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标题 国际贸易、碳泄漏与制造业CO排放

    傅京燕 张春军






    关于贸易开放对环境-增长关系的直接影响,国外文献中最有代表性的是竞次(Race to the Bottom)假说[1]。根据这一假说,开放的贸易会对一国的环境标准产生向下的压力。另一类重要文献是碳泄漏(Carbon Leakage)问题[2]。而贸易对CO2排放的间接影响渠道是贸易对经济增长的影响,即著名的环境库兹涅茨曲线(EKC)。国内相关研究主要集中于以下两个方面:第一,关于贸易对CO2排放的直接影响。主要倾向于研究贸易隐含碳问题,而且所得结论基本一致,即国际贸易中隐含的CO2量显著增加,且近年来出口商品中隐含的CO2量要大于进口商品中隐含的CO2量[2]。第二,验证EKC的存在性。有学者支持倒U型的结果[3],有学者则得出其他结论[4]。



    根据27个制造业细分行业1996-2010 年的碳排放量,我们可以得出碳排放量和工业总产值的比值,即碳排放强度,并计算制造业整体1996-2010年碳排放强度的平均值,以其作为参考指标,把高于平均值的行业划分为高碳制造业,反之则为低碳制造业。依据这一划分标准,高碳制造业主要有造纸及纸制品业、石油加工及炼焦业、化学原料及化学制品业、化学纤维制造业、非金属矿物制品业、黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业以及有色金属冶炼及压延加工业。其余的20个产业则为低碳制造业。







    《中国统计年鉴》中对制造业各行业进行了分类,从2004年的统计年鉴开始包括30个细分行业,之前的部门分类中由于不包括工艺品及其他制造业以及废弃资源和废旧材料回收加工业两个产业,因此为保持统计口径的连续性,本文去掉这两个产业。另外,本文将农副食品加工业和食品制造业合并为食品加工制造业,因此最后是27个制造业细分行业。各行业年工业总产值和年工业增加值数据来自《中国统计年鉴》。分行业职工人数(万人)1996-2002年的统计范围为职工数,2003-2010则为各行业平均从业人员,相关数据来源于《中国统计年鉴》和《中国城市(镇)生活及价格年鉴》。制造业分行业的进出口贸易数据来自联合国 UNCOMTRADE 统计数据库。煤炭消费比重(用coal来表示)用制造业各个行业煤炭消费量占该行业一次能源消费总量的比重来衡量。本文各行业煤炭消费比重所需数据均来自历年《中国能源统计年鉴》。研发强度(用 rd 表示)用制造业各行业的研发经费支出与 GDP 之比来衡量。研发经费支出数据来自于《中国科技统计年鉴》。物质资本(用pci来表示)用非工资占增加值的比重来衡量。物质资本可以反映行业的要素禀赋情况,其中非工资份额等于各行业增加值减去各行业职工的平均工资。



    本文利用1996-2010年的数据,研究了国际贸易对27个制造业分行业的碳排放量的直接和间接影响,使用stata 12.0 软件来进行实证检验。首先用BreuschPagan 检验,得到的p值为0.00,小于0.05,所以支持随机效应模型。然后对异方差进行检验,得到的P值为 0,因此存在异方差。最后对随机效应(单尾和双尾) 、一阶序列相关以及两者的联合显著性进行检验,检验结果表明存在随机效应和序列相关,因此我们使用FGLS回归方法对上述异方差和序列相关问题进行修正。


    表2是制造业人均排放的FGLS回归结果。对于制造业整体而言,如模型1所示人均GDP(y)二次项的系数显著为负,说明人均GDP和人均碳排放存在显著的倒 U 型关系,环境库茨涅茨曲线成立。贸易开放度(openness)和CO2排放量显著负相关,表明国际贸易对环境的影响是正面的。为了检验模型1的稳健性,我们在模型1的基础上加入了煤炭消费比重、物质资本和研发强度三个变量得到了模型2,回归结果依然支持模型1的结论。煤炭消费比重(coal)系数为负,这与一般的观点相反。对此的解释是本文用的变量是用煤炭占一次能源消费的比重来衡量的,虽然煤炭的总消费量逐年上升,但受制于经济增长和可替代能源的发展状况,煤炭消费占能源消费总量的比重呈现下降态势,与CO2排放趋势呈反方向变动。













    [1]Ederington J, Minier J. Is Environmental Policy a Secondary Trade Barrier? An Empirical Analysis[J].Canadian Journal of Economics 2002,36(1): 137-154.

    [2]Babiker M H. Climate Change Policy, Market Structure and Carbon Leakage[J].Journal of International Economics,2005,65(2):421-445.

    [3]陈迎,潘家华,谢来辉.中国外贸进出口商品中的内涵能源及其政策含义[J].经济研究,2008,(7):11-25. [Chen Ying, Pan Jiahua,Xie Laihui. Energy Embodied in Goods of International Trade in China: Calculation and Policy Implications[J]Economic Research, 2008,(7):11-25.]

    [4]付加锋,高庆先,师华定.基于生产与消费视角的 CO2环境库茨涅兹曲线的实证研究[J].气候变化研究进展,2008,4(6):376-381. [Fu Jiafeng,Gao Qingxian, Shi Huading. Empirical Study on the CO2 Environmental Kuznets Cueve Based on Productionand Consumptionbased CO2 Emissions[J].Advances in Climate Change Research, 2008,4(6):376-381.]

    [5]Richard K, Piergiuseppe F. International Trade and Carbon Emissions[J]. European Journal of Development Research,2012,(24):509-529.

    [6]Frankel J A,David Romer. Does Trade Cause Growth?[J]. American Economic Review, 1999,89(3): 279-399.

    AbstractForeign trade drives Chinas growth,but as the trade scale continues to expand, the carbon emissions also increase quickly. Based on the industry panel data from the year of 1996 to 2010, this paper calculates the carbon emissions of the 27 manufacturing industries. According to the intensity of carbon emissions, this paper divides the manufacturing sectors into lowcarbon and highcarbon manufacturing industry and then analyses the carbon emissions trends. Next the paper uses the FGLS regression to verify the existence of EKC of the manufacturing industrys carbon, and investigates the carbon leakage problem by adding the multiplicative term of trade with the value added to the regression. Our findings are as follows: the carbon emissions of the whole manufacturing industry and lowcarbon manufacturing industry accord with the EKC curve, but a linear relationship to the highcarbon industry; trade reduces the carbon emissions of the manufacturing industry and lowcarbon manufacturing industry, but it increased the carbon emissions of the highcarbon manufacturing industry; for the manufacturing industry and lowcarbon manufacturing industry, there is no carbon leakage, but the high manufacturing carbon industry exists. On the whole, Pollution Haven Hypothesis does not hold up in China, and China does not need to limit industry foreign trade to reduce the emission of CO2. But in the future the manufacturing industry will still be the main engine of the economic growth, therefore, China should make effective lowcarbon policy, introduce advanced technology, increase R & D investment to lowcarbon technologies and upgrade and transform the original equipment to change the backward mode of production. In view of the highcarbon intensity carbon in highcarbon manufacturing industry, China should strive to expand the industrial scale, improve the utilization ratio of energy, enlarge the fund of research and development and accelerate technological progress to achieve the emission reduction.

    Key wordsinternational trade; carbon emission; EKC; carbon leakage

    [4]付加锋,高庆先,师华定.基于生产与消费视角的 CO2环境库茨涅兹曲线的实证研究[J].气候变化研究进展,2008,4(6):376-381. [Fu Jiafeng,Gao Qingxian, Shi Huading. Empirical Study on the CO2 Environmental Kuznets Cueve Based on Productionand Consumptionbased CO2 Emissions[J].Advances in Climate Change Research, 2008,4(6):376-381.]

    [5]Richard K, Piergiuseppe F. International Trade and Carbon Emissions[J]. European Journal of Development Research,2012,(24):509-529.

    [6]Frankel J A,David Romer. Does Trade Cause Growth?[J]. American Economic Review, 1999,89(3): 279-399.

    AbstractForeign trade drives Chinas growth,but as the trade scale continues to expand, the carbon emissions also increase quickly. Based on the industry panel data from the year of 1996 to 2010, this paper calculates the carbon emissions of the 27 manufacturing industries. According to the intensity of carbon emissions, this paper divides the manufacturing sectors into lowcarbon and highcarbon manufacturing industry and then analyses the carbon emissions trends. Next the paper uses the FGLS regression to verify the existence of EKC of the manufacturing industrys carbon, and investigates the carbon leakage problem by adding the multiplicative term of trade with the value added to the regression. Our findings are as follows: the carbon emissions of the whole manufacturing industry and lowcarbon manufacturing industry accord with the EKC curve, but a linear relationship to the highcarbon industry; trade reduces the carbon emissions of the manufacturing industry and lowcarbon manufacturing industry, but it increased the carbon emissions of the highcarbon manufacturing industry; for the manufacturing industry and lowcarbon manufacturing industry, there is no carbon leakage, but the high manufacturing carbon industry exists. On the whole, Pollution Haven Hypothesis does not hold up in China, and China does not need to limit industry foreign trade to reduce the emission of CO2. But in the future the manufacturing industry will still be the main engine of the economic growth, therefore, China should make effective lowcarbon policy, introduce advanced technology, increase R & D investment to lowcarbon technologies and upgrade and transform the original equipment to change the backward mode of production. In view of the highcarbon intensity carbon in highcarbon manufacturing industry, China should strive to expand the industrial scale, improve the utilization ratio of energy, enlarge the fund of research and development and accelerate technological progress to achieve the emission reduction.

    Key wordsinternational trade; carbon emission; EKC; carbon leakage

    [4]付加锋,高庆先,师华定.基于生产与消费视角的 CO2环境库茨涅兹曲线的实证研究[J].气候变化研究进展,2008,4(6):376-381. [Fu Jiafeng,Gao Qingxian, Shi Huading. Empirical Study on the CO2 Environmental Kuznets Cueve Based on Productionand Consumptionbased CO2 Emissions[J].Advances in Climate Change Research, 2008,4(6):376-381.]

    [5]Richard K, Piergiuseppe F. International Trade and Carbon Emissions[J]. European Journal of Development Research,2012,(24):509-529.

    [6]Frankel J A,David Romer. Does Trade Cause Growth?[J]. American Economic Review, 1999,89(3): 279-399.

    AbstractForeign trade drives Chinas growth,but as the trade scale continues to expand, the carbon emissions also increase quickly. Based on the industry panel data from the year of 1996 to 2010, this paper calculates the carbon emissions of the 27 manufacturing industries. According to the intensity of carbon emissions, this paper divides the manufacturing sectors into lowcarbon and highcarbon manufacturing industry and then analyses the carbon emissions trends. Next the paper uses the FGLS regression to verify the existence of EKC of the manufacturing industrys carbon, and investigates the carbon leakage problem by adding the multiplicative term of trade with the value added to the regression. Our findings are as follows: the carbon emissions of the whole manufacturing industry and lowcarbon manufacturing industry accord with the EKC curve, but a linear relationship to the highcarbon industry; trade reduces the carbon emissions of the manufacturing industry and lowcarbon manufacturing industry, but it increased the carbon emissions of the highcarbon manufacturing industry; for the manufacturing industry and lowcarbon manufacturing industry, there is no carbon leakage, but the high manufacturing carbon industry exists. On the whole, Pollution Haven Hypothesis does not hold up in China, and China does not need to limit industry foreign trade to reduce the emission of CO2. But in the future the manufacturing industry will still be the main engine of the economic growth, therefore, China should make effective lowcarbon policy, introduce advanced technology, increase R & D investment to lowcarbon technologies and upgrade and transform the original equipment to change the backward mode of production. In view of the highcarbon intensity carbon in highcarbon manufacturing industry, China should strive to expand the industrial scale, improve the utilization ratio of energy, enlarge the fund of research and development and accelerate technological progress to achieve the emission reduction.

    Key wordsinternational trade; carbon emission; EKC; carbon leakage





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