.Borders.LineStyle = xlNone

    arr_cxpz = sht_fymx.[A1].Resize([A1].End(xlDown).Row, 26)


    [C3].Resize(UBound(arr_cxpz, 1), 40) = ""

    For i = 3 To UBound(arr_cxpz, 1)

    dict_ydbh(arr_cxpz(i, 1)) = ""

    Next i

    Set wb = Workbooks.Open(sht_db.[Q7].Value)

    arr_rfyyssj = wb.Worksheets(1).Range("B1").Resize(Cells([A1].End(xlDown).Row, 2).End(xlUp).Row, 26)


    For i = 2 To UBound(arr_rfyyssj, 1)

    If dict_ydbh.exists(arr_rfyyssj(i, 26)) Then

    dict_rq(Format(arr_rfyyssj(i, 14), "m/d")) = arr_rfyyssj(i, 6) & "-" & arr_rfyyssj(i, 7) & "-" & arr_rfyyssj(i, 8)

    dict_yfy(arr_rfyyssj(i, 26)) = arr_rfyyssj(i, 6) & "-" & arr_rfyyssj(i, 7) & "-" & arr_rfyyssj(i, 8)

    dict_yfy(arr_rfyyssj(i, 26) & "/" & Format(arr_rfyyssj(i, 14), "m/d")) = dict_yfy(arr_rfyyssj(i, 26) & "/" & Format(arr_rfyyssj(i, 14), "m/d")) + arr_rfyyssj(i, 11)

    End If

    Next i

    arr_yfy = Application.Transpose(dict_ydbh.keys)

    arr_rq = Application.Transpose(dict_rq.keys)

    ReDim Preserve arr_yfy(1 To dict_ydbh.Count, 1 To dict_rq.Count + 2)

    For i = 1 To UBound(arr_yfy, 1)

    arr_yfy(i, 2) = dict_yfy(arr_yfy(i, 1))

    For k = 1 To dict_rq.Count

    arr_yfy(i, 2 + k) = dict_yfy(arr_yfy(i, 1) & "/" & arr_rq(k, 1))

    Next k

    Next i

    ReDim arr_bt(1 To 1, 1 To UBound(arr_rq, 1) + 2)

    For i = 1 To UBound(arr_rq, 1)

    arr_bt(1, i + 2) = arr_rq(i, 1)

    Next i

    arr_bt(1, 1) = "藥典编号"

    arr_bt(1, 2) = "药品信息"

    sht_fymx.[A2].Resize(1, UBound(arr_bt, 2)) = arr_bt

    sht_fymx.[A3].Resize(dict_ydbh.Count, dict_rq.Count + 2) = arr_yfy


    With [C2].Resize(UBound(arr_yfy, 1) + 1, UBound(arr_yfy, 2) - 2)

    .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

    .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter

    .ShrinkToFit = True

    End With

    With [A2].Resize(UBound(arr_yfy, 1) + 1, 1)

    .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

    .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter

    .ShrinkToFit = True

    End With


    With [A2].Resize(UBound(arr_yfy, 1) + 1, UBound(arr_yfy, 2)).Borders

    .LineStyle = xlContinuous

    .Weight = xlThin

    End With

    ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintTitleRows = "$1:$2"





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