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标题 基于耕作半径合理布局居民点研究

    唐丽静 王冬艳 王霖琳

    摘要 城乡建设用地增减挂钩项目实施过程中涉及村庄合并,农村居民点合理布局的前提是保证村民有足够的田间作业时间,因此合理耕作半径的确定是城乡建设用地增减挂钩项目实施首先需要解决的问题之一。本文在综合考虑影响耕作半径的自然、社会、经济及土地利用因素的基础上,分析了影响因素与耕作半径之间的作用机制,确定了耕作半径的决定性因素。以沂源县鲁村镇增减挂钩项目区为研究对象,对其合理耕作半径进行测算,结果表明,该研究区合理耕作半径为3.2 km,即与建新村距离3.2 km以内耕地所涉及的村庄可以作为拆旧村庄向建新村合并。现阶段,非人力出行方式及机械化农用工具使用比重在研究区较低,提高高速度交通工具使用比例和广泛应用机械化农用工具是缓解耕作半径限制的重要途径。

    关键词 耕作半径;影响因素;模型;城乡建设用地增减挂钩

    中图分类号 F301文献标识码 A 文章编号 1002-2104(2014)06-0059-06 doi:103969/jissn1002-2104201406009


    1 耕作半径影响因素分析






    2 案例分析

    2.1 研究区基本概况

    沂源县地处鲁中山区腹地、泰山东部、沂蒙山区西北部边缘,山东省淄博市的最南端,东经117°54′-118°31′,北纬35°55′-36°23′,县域总面积1 735.85 km2,以低山和丘陵为主,占全县总面积的98.9%,低山坡度30°-45°,丘陵坡度10°-20°。农用地利用以果业为主,其次为蔬菜作物、粮食作物。全县农业劳动力约27.3万人,男女比例1∶1.5,耕地总面积37 724.67 hm2,人均耕地面积0.138 hm2。近年来,沂源县采取“合作社+基地+农户”经营模式,扶持发展龙头产业,年增产值2 800万元,带动农户3万户,实现增收3 600万元。本次研究对象为沂源县鲁村镇增减挂钩项目,项目区总面积5 781.1 hm2,其中耕地面积1 939.01 hm2,项目区总人口数约2.09万人,项目实施周期为3年。

    2.2 数据来源

    本文数据来源包括2012年1∶5万土地利用现状图,沂源县统计年鉴(2012)和实地调查数据。实地调查采用实地走访与发放问卷相结合的方式,发放问卷1 000份,收回问卷957份,其中有效问卷871份。问卷调查表见表2。

    3 结论与政策启示




    (3)现阶段,沂源县鲁村镇增减挂钩项目区合理耕作半径上限为3.2 km,即项目区内与建新区距离3.2 km以























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    Abstract In order to promote the rural construction land consolidation and promote land saving and intensive use, the urban and rural construction land projects are carried on in China. The merger of villages is involved in the urban and rural construction land projects process. Problems appeared during the implementation process, and the choice of resettlements is one of the problems. In order to ensure the enough field operating time, the distance between the resettlements and tillage plots should be reasonable. The premise of the rational distribution of rural settlements is ensuring the enough field operation time, so reasonable fanning radius is the key for whether the site selection is reasonable and whether the project can be executed. On the basis of previous studies, a systematic study about farming radius is made in this paper. The influencing factors of farming radius are considered. 11 factors are selected, from four aspects of nature, society, economy and land use, and the mechanism of action between the influencing factors and farming radius is studied. In order to determine the affecting factors of the farming radius, the Delphi technique and AHP method are used. By analyzing the result, the decisive factors of the fanning radius are determined. We studied the reasonable farming radius in Lucun Town of Yiyuan County in Shandong Province in this paper. We use farming radius general calculation model to calculate the reasonable farming radius. In order to make the result more accurate, a large number of investigations are made in the study area. Substituting the survey data into the model, we find that the reasonable fanning radius is 3.2 km. This result means all the rural villages which the distances from their farmland to the new center village were no more than 3.2 km can be amalgamated to the center village. At this stage,the ratio of nonhuman way to travel and mechanization agricultural tools are low in the study area.Improving the ratio of high speed transportation and widely using mechanization agricultural tools are important ways to ease the limit of farming radius.

    Key words farming radius; influencing factors; computation model; the couple project of urbanrural construction land












    Abstract In order to promote the rural construction land consolidation and promote land saving and intensive use, the urban and rural construction land projects are carried on in China. The merger of villages is involved in the urban and rural construction land projects process. Problems appeared during the implementation process, and the choice of resettlements is one of the problems. In order to ensure the enough field operating time, the distance between the resettlements and tillage plots should be reasonable. The premise of the rational distribution of rural settlements is ensuring the enough field operation time, so reasonable fanning radius is the key for whether the site selection is reasonable and whether the project can be executed. On the basis of previous studies, a systematic study about farming radius is made in this paper. The influencing factors of farming radius are considered. 11 factors are selected, from four aspects of nature, society, economy and land use, and the mechanism of action between the influencing factors and farming radius is studied. In order to determine the affecting factors of the farming radius, the Delphi technique and AHP method are used. By analyzing the result, the decisive factors of the fanning radius are determined. We studied the reasonable farming radius in Lucun Town of Yiyuan County in Shandong Province in this paper. We use farming radius general calculation model to calculate the reasonable farming radius. In order to make the result more accurate, a large number of investigations are made in the study area. Substituting the survey data into the model, we find that the reasonable fanning radius is 3.2 km. This result means all the rural villages which the distances from their farmland to the new center village were no more than 3.2 km can be amalgamated to the center village. At this stage,the ratio of nonhuman way to travel and mechanization agricultural tools are low in the study area.Improving the ratio of high speed transportation and widely using mechanization agricultural tools are important ways to ease the limit of farming radius.

    Key words farming radius; influencing factors; computation model; the couple project of urbanrural construction land












    Abstract In order to promote the rural construction land consolidation and promote land saving and intensive use, the urban and rural construction land projects are carried on in China. The merger of villages is involved in the urban and rural construction land projects process. Problems appeared during the implementation process, and the choice of resettlements is one of the problems. In order to ensure the enough field operating time, the distance between the resettlements and tillage plots should be reasonable. The premise of the rational distribution of rural settlements is ensuring the enough field operation time, so reasonable fanning radius is the key for whether the site selection is reasonable and whether the project can be executed. On the basis of previous studies, a systematic study about farming radius is made in this paper. The influencing factors of farming radius are considered. 11 factors are selected, from four aspects of nature, society, economy and land use, and the mechanism of action between the influencing factors and farming radius is studied. In order to determine the affecting factors of the farming radius, the Delphi technique and AHP method are used. By analyzing the result, the decisive factors of the fanning radius are determined. We studied the reasonable farming radius in Lucun Town of Yiyuan County in Shandong Province in this paper. We use farming radius general calculation model to calculate the reasonable farming radius. In order to make the result more accurate, a large number of investigations are made in the study area. Substituting the survey data into the model, we find that the reasonable fanning radius is 3.2 km. This result means all the rural villages which the distances from their farmland to the new center village were no more than 3.2 km can be amalgamated to the center village. At this stage,the ratio of nonhuman way to travel and mechanization agricultural tools are low in the study area.Improving the ratio of high speed transportation and widely using mechanization agricultural tools are important ways to ease the limit of farming radius.

    Key words farming radius; influencing factors; computation model; the couple project of urbanrural construction land





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