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标题 碳交易市场中的碳税策略研究































































    [1]徐承红. 低碳经济与中国经济发展之路[J]. 管理世界,2010,(7):171-172.[ Xu Chenghong. Lowcarbon Economy And the Path of Economic Development in China [J]. Management World, 2010, (7):171-172.]

    [2]刘小川,汪曾涛. 二氧化碳减排政策比较以及我国的优化选择[J].上海财经大学学报,2009,11(4):73-80.[ Liu Xiaochuan, Wang Zengtao. The Comparison of Policies of Carbon Emission Reduction and Chinese Optimized Choice [J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, 2009, 11(4):73-80 ]

    [3]European Environmental Agency(EEA). Environmental Taxes Implementation and Environmental Effectiveness [M]. Copenhagen: EEA ,1996.

    [4]张娜. 深圳拟建碳交易市场[N/OL]. 深圳:人民网,2012-09-19[2013-07-09]. http://sz.[Zhang Na. Shenzhen Will Build Carbon Trade Market [N/OL]. Shenzhen: People, 2012-09-19[2013-07-09]. ]

    [5]Pigou A C. The Economics of Welfare [M]. London: Macmillian, 1952.

    [6]Yang H J, Zhang J. The Strategy of Advancing the Cooperation Satisfaction Among Enterprises Based on Low Carbon Supply Chain [J]. Energy Procedia, 2011, (5): 1125-1229.

    [7]李媛,赵道致,祝晓光.基于碳税的政府与企业行为博弈模型研究[J].资源科学,2013,35(1):125-131.[ Li Yuan, Zhao Daozhi, Zhu Xiaoguang. A Game Model of Government and Enterprise Behaviour Based on a Carbon Tax [J]. Resources Science, 2013, 35(1):125-131. ]

    [8]Cohen C M, Klepper S. The Anatomy of Industry R&D Intensity Distributions [J]. The American Economic Review, 1992, 82(4):121-133.

    [9]Sam Peltzmann. Toward a More General Theory of Regulation[J]. The Journal of Law and Economics, 1976, 19: 122-132.

    [10]Andrew B. Market Failure, Government Failure and Externalities in Climate Change Mitigation: The Case for a Carbon tax[J]. Public Administration and Development, 2008, 28(5): 393-401.

    [11]Metcalf G, Weisbach D. The Design of a Carbon Tax [J]. Harvard Environmental Law Revies, 2009, 33(2): 499-506.

    [12]樊勇,张宏伟. 碳税对我国城镇居民收入分配的累退效应与碳补贴方案设计[J]. 经济理论与经济管理,2013,(7):81-91.[ Fan Yong, Zhang Hongwei. Income Distribution Impacts of Carbon Tax on Chinese Urban Residents and the Design of Carbon Subsidy Scheme [J]. Economic Theory and Business Management, 2013, (7):81-91. ]

    [13]Andrew B. Market Failure ,Government Failure and Externalities in Climate Change Mitigation :the Case for a Carbon Tax[J]. Public Administration and Development, 2008, 28(5): 393-401.

    [14]孙亚男. 基于社会网络结构演化的产学研合作项目治理风险研究[D]. 山东:山东大学,2012:110-117.[ Sun Yanan. Research on IndustryUniversityInstitute Cooperation Project Governance Risk Based on the Social Network Structure Evolution [D]. Shandong: Shandong University, 2012:110-117. ]

    [15]于维生,张志远.中国碳税政策可行性与方式选择的博弈研究[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2013,23(6):8-16.[ Yu Weisheng, Zhang Zhiyuan. Feasibility and Mode Selection of Carbon Tax Policy in China Based on Game Theory [J]. China Population, Resources and Environment, 2013, 23(6):8-16. ]

    [16]高萍. 开征碳税的必要性、路径选择与要素设计[J].税务研究,2011,(1):50-54.[ Gao Ping. Necessity, Path and Elements on the Proposed Carbon Tax in China [J]. 2011, (1):50-54.]

    [17]Cao J, Ho M, Jorgenson D. The Local and Global Benefits of Green Tax Policies in China[J]. Review of Environmental Economic and Policy, 2009,3(2):189-208.

    [18]姚昕,刘希颖. 基于增长视角的中国最优碳税研究[J].经济研究,2010,(11):48-58. [ Yao Xin, Liu Xiying. Optimal Carbon Tax in China with the Perspective of Economic Growth [J]. Economic Research Journal, 2010, (11):48-58. ]

    [19]崔军. 关于我国开征碳税的思考[J]. 税务研究,2010,(1):41-45.[ Cui Jun. The Thinking about Carbon Tax in China [J]. Taxation Research, 2010, (1):41-45. ]

    AbstractTo achieve the goals of energy saving and emission reduction and industrial restructuring smoothly, China needs to go “Lowcarbon Road”, which is a sustainable economic development road in China. This requires selection and design of marketoriented reduction policies tool. With exploring on carbon tax policy in the carbon trading market, the article proposes that the composite carbon emissions trading system is more suited to Chinas national conditions. In this context, by building a threestage game model of duopoly enterprises of cooperation and competition within composite carbon emissions trading system, the article discusses on how to develop carbon taxes to contribute to social welfare maximization, and how to determine the planned carbon reducing emission and product prices within different carbon development strategies to satisfy their own selfinterest and so on; Then, the article conducts a sensitivity analysis for carbon tax rate changes, which is to analyze the impact of tax rate changes for product prices, planned carbon reducing emissions, corporate profits, and social welfare within cooperation and competition carbon research and development strategy. The article concludes that there are promotions for carbon tax to reduce carbon emission and improve the profit of enterprises in the carbon trading market, and these demonstrate to adopt reasonable market mechanism can achieve sustainable development of lowcarbon economy within a scientific and reasonable government policy configuration; during the process of implementation, we need to establish carbon trading market, which facilitates enterprises to choose “to improve the planned carbon reducing emissions” approach to reduce carbon emissions year after year. Then with the conditions of the powerful social supervision and the strict implementation of punishment mechanism of carbon excess emissions, we consider that the government should use carbon tax to improve the amount of planned carbon reducing emissions, and with the optimal carbon reducing emission, the government should conduct and promote the enterprises to constantly improve carbon emissions R&D efficiency,and to positily carry out cooperation and R&D for carbon reducing emissions; during the process of practice,we should select highyield industry with the larger collection space of carbon tax, in particular select the industry with lower products cost and lowcarbon degree as pilot, which is to impose carbon tax preferentially; in monopoly industry, the government must take the necessary regulatory policies to ensure the effectiveness and succession of market mechanisms, and to maintain the public interest. At the same time, the government should pay more attention to develop consumer appetite for lowcoarbon, which will help enterprises raise prices to cope with the product cost pressure caused by carbon reducing emissions, help the government reduce the resistance of the carbon tax, win space and time for the carbon tax, and promote the smooth adjustment of energy structure and optimization of industrial structure and the harmony within lowcarbon and environmental protection and economic development.

    Key wordscarbon trading; carbon tax; carbon emissions; lowcarbon degree; game model

    [7]李媛,赵道致,祝晓光.基于碳税的政府与企业行为博弈模型研究[J].资源科学,2013,35(1):125-131.[ Li Yuan, Zhao Daozhi, Zhu Xiaoguang. A Game Model of Government and Enterprise Behaviour Based on a Carbon Tax [J]. Resources Science, 2013, 35(1):125-131. ]

    [8]Cohen C M, Klepper S. The Anatomy of Industry R&D Intensity Distributions [J]. The American Economic Review, 1992, 82(4):121-133.

    [9]Sam Peltzmann. Toward a More General Theory of Regulation[J]. The Journal of Law and Economics, 1976, 19: 122-132.

    [10]Andrew B. Market Failure, Government Failure and Externalities in Climate Change Mitigation: The Case for a Carbon tax[J]. Public Administration and Development, 2008, 28(5): 393-401.

    [11]Metcalf G, Weisbach D. The Design of a Carbon Tax [J]. Harvard Environmental Law Revies, 2009, 33(2): 499-506.

    [12]樊勇,张宏伟. 碳税对我国城镇居民收入分配的累退效应与碳补贴方案设计[J]. 经济理论与经济管理,2013,(7):81-91.[ Fan Yong, Zhang Hongwei. Income Distribution Impacts of Carbon Tax on Chinese Urban Residents and the Design of Carbon Subsidy Scheme [J]. Economic Theory and Business Management, 2013, (7):81-91. ]

    [13]Andrew B. Market Failure ,Government Failure and Externalities in Climate Change Mitigation :the Case for a Carbon Tax[J]. Public Administration and Development, 2008, 28(5): 393-401.

    [14]孙亚男. 基于社会网络结构演化的产学研合作项目治理风险研究[D]. 山东:山东大学,2012:110-117.[ Sun Yanan. Research on IndustryUniversityInstitute Cooperation Project Governance Risk Based on the Social Network Structure Evolution [D]. Shandong: Shandong University, 2012:110-117. ]

    [15]于维生,张志远.中国碳税政策可行性与方式选择的博弈研究[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2013,23(6):8-16.[ Yu Weisheng, Zhang Zhiyuan. Feasibility and Mode Selection of Carbon Tax Policy in China Based on Game Theory [J]. China Population, Resources and Environment, 2013, 23(6):8-16. ]

    [16]高萍. 开征碳税的必要性、路径选择与要素设计[J].税务研究,2011,(1):50-54.[ Gao Ping. Necessity, Path and Elements on the Proposed Carbon Tax in China [J]. 2011, (1):50-54.]

    [17]Cao J, Ho M, Jorgenson D. The Local and Global Benefits of Green Tax Policies in China[J]. Review of Environmental Economic and Policy, 2009,3(2):189-208.

    [18]姚昕,刘希颖. 基于增长视角的中国最优碳税研究[J].经济研究,2010,(11):48-58. [ Yao Xin, Liu Xiying. Optimal Carbon Tax in China with the Perspective of Economic Growth [J]. Economic Research Journal, 2010, (11):48-58. ]

    [19]崔军. 关于我国开征碳税的思考[J]. 税务研究,2010,(1):41-45.[ Cui Jun. The Thinking about Carbon Tax in China [J]. Taxation Research, 2010, (1):41-45. ]

    AbstractTo achieve the goals of energy saving and emission reduction and industrial restructuring smoothly, China needs to go “Lowcarbon Road”, which is a sustainable economic development road in China. This requires selection and design of marketoriented reduction policies tool. With exploring on carbon tax policy in the carbon trading market, the article proposes that the composite carbon emissions trading system is more suited to Chinas national conditions. In this context, by building a threestage game model of duopoly enterprises of cooperation and competition within composite carbon emissions trading system, the article discusses on how to develop carbon taxes to contribute to social welfare maximization, and how to determine the planned carbon reducing emission and product prices within different carbon development strategies to satisfy their own selfinterest and so on; Then, the article conducts a sensitivity analysis for carbon tax rate changes, which is to analyze the impact of tax rate changes for product prices, planned carbon reducing emissions, corporate profits, and social welfare within cooperation and competition carbon research and development strategy. The article concludes that there are promotions for carbon tax to reduce carbon emission and improve the profit of enterprises in the carbon trading market, and these demonstrate to adopt reasonable market mechanism can achieve sustainable development of lowcarbon economy within a scientific and reasonable government policy configuration; during the process of implementation, we need to establish carbon trading market, which facilitates enterprises to choose “to improve the planned carbon reducing emissions” approach to reduce carbon emissions year after year. Then with the conditions of the powerful social supervision and the strict implementation of punishment mechanism of carbon excess emissions, we consider that the government should use carbon tax to improve the amount of planned carbon reducing emissions, and with the optimal carbon reducing emission, the government should conduct and promote the enterprises to constantly improve carbon emissions R&D efficiency,and to positily carry out cooperation and R&D for carbon reducing emissions; during the process of practice,we should select highyield industry with the larger collection space of carbon tax, in particular select the industry with lower products cost and lowcarbon degree as pilot, which is to impose carbon tax preferentially; in monopoly industry, the government must take the necessary regulatory policies to ensure the effectiveness and succession of market mechanisms, and to maintain the public interest. At the same time, the government should pay more attention to develop consumer appetite for lowcoarbon, which will help enterprises raise prices to cope with the product cost pressure caused by carbon reducing emissions, help the government reduce the resistance of the carbon tax, win space and time for the carbon tax, and promote the smooth adjustment of energy structure and optimization of industrial structure and the harmony within lowcarbon and environmental protection and economic development.

    Key wordscarbon trading; carbon tax; carbon emissions; lowcarbon degree; game model

    [7]李媛,赵道致,祝晓光.基于碳税的政府与企业行为博弈模型研究[J].资源科学,2013,35(1):125-131.[ Li Yuan, Zhao Daozhi, Zhu Xiaoguang. A Game Model of Government and Enterprise Behaviour Based on a Carbon Tax [J]. Resources Science, 2013, 35(1):125-131. ]

    [8]Cohen C M, Klepper S. The Anatomy of Industry R&D Intensity Distributions [J]. The American Economic Review, 1992, 82(4):121-133.

    [9]Sam Peltzmann. Toward a More General Theory of Regulation[J]. The Journal of Law and Economics, 1976, 19: 122-132.

    [10]Andrew B. Market Failure, Government Failure and Externalities in Climate Change Mitigation: The Case for a Carbon tax[J]. Public Administration and Development, 2008, 28(5): 393-401.

    [11]Metcalf G, Weisbach D. The Design of a Carbon Tax [J]. Harvard Environmental Law Revies, 2009, 33(2): 499-506.

    [12]樊勇,张宏伟. 碳税对我国城镇居民收入分配的累退效应与碳补贴方案设计[J]. 经济理论与经济管理,2013,(7):81-91.[ Fan Yong, Zhang Hongwei. Income Distribution Impacts of Carbon Tax on Chinese Urban Residents and the Design of Carbon Subsidy Scheme [J]. Economic Theory and Business Management, 2013, (7):81-91. ]

    [13]Andrew B. Market Failure ,Government Failure and Externalities in Climate Change Mitigation :the Case for a Carbon Tax[J]. Public Administration and Development, 2008, 28(5): 393-401.

    [14]孙亚男. 基于社会网络结构演化的产学研合作项目治理风险研究[D]. 山东:山东大学,2012:110-117.[ Sun Yanan. Research on IndustryUniversityInstitute Cooperation Project Governance Risk Based on the Social Network Structure Evolution [D]. Shandong: Shandong University, 2012:110-117. ]

    [15]于维生,张志远.中国碳税政策可行性与方式选择的博弈研究[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2013,23(6):8-16.[ Yu Weisheng, Zhang Zhiyuan. Feasibility and Mode Selection of Carbon Tax Policy in China Based on Game Theory [J]. China Population, Resources and Environment, 2013, 23(6):8-16. ]

    [16]高萍. 开征碳税的必要性、路径选择与要素设计[J].税务研究,2011,(1):50-54.[ Gao Ping. Necessity, Path and Elements on the Proposed Carbon Tax in China [J]. 2011, (1):50-54.]

    [17]Cao J, Ho M, Jorgenson D. The Local and Global Benefits of Green Tax Policies in China[J]. Review of Environmental Economic and Policy, 2009,3(2):189-208.

    [18]姚昕,刘希颖. 基于增长视角的中国最优碳税研究[J].经济研究,2010,(11):48-58. [ Yao Xin, Liu Xiying. Optimal Carbon Tax in China with the Perspective of Economic Growth [J]. Economic Research Journal, 2010, (11):48-58. ]

    [19]崔军. 关于我国开征碳税的思考[J]. 税务研究,2010,(1):41-45.[ Cui Jun. The Thinking about Carbon Tax in China [J]. Taxation Research, 2010, (1):41-45. ]

    AbstractTo achieve the goals of energy saving and emission reduction and industrial restructuring smoothly, China needs to go “Lowcarbon Road”, which is a sustainable economic development road in China. This requires selection and design of marketoriented reduction policies tool. With exploring on carbon tax policy in the carbon trading market, the article proposes that the composite carbon emissions trading system is more suited to Chinas national conditions. In this context, by building a threestage game model of duopoly enterprises of cooperation and competition within composite carbon emissions trading system, the article discusses on how to develop carbon taxes to contribute to social welfare maximization, and how to determine the planned carbon reducing emission and product prices within different carbon development strategies to satisfy their own selfinterest and so on; Then, the article conducts a sensitivity analysis for carbon tax rate changes, which is to analyze the impact of tax rate changes for product prices, planned carbon reducing emissions, corporate profits, and social welfare within cooperation and competition carbon research and development strategy. The article concludes that there are promotions for carbon tax to reduce carbon emission and improve the profit of enterprises in the carbon trading market, and these demonstrate to adopt reasonable market mechanism can achieve sustainable development of lowcarbon economy within a scientific and reasonable government policy configuration; during the process of implementation, we need to establish carbon trading market, which facilitates enterprises to choose “to improve the planned carbon reducing emissions” approach to reduce carbon emissions year after year. Then with the conditions of the powerful social supervision and the strict implementation of punishment mechanism of carbon excess emissions, we consider that the government should use carbon tax to improve the amount of planned carbon reducing emissions, and with the optimal carbon reducing emission, the government should conduct and promote the enterprises to constantly improve carbon emissions R&D efficiency,and to positily carry out cooperation and R&D for carbon reducing emissions; during the process of practice,we should select highyield industry with the larger collection space of carbon tax, in particular select the industry with lower products cost and lowcarbon degree as pilot, which is to impose carbon tax preferentially; in monopoly industry, the government must take the necessary regulatory policies to ensure the effectiveness and succession of market mechanisms, and to maintain the public interest. At the same time, the government should pay more attention to develop consumer appetite for lowcoarbon, which will help enterprises raise prices to cope with the product cost pressure caused by carbon reducing emissions, help the government reduce the resistance of the carbon tax, win space and time for the carbon tax, and promote the smooth adjustment of energy structure and optimization of industrial structure and the harmony within lowcarbon and environmental protection and economic development.

    Key wordscarbon trading; carbon tax; carbon emissions; lowcarbon degree; game model





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