标题 | 碳交易市场中的碳税策略研究 |
范文 | 摘要为实现节能减排和产业结构平稳调整,我国需要走经济可持续发展的“低碳之路”,这就需要选择并设计市场化减排政策工具。本文通过探讨碳交易市场中的碳税策略,提出复合碳交易体系更加符合我国国情。在此背景下,通过构建复合碳排放交易体系下的双寡头企业的合作和竞争三阶段博弈模型,对如何制定碳税税率促使社会福利最大化,不同碳减排研发策略下,企业如何确定碳计划减排量以及制定产品价格,以满足自身利益最大化等问题进行了分析;同时,对政府征收碳税税率的影响进行敏感性分析,比较企业采取合作和竞争两种不同碳减排研发策略时,碳税税率的变化对产品价格、碳计划减排量、企业利润、社会福利方面的影响。本文认为,在碳交易市场中征收碳税对于降低碳排放量,增加企业收益具有促进作用,这说明在科学合理的政府政策配置下,采用合理的市场机制,可以实现低碳经济的可持续发展;其实现过程,需要建立碳交易市场,依靠碳排放权交易制度,促使企业主动选择“提高计划碳减排量”的方式逐年降低碳排放量,同时,在加强社会监督和严格执行碳超量排放处罚机制的条件下,采用碳税方式提高计划碳减排量,而要达到最优减排量,政府还需积极引导和促使企业不断提高碳减排研发效率,并积极开展合作研发减排;而在推行过程中,应选择碳税税率征收空间较大的高产能行业,特别是产品成本和低碳度较低的行业作为试点,优先开征碳税;在垄断行业中,政府必须采取必要的规制政策,以确保市场机制的有效性和递延性,维护公共利益。同时,推广过程中必须重视对消费者低碳偏好的培养,这将有利于企业提高产品价格,应对碳减排带来的生产成本压力,减少碳税征收的阻力,为政府开征碳税赢得空间和时间,促进能源结构的优化和产业结构的平稳调整,实现低碳环保与经济发展的和谐统一。 关键词碳交易;碳税;碳减排量;低碳度;博弈模型 中图分类号F273文献标识码A文章编号1002-2104(2014)03-0032-09doi:10.3969/j.issn.1002-2104.2014.03.006 在国际气候政治背景下,倡导节能减排,走低碳发展之路是符合中国未来发展战略的重要决策。为此,我国政府提出“2020年中国碳强度将比2005年降低40%-45%”的减排目标。在此目标要求下,我国政府需要构建符合中国市场经济特点的碳减排政策,既能满足节能减排的目标要求,又能满足低碳经济下对能源结构的优化和产业结构的调整,实现节能减排与经济同步平稳发展的战略目标[1]。 当前碳减排的政策工具较多,依据作用范围和应用方式等不同分类标准,可以分为国际政策工具、国内政策工具、市场化工具以及非市场化工具[2]。本文将探讨国内层面的市场化工具对我国碳减排的影响。基于市场的经济手段主要包括两种,一种是以石化能源的含碳量为计税依据征收的碳税;另一种是以碳排放总量控制的排放权交易。从政府执行层面分析,碳税是达到碳减排目标所需投入成本最小的政策工具,但相比排放权交易政策来说,对能源密集型垄断企业负面影响较大,易导致强烈反对。同时,因经济主体差异,根据总体目标来确定税率也存在困难。因此,征收碳税往往会导致政府的碳减排目标较难实现。碳排放权交易工具与碳税价格制定方式不同,在碳排放总量固定的基础上,单位排放价格随供求发生变化而变化,这势必导致企业无法依据减排成本来合理安排技术创新和相关市场投资决策,其结果将影响市场上能源密集型产品的价格波动,进而影响我国能源结构优化和产业结构平稳调整目标的实现。因此,融合上述两种市场化策略工具的优点,将以价格为基础的碳税和以数量为基础的碳排放权交易结合起来的复合碳减排政策更符合中国的国情。在此背景下,定量分析上述复合排放权交易体系对企业的市场决策影响,并在此基础上进行政府碳减排政策设计,是当前我国低碳经济研究亟待解决的问题之一。 本文主要包括以下几个部分:首先,在清晰描述已有问题的基础上,构建复合碳排放交易体系下的双寡头企业的合作和竞争三阶段博弈模型;其次,在考虑碳税税率和碳排放总量控制的情况下,分析政府如何制定碳税税率促使社会福利最大化,分析不同碳减排研发策略下,企业如何确定碳计划减排量以及制定产品价格,以满足自身利益最大化;第三,对政府征收碳税税率的影响进行敏感性分析,比较企业采取合作和竞争两种不同碳减排研发策略时,碳税税率的变化对产品价格、碳计划减排量、企业利润、社会福利方面的影响。最后,本文给出对上述问题研究的结论及讨论。 孙亚男:碳交易市场中的碳税策略研究中国人口·资源与环境2014年第3期1问题描述及模型建立 征收碳税和许可碳排放权交易是当前各国常用的碳减排政策工具。世界上许多国家,如瑞典、荷兰、意大利等多个国家已开始征收碳税[3]。在推动排放权交易方面,欧盟走在世界前列。欧盟的EUETS交易系统,有一全套成熟的交易规则,制定了在欧盟地区适用的欧盟气体排放交易方案;中国正逐步建立全国性的碳排放权交易市场。目前正加快推进在北京、上海、天津、重庆、湖北、广东及深圳等七个省市的碳排放权交易试点工作,鼓励条件具备的地区先行先试碳排放权交易[4]。征收碳税和许可碳排放权交易其实质上是借助市场的力量,以价格和数量为基础将碳排放的外部成本内部化,通过改变企业赢利函数而影响企业决策的行为[5]。因此,当政府建立碳排放权交易市场和征收碳税控制碳排放时,政府与企业间的博弈策略成为碳减排政策设计的关键。 基于我国现实政策设计的需求和对现实问题的认识,本文研究碳排放权交易市场中,政府如何制定碳税税率使得社会福利最大化,企业如何确定碳计划减排量和产品价格,以最大化自身收益;同时比较企业在碳交易排放权和碳税税率约束条件下,进行减排研发合作或竞争时社会福利、企业利润、产品价格、碳计划减排量等方面的变化。为多视角全面地探析上述问题,本文也将引入消费者低碳偏好和产品低碳度等因素,定量的分析政府与企业间的博弈策略[6]。 1.1问题描述 考虑当前碳交易市场的现状和碳税征收面临的主要困境,本文假设由生产同质产品的双寡头企业组成行业市场。市场是由容量为N的消费者构成。企业产品在生产过程中,由于二氧化碳等温室气体的排放,会产生环境污染。政府为控制企业碳排放量,通过建立碳排放权交易市场和征收碳税的方式作为制约机制。在碳排放权交易市场中,政府按照行业水平免费分配给企业一定的碳排放权,只有当企业拥有足够的碳排放权时,企业才可以生产。碳排放权不足时需要购买,剩余时企业可以自主进行销售获利。同时,政府对产品碳排放征收碳税。 企业在碳排放权和征收碳税的制约下,需要通过投入一定的减排研发来减少碳排放量,降低外部成本上升对企业产品成本的压力。通过降低产品碳排放量,获取在碳排放权交易市场和产品销售市场上的产品价格优势。产品的碳排放量大小用低碳度指标进行衡量,低碳度是用来描述产品从生产、销售直至最终消亡过程中温室气体排放水平的相对程度[7]。用θ表示消费者希望购买到的产品低碳度,θ∈[θ1,θ2],其中θ1表示产品的最低低碳度,θ2表示产品的最大低碳度,并假设θ服从均匀分布。 市场上的消费者因其环保意识的差异,对低碳产品的购买倾向存在不同。价格偏好型消费者只关心产品价格,希望购买低价格的产品,对产品的环保程度并不关心;而环保偏好型消费者更加注重产品的环保程度,倾向于购买低碳环保产品,并乐于支付较高的产品价格。因此,消费者低碳偏好的不同对于政府政策制定和企业生产决策将产生重要影响。消费者对产品低碳度每增加一个单位愿意支付的费用记为k。 依据上述描述,本文将建立生产同质产品的双寡头企业与政府之间的三阶段博弈模型。在碳排放权交易市场中,采用逆向求解,分别讨论政府分配碳配额条件下,企业产品的定价策略;在减排研发合作或者竞争情况下,企业计划减排量的选择策略;以及政府碳税税率的设计和制定策略。 1.2模型假设 企业产品定价与生产成本、消费者低碳偏好、碳交易价格、碳税以及单位产品碳配额等相关。这其中,企业产品定价与单位产品碳配额负相关,与政府征收的碳税税率正相关;在企业初始单位产品碳排放量小于政府单位产品碳配额时,企业产品定价与碳交易价格负相关,而在企业初始单位产品碳排放量大于政府单位产品碳配额时,与碳交易价格正相关。 从以上结果中可以看出,政府促进低碳经济的快速发展,需要兼顾环保和经济的内生一致性特点,政府在决策过程中,可以考虑以下策略: (1)随着免费分配的单位产品碳配额的增加,企业产品的价格优势越明显,企业扩大规模的积极性越高,对经济的带动和促进作用越好。 (2)设计和制定政府免费分配的单位产品的碳配额时,需要以企业初始单位产品碳排放量作为设计基础,在高耗能和高污染的行业内,建议政府免费分配的单位产品的碳配额要小于企业初始单位产品碳排放量,此时碳交易价格与行业内企业产品定价正相关,利用市场机制,通过碳交易价格有效控制碳排放量,避免行政干预带来的负面影响;而在低耗能和无污染行业,则采用相反的策略设计,适当的碳交易价格则对企业竞争力的提升有一定的促进作用。 (3)随着碳税税率的增加,企业产品定价不断提高,企业产品的价格优势下降,将对经济有一定的负面作用。为此,政府在制定碳税税率时,不宜过大,尽可能设计在一个消费者可以承受的物价上涨压力范围之内。 (4)培养消费者对低碳产品的偏好,将促进企业利润的增加。在市场容量不变的情况下,随着消费者对产品低碳度每增加一个单位愿意支付费用的增加,企业产品定价可以不断提高,企业利润也将随之增加,对促进行业发展具有推动作用。 2.2第二阶段:企业计划碳减排量选择策略 在政府不断增加碳排放成本和控制碳排放数量的情况下,企业谋求自身利润最大化的一个重要举措则是通过减排研发的投入,不断降低企业产品生产成本,增强企业的市场竞争力。在该阶段,生产同质产品的双寡头企业在面对减排研发时,可以选择合作研发或者排他独立研发,即采取合作策略或者竞争策略。选择竞争策略时,双寡头企业的计划减排量与市场碳交易价格和碳税成正比,与企业减排研发成本系数成反比,但与企业技术溢出率无关。因此,促进企业减排研发能力的提升,提高碳交易价格以及碳税税率,都是企业在选择竞争策略时,有效提高企业计划碳减排量的方式。 企业间选择不同的研发策略时,影响企业计划碳减排量的因素略有不同,为控制和逐步提高企业计划碳减排量,政府在决策过程中,可以考虑以下策略: (1)通过不断提高碳交易价格,促进企业逐步提高计划碳减排量,降低碳排放量。在碳交易市场中,随着碳交易价格的提高,企业提高计划碳减排量的主观意愿也将逐渐增强。因为碳交易价格的提高,企业通过提高企业计划碳减排量,可以在碳交易市场中获得更高的收益,这将直接增加企业利润。作为企业而言,提高碳交易价格,是一个从价、量两个方面,通过企业利润的变动促进企业提高计划减排量的途径,属于市场机制范畴。 (2)通过不断提高碳税税率,促进企业逐步提高计划碳减排量。随着碳税的增加,企业生产成本将增加,这使得企业不得不降低碳排放量,进而可能逐步提高企业计划碳减排量。在这个过程中,企业受到政府指导下的市场化调控手段的影响,被动的选择提高企业计划碳减排量的方式降低碳排放量,需要指出的是,在社会监督和处罚制度相对完善的情况下,企业将优先选择通过提高计划碳减排量的方式降低碳排放量。因此,通过提高碳税税率的方式,提高企业计划碳减排量,需要相应比较完备的制度保障作为基础。 (3)通过促进企业合作减排研发,逐步提高企业计划碳减排量。通过比较式(13)和式(15)可以容易得出,在不变的交易价格和碳税税率条件下,企业选择合作策略时的计划碳减排量高于选择竞争策略时的计划碳减排量。在这个过程中,需要政府出台促进企业合作减排研发所必需的政策支持和制度保障。通过持续提高企业合作碳减排研发能力,促进企业提高计划碳减排量。 (4)通过降低企业研发成本系数,提高企业减排研发效率,将有助于提高企业计划碳减排量。企业减排研发效率的提升,必然带来企业计划碳减排量的提高,需要说明的是,当企业拥有较高的社会责任时,这种碳减排研发投入和效率的提升将成为必然。否则,仍需要更加综合的减排策略,促使企业提高减排研发效率,降低研发成本。 依据我国当前的经济和社会环境,需要采取综合的政策策略,实现企业优先选择通过提高计划碳减排量的方式,降低碳排放量,并选择通过合作减排研发的同时,持续提高减排研发效率,最大程度的降低碳排放量。为此,通过建立碳交易市场,政府可依靠碳交易制度促使企业主动选择提高计划碳减排量;同时政府采用碳税税收方式,通过财政手段和政策导向,促进企业进行合作减排研发以及自主提高研发效率,实现最大程度的碳减排目标。 2.3第一阶段:政府碳税税率选择策略 碳税税率的制定与消费者低碳偏好,产品低碳度,成反比;与产品成本,碳交易价格,以及企业初始单位碳排放量成正比。在鼓励企业减排研发合作策略背景下,碳税税率与企业技术溢出率成反比;而企业选择竞争策略时,碳税税率与企业技术溢出率成正比。而与企业减排研发率的关系,需要依据具体参数而决定。同时,从式子(17)和(18)中可以得出:t* (1)制定相应政策鼓励企业合作研发减排,这样一方面可以高效的降低企业碳排放量,另一方面也因此通过较低的碳税税率,降低企业税负,提升企业在市场中的竞争力,兼顾经济发展与环境保护的和谐发展,通过合作创新研发,促进产业结构的调整,实现向低碳经济的转型。 (2)企业技术溢出率随企业减排研发策略的不同,与碳税税率的相关性发生变化,合作策略时成反比,竞争策略时成正比。这说明,当企业合作减排研发时,企业间合作效果越好,政府可以征收的碳税空间越大,越有利于政府开征碳税;当企业独立排他的进行减排研发时,企业技术水平越高,政府可以征收的碳税空间越大,越有利于政府开征碳税。因此,不论采用何种策略进行减排研发,随着企业技术能力的不断提高,政府开征碳税的时机和空间则越成熟。 (3)鼓励消费者购买低碳产品,同时通过提高企业减排研发能力,不断提高产品低碳度,将有利于政府以较低的税率开征碳税,减少政府开征碳税时,来自企业、消费者等方面的阻力,顺利实施碳税政策。 (4)鼓励企业提高生产力,降低产品成本,同时通过政策引导和财政支持,促进企业降低产品单位碳排放量,同时保持较低的碳交易价格,将有利于政府以较低的税率开征碳税。因此,在碳交易市场中,可以选择有较高生产能力的行业,特别是产品成本相对较低,同时产品单位碳排放量较小,即在生产能力高、碳排放标准高的行业内优先开征碳税,将有利于政府逐步推行碳税制度。 3应用影响分析 在策略分析和选择的基础上,碳税税率的变化将对企业产品定价、企业计划碳减排量以及企业利润等方面产生明显影响,分析和判断这种变化所带来的影响对于政府制定、推出和完善碳税制度具有重要的价值,因此,在无法具体获取市场和企业实际数据的前提下,本文将采用MATLAB软件对模型进行数值分析,探讨政府碳税税率的变化对市场和企业的影响,为政府决策提供参考依据。 基于对已有碳交易市场、其他国际碳税税率等情况的调研,同时保证模型存在最优值的条件下,对模型中非决策参数设定一个有效的参数值 3.1对企业产品价格的影响 随着碳税税率的增加,企业产品的价格和需求量都略有增加,但增加的幅度并不显著,如图1所示(X轴表示税率t,以下各图相同。),同时,不同策略下碳税对产品价格的影响差异也不太明显。对不同企业产品价格的差异主要源自企业生产成本和产品低碳度的差异,特别是企业产品之间低碳度的差异对产品价格的影响较显著。因此,政府征收碳税对已有企业产品价格的影响较小,而企业要保持自身产品的价格优势,在不断降低产品成本的同时,还需要不断扩大自身产品与其他企业产品之间的低碳度优势,而这也需要通过低碳研发、应用低碳材料等降低碳排放的技术、市场等手段实现上述目的。 3.3对企业利润的影响 随着碳税税率的增加,企业的利润有明显增加。在不同的减排研发策略下,企业利润也随之改变,如图3所示,两种策略比较可以看出,在合作策略下企业利润的增加比例比竞争策略下的企业利润高约9.42%。在碳交易市场中,随着碳税税率的增加,企业利润不减反增,主要原因在于碳税税率的增加,使得企业碳减排量持续增加,剩余的碳排放权通过碳交易市场为企业带来了“碳利润”。因此,政府首先建立碳交易市场,通过保持适当的碳交易价格,控制碳排放量的同时,通过征收碳税,对于企业利润具有促进作用。这也进一步证明,在科学合理的政府政策配置下,通过市场机制可以实现低碳环保与经济发展的和谐统一发展。 3.4对社会福利的影响 随着碳税税率的增加,社会福利出现了较大程度的下降。这是政府制定和推出碳税的最大阻碍,也是政府决策过程中必须考虑的问题。从模型假设和数值计算的结果中可以看到,在垄断市场中,垄断使消费者剩余向生产者剩余转移。处于垄断地位的企业为谋求自身利润最大化,必然通过垄断造成较低产量和较高价格,使消费者剩余减少,并造成社会性损失。佩兹曼认为,产业部门比消费者更有积极性去影响政府决策[9],为此,在碳税的制定和实施过程中,为更多的维护公共利益,政府必须对垄断企业图4碳税对社会福利的影响。同时,如表4所示,在当前的模型假设下,即在垄断市场中,初期通过牺牲碳排放量的策略,将碳税制定在较低的税率范围内,鼓励企业之间进行碳减排研发竞争,将更有利于政府征收碳税。 4结论与讨论 本文通过对碳交易市场中的碳税、计划碳减排量、消费者低碳偏好、产品低碳度以及不同的减排研发策略等因素进行综合分析,构建了政府和企业之间的“碳税税率—碳减排量—价格决策”三阶段博弈模型。通过逆向求解模型,对碳税、碳计划减排量和产品价格三个决策变量进行策略分析,得出以下主要结论: (1)在碳交易市场中,随着政府免费分配的单位产品碳配额的减少,碳税税率的增加,以及在市场容易不变的情况下,消费者低碳偏好的增加,产品价格将随之增加。 (2)在高污染和高耗能行业,政府免费分配的单位产品碳配额应小于企业初始单位产品碳排放量,此时碳交易价格将与产品定价正相关;而在绿色环保和低耗能行业,应采取相反的策略,因此,在碳交易市场中,利用碳交易价格调节机制,可有效促进国家实现对产业结构调整和能源结构优化的目标。 (3)在碳交易市场中,随着碳交易价格的增加,碳税税率的增加,以及企业碳减排研发成本的降低,企业碳计划减排量将增加。在此基础上当企业选择减排研发合作策略时,随着企业技术溢出率的增加,企业计划碳减排量将增加;而企业选择减排研发竞争策略时,企业计划碳减排量与企业技术溢出率无关。 (4)在碳交易价格和碳税税率不变的情况下,企业选择减排研发合作策略时的计划碳减排量高于选择竞争策略时的计划碳减排量。 (5)企业选择合作减排研发策略,提高企业减排技术研发能力,以及鼓励消费者购买低碳产品,将有助于政府以较低的税率开征碳税。 (6)在碳交易市场中,碳税税率的变化对企业计划碳减排量、企业利润以及社会福利影响显著,对企业产品价格影响较小。 基于上述研究结论,本文认为: (1)碳交易市场中,征收碳税对于降低碳排放量,增加企业收益具有促进作用。这也说明,在科学合理的政府政策配置下,通过合理的市场机制,可以实现低碳环保与经济发展的和谐统一。 (2)在碳交易市场的建立过程中,培养消费者的低碳偏好十分重要。一方面,培养消费者低碳偏好有利于企业提高产品价格以应对碳减排带来的生产成本压力,促进能源结构的优化和产业结构的平稳调整;另一方面,培养消费者低碳偏好为政府开征碳税赢得了空间和时间,很大程度上减少了碳税征收的阻力[10]。 (3)为实现我国政府提出的2020年的碳减排目标,首先需要建立碳交易市场,依靠碳排放权交易制度,促使企业主动选择“提高计划碳减排量”的方式逐年降低碳排放量,同时,在加强社会监督和严格执行碳超量排放处罚机制的情况下[11],采用碳税方式提高计划碳排放量,而要达到最优减排量,需要促使企业之间合作研发减排,并不断提高碳减排研发效率。 (4)在碳交易市场中,可以选择较高产能的行业,特别是产品成本和低碳度较低的行业,优先开征碳税。因为上述行业碳税税率征收空间较大,有利于政府逐步推行碳税制度。 (5)在垄断市场中,政府征收碳税将使得社会福利减少。其根源在于垄断使消费者剩余向生产者剩余转移,造成社会性损失。为此,为维护公共利益,政府必须对垄断行业采取必要的规制政策,确保市场机制的有效性和递延性[12]。 本文后续研究将围绕以下几个方面开展,首先,对模型中经验假设做进一步的验证,比如对低碳度服从均匀分布的假设进行验证;其次,考虑碳交易价格的动态变化对策略选择和决策的影响,扩展模型的实用性;最后,考虑在不完全信息下对模型的改进,进一步提高研究结论的普适性。虽然本文的研究具有一定的局限性,但其研究结论对于低碳环境下的政府和企业决策具有积极的借鉴作用和指导意义。 (编辑:于杰) 参考文献(References) [1]徐承红. 低碳经济与中国经济发展之路[J]. 管理世界,2010,(7):171-172.[ Xu Chenghong. 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Income Distribution Impacts of Carbon Tax on Chinese Urban Residents and the Design of Carbon Subsidy Scheme [J]. Economic Theory and Business Management, 2013, (7):81-91. ] [13]Andrew B. Market Failure ,Government Failure and Externalities in Climate Change Mitigation :the Case for a Carbon Tax[J]. Public Administration and Development, 2008, 28(5): 393-401. [14]孙亚男. 基于社会网络结构演化的产学研合作项目治理风险研究[D]. 山东:山东大学,2012:110-117.[ Sun Yanan. Research on IndustryUniversityInstitute Cooperation Project Governance Risk Based on the Social Network Structure Evolution [D]. Shandong: Shandong University, 2012:110-117. ] [15]于维生,张志远.中国碳税政策可行性与方式选择的博弈研究[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2013,23(6):8-16.[ Yu Weisheng, Zhang Zhiyuan. Feasibility and Mode Selection of Carbon Tax Policy in China Based on Game Theory [J]. China Population, Resources and Environment, 2013, 23(6):8-16. ] [16]高萍. 开征碳税的必要性、路径选择与要素设计[J].税务研究,2011,(1):50-54.[ Gao Ping. Necessity, Path and Elements on the Proposed Carbon Tax in China [J]. 2011, (1):50-54.] [17]Cao J, Ho M, Jorgenson D. The Local and Global Benefits of Green Tax Policies in China[J]. Review of Environmental Economic and Policy, 2009,3(2):189-208. [18]姚昕,刘希颖. 基于增长视角的中国最优碳税研究[J].经济研究,2010,(11):48-58. [ Yao Xin, Liu Xiying. Optimal Carbon Tax in China with the Perspective of Economic Growth [J]. Economic Research Journal, 2010, (11):48-58. ] [19]崔军. 关于我国开征碳税的思考[J]. 税务研究,2010,(1):41-45.[ Cui Jun. The Thinking about Carbon Tax in China [J]. Taxation Research, 2010, (1):41-45. ] AbstractTo achieve the goals of energy saving and emission reduction and industrial restructuring smoothly, China needs to go “Lowcarbon Road”, which is a sustainable economic development road in China. This requires selection and design of marketoriented reduction policies tool. With exploring on carbon tax policy in the carbon trading market, the article proposes that the composite carbon emissions trading system is more suited to Chinas national conditions. In this context, by building a threestage game model of duopoly enterprises of cooperation and competition within composite carbon emissions trading system, the article discusses on how to develop carbon taxes to contribute to social welfare maximization, and how to determine the planned carbon reducing emission and product prices within different carbon development strategies to satisfy their own selfinterest and so on; Then, the article conducts a sensitivity analysis for carbon tax rate changes, which is to analyze the impact of tax rate changes for product prices, planned carbon reducing emissions, corporate profits, and social welfare within cooperation and competition carbon research and development strategy. The article concludes that there are promotions for carbon tax to reduce carbon emission and improve the profit of enterprises in the carbon trading market, and these demonstrate to adopt reasonable market mechanism can achieve sustainable development of lowcarbon economy within a scientific and reasonable government policy configuration; during the process of implementation, we need to establish carbon trading market, which facilitates enterprises to choose “to improve the planned carbon reducing emissions” approach to reduce carbon emissions year after year. Then with the conditions of the powerful social supervision and the strict implementation of punishment mechanism of carbon excess emissions, we consider that the government should use carbon tax to improve the amount of planned carbon reducing emissions, and with the optimal carbon reducing emission, the government should conduct and promote the enterprises to constantly improve carbon emissions R&D efficiency,and to positily carry out cooperation and R&D for carbon reducing emissions; during the process of practice,we should select highyield industry with the larger collection space of carbon tax, in particular select the industry with lower products cost and lowcarbon degree as pilot, which is to impose carbon tax preferentially; in monopoly industry, the government must take the necessary regulatory policies to ensure the effectiveness and succession of market mechanisms, and to maintain the public interest. At the same time, the government should pay more attention to develop consumer appetite for lowcoarbon, which will help enterprises raise prices to cope with the product cost pressure caused by carbon reducing emissions, help the government reduce the resistance of the carbon tax, win space and time for the carbon tax, and promote the smooth adjustment of energy structure and optimization of industrial structure and the harmony within lowcarbon and environmental protection and economic development. Key wordscarbon trading; carbon tax; carbon emissions; lowcarbon degree; game model [7]李媛,赵道致,祝晓光.基于碳税的政府与企业行为博弈模型研究[J].资源科学,2013,35(1):125-131.[ Li Yuan, Zhao Daozhi, Zhu Xiaoguang. A Game Model of Government and Enterprise Behaviour Based on a Carbon Tax [J]. Resources Science, 2013, 35(1):125-131. ] [8]Cohen C M, Klepper S. The Anatomy of Industry R&D Intensity Distributions [J]. The American Economic Review, 1992, 82(4):121-133. [9]Sam Peltzmann. Toward a More General Theory of Regulation[J]. The Journal of Law and Economics, 1976, 19: 122-132. [10]Andrew B. Market Failure, Government Failure and Externalities in Climate Change Mitigation: The Case for a Carbon tax[J]. Public Administration and Development, 2008, 28(5): 393-401. [11]Metcalf G, Weisbach D. The Design of a Carbon Tax [J]. Harvard Environmental Law Revies, 2009, 33(2): 499-506. [12]樊勇,张宏伟. 碳税对我国城镇居民收入分配的累退效应与碳补贴方案设计[J]. 经济理论与经济管理,2013,(7):81-91.[ Fan Yong, Zhang Hongwei. Income Distribution Impacts of Carbon Tax on Chinese Urban Residents and the Design of Carbon Subsidy Scheme [J]. Economic Theory and Business Management, 2013, (7):81-91. ] [13]Andrew B. Market Failure ,Government Failure and Externalities in Climate Change Mitigation :the Case for a Carbon Tax[J]. Public Administration and Development, 2008, 28(5): 393-401. [14]孙亚男. 基于社会网络结构演化的产学研合作项目治理风险研究[D]. 山东:山东大学,2012:110-117.[ Sun Yanan. Research on IndustryUniversityInstitute Cooperation Project Governance Risk Based on the Social Network Structure Evolution [D]. Shandong: Shandong University, 2012:110-117. ] [15]于维生,张志远.中国碳税政策可行性与方式选择的博弈研究[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2013,23(6):8-16.[ Yu Weisheng, Zhang Zhiyuan. Feasibility and Mode Selection of Carbon Tax Policy in China Based on Game Theory [J]. China Population, Resources and Environment, 2013, 23(6):8-16. ] [16]高萍. 开征碳税的必要性、路径选择与要素设计[J].税务研究,2011,(1):50-54.[ Gao Ping. Necessity, Path and Elements on the Proposed Carbon Tax in China [J]. 2011, (1):50-54.] [17]Cao J, Ho M, Jorgenson D. The Local and Global Benefits of Green Tax Policies in China[J]. Review of Environmental Economic and Policy, 2009,3(2):189-208. [18]姚昕,刘希颖. 基于增长视角的中国最优碳税研究[J].经济研究,2010,(11):48-58. [ Yao Xin, Liu Xiying. Optimal Carbon Tax in China with the Perspective of Economic Growth [J]. Economic Research Journal, 2010, (11):48-58. ] [19]崔军. 关于我国开征碳税的思考[J]. 税务研究,2010,(1):41-45.[ Cui Jun. The Thinking about Carbon Tax in China [J]. Taxation Research, 2010, (1):41-45. ] AbstractTo achieve the goals of energy saving and emission reduction and industrial restructuring smoothly, China needs to go “Lowcarbon Road”, which is a sustainable economic development road in China. This requires selection and design of marketoriented reduction policies tool. With exploring on carbon tax policy in the carbon trading market, the article proposes that the composite carbon emissions trading system is more suited to Chinas national conditions. In this context, by building a threestage game model of duopoly enterprises of cooperation and competition within composite carbon emissions trading system, the article discusses on how to develop carbon taxes to contribute to social welfare maximization, and how to determine the planned carbon reducing emission and product prices within different carbon development strategies to satisfy their own selfinterest and so on; Then, the article conducts a sensitivity analysis for carbon tax rate changes, which is to analyze the impact of tax rate changes for product prices, planned carbon reducing emissions, corporate profits, and social welfare within cooperation and competition carbon research and development strategy. The article concludes that there are promotions for carbon tax to reduce carbon emission and improve the profit of enterprises in the carbon trading market, and these demonstrate to adopt reasonable market mechanism can achieve sustainable development of lowcarbon economy within a scientific and reasonable government policy configuration; during the process of implementation, we need to establish carbon trading market, which facilitates enterprises to choose “to improve the planned carbon reducing emissions” approach to reduce carbon emissions year after year. Then with the conditions of the powerful social supervision and the strict implementation of punishment mechanism of carbon excess emissions, we consider that the government should use carbon tax to improve the amount of planned carbon reducing emissions, and with the optimal carbon reducing emission, the government should conduct and promote the enterprises to constantly improve carbon emissions R&D efficiency,and to positily carry out cooperation and R&D for carbon reducing emissions; during the process of practice,we should select highyield industry with the larger collection space of carbon tax, in particular select the industry with lower products cost and lowcarbon degree as pilot, which is to impose carbon tax preferentially; in monopoly industry, the government must take the necessary regulatory policies to ensure the effectiveness and succession of market mechanisms, and to maintain the public interest. At the same time, the government should pay more attention to develop consumer appetite for lowcoarbon, which will help enterprises raise prices to cope with the product cost pressure caused by carbon reducing emissions, help the government reduce the resistance of the carbon tax, win space and time for the carbon tax, and promote the smooth adjustment of energy structure and optimization of industrial structure and the harmony within lowcarbon and environmental protection and economic development. Key wordscarbon trading; carbon tax; carbon emissions; lowcarbon degree; game model [7]李媛,赵道致,祝晓光.基于碳税的政府与企业行为博弈模型研究[J].资源科学,2013,35(1):125-131.[ Li Yuan, Zhao Daozhi, Zhu Xiaoguang. A Game Model of Government and Enterprise Behaviour Based on a Carbon Tax [J]. Resources Science, 2013, 35(1):125-131. ] [8]Cohen C M, Klepper S. The Anatomy of Industry R&D Intensity Distributions [J]. The American Economic Review, 1992, 82(4):121-133. [9]Sam Peltzmann. Toward a More General Theory of Regulation[J]. The Journal of Law and Economics, 1976, 19: 122-132. [10]Andrew B. Market Failure, Government Failure and Externalities in Climate Change Mitigation: The Case for a Carbon tax[J]. Public Administration and Development, 2008, 28(5): 393-401. [11]Metcalf G, Weisbach D. The Design of a Carbon Tax [J]. Harvard Environmental Law Revies, 2009, 33(2): 499-506. [12]樊勇,张宏伟. 碳税对我国城镇居民收入分配的累退效应与碳补贴方案设计[J]. 经济理论与经济管理,2013,(7):81-91.[ Fan Yong, Zhang Hongwei. Income Distribution Impacts of Carbon Tax on Chinese Urban Residents and the Design of Carbon Subsidy Scheme [J]. Economic Theory and Business Management, 2013, (7):81-91. ] [13]Andrew B. Market Failure ,Government Failure and Externalities in Climate Change Mitigation :the Case for a Carbon Tax[J]. Public Administration and Development, 2008, 28(5): 393-401. [14]孙亚男. 基于社会网络结构演化的产学研合作项目治理风险研究[D]. 山东:山东大学,2012:110-117.[ Sun Yanan. Research on IndustryUniversityInstitute Cooperation Project Governance Risk Based on the Social Network Structure Evolution [D]. Shandong: Shandong University, 2012:110-117. ] [15]于维生,张志远.中国碳税政策可行性与方式选择的博弈研究[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2013,23(6):8-16.[ Yu Weisheng, Zhang Zhiyuan. Feasibility and Mode Selection of Carbon Tax Policy in China Based on Game Theory [J]. China Population, Resources and Environment, 2013, 23(6):8-16. ] [16]高萍. 开征碳税的必要性、路径选择与要素设计[J].税务研究,2011,(1):50-54.[ Gao Ping. Necessity, Path and Elements on the Proposed Carbon Tax in China [J]. 2011, (1):50-54.] [17]Cao J, Ho M, Jorgenson D. The Local and Global Benefits of Green Tax Policies in China[J]. Review of Environmental Economic and Policy, 2009,3(2):189-208. [18]姚昕,刘希颖. 基于增长视角的中国最优碳税研究[J].经济研究,2010,(11):48-58. [ Yao Xin, Liu Xiying. Optimal Carbon Tax in China with the Perspective of Economic Growth [J]. Economic Research Journal, 2010, (11):48-58. ] [19]崔军. 关于我国开征碳税的思考[J]. 税务研究,2010,(1):41-45.[ Cui Jun. The Thinking about Carbon Tax in China [J]. Taxation Research, 2010, (1):41-45. ] AbstractTo achieve the goals of energy saving and emission reduction and industrial restructuring smoothly, China needs to go “Lowcarbon Road”, which is a sustainable economic development road in China. This requires selection and design of marketoriented reduction policies tool. With exploring on carbon tax policy in the carbon trading market, the article proposes that the composite carbon emissions trading system is more suited to Chinas national conditions. In this context, by building a threestage game model of duopoly enterprises of cooperation and competition within composite carbon emissions trading system, the article discusses on how to develop carbon taxes to contribute to social welfare maximization, and how to determine the planned carbon reducing emission and product prices within different carbon development strategies to satisfy their own selfinterest and so on; Then, the article conducts a sensitivity analysis for carbon tax rate changes, which is to analyze the impact of tax rate changes for product prices, planned carbon reducing emissions, corporate profits, and social welfare within cooperation and competition carbon research and development strategy. The article concludes that there are promotions for carbon tax to reduce carbon emission and improve the profit of enterprises in the carbon trading market, and these demonstrate to adopt reasonable market mechanism can achieve sustainable development of lowcarbon economy within a scientific and reasonable government policy configuration; during the process of implementation, we need to establish carbon trading market, which facilitates enterprises to choose “to improve the planned carbon reducing emissions” approach to reduce carbon emissions year after year. Then with the conditions of the powerful social supervision and the strict implementation of punishment mechanism of carbon excess emissions, we consider that the government should use carbon tax to improve the amount of planned carbon reducing emissions, and with the optimal carbon reducing emission, the government should conduct and promote the enterprises to constantly improve carbon emissions R&D efficiency,and to positily carry out cooperation and R&D for carbon reducing emissions; during the process of practice,we should select highyield industry with the larger collection space of carbon tax, in particular select the industry with lower products cost and lowcarbon degree as pilot, which is to impose carbon tax preferentially; in monopoly industry, the government must take the necessary regulatory policies to ensure the effectiveness and succession of market mechanisms, and to maintain the public interest. At the same time, the government should pay more attention to develop consumer appetite for lowcoarbon, which will help enterprises raise prices to cope with the product cost pressure caused by carbon reducing emissions, help the government reduce the resistance of the carbon tax, win space and time for the carbon tax, and promote the smooth adjustment of energy structure and optimization of industrial structure and the harmony within lowcarbon and environmental protection and economic development. Key wordscarbon trading; carbon tax; carbon emissions; lowcarbon degree; game model |
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