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标题 基于多目标优化的生态工业园区产业规划建模与NSGA—Ⅱ—IFD算法求解

    宋叙言 沈江

    摘要 生态工业园区的建设是我国经济和社会发展的重要驱动因素,而园区的


















    关键词 生态工业园区;产业规划;多目标优化;NSGAⅡIFD算法

    中图分类号 F205

    文献标识码 A

    文章编号 1002-2104(2014)09-0068-07

    随着我国社会文明的进步,可持续发展战略的进一步实践和落实,生态和环境效益日益受到重视,逐渐成为与经济发展同等重要的关键因素。党的十八届三中全会首次提出了“生态文明”概念,保护环境、节约资源成为了文明社会的重要标志。而在“生态文明”构建中,生态工业园区的建设和发展具有重要的作用和意义。20 世纪70 年代,丹麦建立了第一个生态工业园—Kalunborg生态工业园,此后世界很多国家和地区先后出现了许多包含物质交换与废物循环的共生体项目和计划,都被称为生态工业园区[1]。生态工业园区在世界各地的兴建也引发学术界的大量研究和讨论。

    国外对生态工业园区的研究很多,从1989年,Frosch和Gallopoulos[2]提出工业生态学以来,JouniKorhonen[3],David Gibbs和Pauline Deutz[4]等从不同角度论述了工业生态系统特征,为开展生态工业园区的研究奠定了基础。我国生态工业园区建设处于初期阶段,对其研究也基本集中在园区评价方面,如成贝贝等[5]以低碳工业园为研究对象,提出规划原则,并构建基于产出体系、资源体系、生活指标、政策指标的评价指标体系。万林葳[6]运用蚁群算法对与生态工业园区环境效益相关的分类指数公式和综合指数公式进行优化,并构建了环境效益评价模型。但仅仅研究园区的评价,无法从根本上解决我国生态工业园的产业规划和建设缺少科学指导这一问题,园区在经济、环境和社会效益上的功能也就无法充分实现。



    1.2 数学建模

    1.2.1 多目标函数





    3 泰安市泰山生态工业园产业规划实证

    泰山生态工业园位于山东省泰安市泰山区,园区占地面积为2.1 km2,至2012年底,泰山生态工业园入驻规模以上工业企业44家,实现工业总产值176.2亿元,利税17.7亿元,税收5.8亿元,对全区经济增长贡献率达39.2%。为满足国家对经济、社会发展的新需求,泰山生态工业园拟向新的生态工业园区进行转型,重新进行产业规划。



    4 结 论








    (编辑:常 勇)


    [1]毛瑜, 张龙江, 张永春, 等. 生态工业园区研究进展及展望[J]. 生态经济, 2010(12):113-116. [Mao Yu, Zhang Longjiang, Zhang Yongchun, et al. Progression and Perspective in Ecoindustrial Park Research [J]. Ecological Economy, 2010,(12):113-116.]

    [2]Frosch R A, Gallopoulos N E. Strategies for Manufacturing [J]. Scientific American, 1989, 261 (3):144-152.

    [3]Korhonen J. Four Ecosystem Principles for an Industrial Ecosystem [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2001, 9(3):253-259.

    [4]Gibbs D, Deutz P. Reflections on Implementing Industrial Ecology Through Ecoindustrial Park Development [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2007, 15(17):1683-1695.

    [5]成贝贝, 汪鹏, 赵黛青, 等. 低碳工业园区规划方法和评价指标体系研究 [J]. 生态经济, 2013,(5):126-135. [Cheng Beibei, Wang Peng, Zhao Daiqing, et al. Research on Lowcarbon Industrial Park Planning Methods and Evaluation Index System [J]. Ecological Economy, 2013,(5):126-135.]

    [6]万林葳. 基于蚁群算法的生态工业园区环境效益评价 [J]. 统计与决策, 2012,(17):49-51. [Wan Linwei. Environmental Benefit Evaluation of Ecoindustrial Park Based on Ant Colony Algorithm [J]. Statistics and Decision, 2012,(17):49-51.]

    [7]刘娟,谢家平. 生态工业园区规划的理论综述[J]. 未来与发展,2009,(6):21-25.[Liu Juan, Xie Jiaping. A Study Review on the Designing of Ecoindustrial Parks [J].Future and Development, 2009,(6):21-25.]

    [8]刘永清. 基于循环经济的生态工业园区构建研究[J]. 科技进步与对策,2009,26(5):52-55.[Liu Yongqing. Based on the Circular Economy of the Research on the Construction of Ecological Industrial Park [J]. Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 2009,26(5):52-55.]

    [9]梅林海,张红红. 生态工业园区企业间的利益博弈分析[J]. 暨南学报:哲学社会科学版,2008,(3):53-58.[Mei Linhai, Zhang Honghong. Analysis on the Game Theory View of the Benefits between the Industries in Ecoindustrial Parks [J]. Journal of Jinan University:Philosophy & Social Science Edition, 2008,(3):53-58.]

    [10]田金平,刘巍,李星,等. 中国生态工业园区发展模式研究[J]. 中国人口·资源与环境,2012,22(7):60-66.[Tian Jinping, Liu Wei, Li Xing, et al. Study of Ecoindustrial Park Development Mode in China [J]. China Population, Resources and Environment, 2012,22(7):60-66.]

    [11]江新,赵静. 基于系统论对三峡库区生态工业园发展路径优化的探讨:以开县生态工业园区发展思路为例[J]. 生态经济,2012,(6):113-116.[Jiang Xin, Zhao Jing.Discussion of EcoIndustrial Parks Development Path Optimization in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area Based on the System Theory: A Case Study of Kaixian EcoIndustrial Park Development Ideas [J]. Ecological Economy, 2012,(6):113-116.]

    [12]王少华,刘胜发. 生态工业园区产业规划布局研究:以山东临沂高新技术产业开发区为例[J]. 环境科学与管理,2007,32(11):154-157.[Wang Shaohua, Liu Shengfa. The Research of EcoIndustrial Park Industry Planning and Layouts: Linyi HighTech Industrial Development Zone [J]. Environmental Science and Management, 2007,32(11):154-157.]

    [13]Deb K, Agrawal S, Pratap A, et al. A Fast Elitist Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization:NSGAII [R]. KanGAL Report 200001.Kanpur:Indian Institute of Technology,2000.

    [14]蔺宇,康力,史英杰. 行人导向标识布设的多目标优化建模与IFDNSGAⅡ算法求解[J]. 系统管理学报,2013,22(4):553-559.[Lin Yu, Kang Li, Shi Yingjie.Multiobjective Modeling and Optimization for Layout of Pedestrianguidance Signs with IFDNSGAAlgorithm [J]. Journal of Systems & Management, 2013,22(4):553-559.]

    [15]Deb K, Pratap A, Meyarivan T. Constrained Test Problems for Multiobjective Evolutionary Optimization [R].KanGAL Report 200002.Kanpur:Indian Institute Technology,2002.

    [16]王跃宣,刘连臣,牟盛静.处理带约束的多目标优化进化算法[J].清华大学学报:自然科学版,2005,45(1):103-106.[Wang Yuexuan, Liu Lianchen, Mu Shengjing.Constrained Multiobjective Optimization Evolutionary Algorithm [J]. Journal of Tsinghua University:Science and Technology Edition, 2005,45(1):103-106.]

    Abstract Ecoindustrial park is an important driving factor for Chinas economic and social development. The industrial planning is a crucial procedure for the construction of ecoindustrial park, playing an important role on defining the function of the park. Experts attached importance on qualitative research, carried out different disciplines and methods on ecoindustrial park planning. However, the planning of ecoindustrial parks is a complex systematic issue, involving many aspects such as economy, environment and society, etc. Only by quantitative methods, based on practical situation, can the universal planning method be established. Furthermore, the planning issue will be resolved. From the view of quantitative analysis, this research tried to find scientific issues from facts, established a universal planning method, and constructed an optimization model on the industrial planning of the park. After that, a solution algorithm was proposed. Based on the current situation of industrial planning, two objectives, which are ‘maximization of internal endogenous power demand in the later period and ‘maximization of economic development demand in the earlier period, were applied in the model, fully considering the coordination of longterm operation, sustainable development, economic development, costs and benefits, etc. After mathematic modeling, a method was worked out to calculate this multiobjective model, in which infeasible degree (IFD) was combined with NSGAⅡ, forming NSGAⅡIFD solving model. Taishan Ecoindustrial Park in Taian was used as an example to verify the effectiveness of this model and algorithm. The result indicated that ① the model and algorithm could be used to find proper Pareto optimization solutions (three in this research), forming the Pareto optimization frontier to help the decision maker with different objective preference to make decision;② unless the enterprise amount reached the upper limit, all enterprises in the same business line would be chosen, in accordance with the cluster effect of ecological industry chain.

    Key words ecoindustrial parks; industrial planning; multiobjective optimization; NSGAIIIFD algorithm

    [8]刘永清. 基于循环经济的生态工业园区构建研究[J]. 科技进步与对策,2009,26(5):52-55.[Liu Yongqing. Based on the Circular Economy of the Research on the Construction of Ecological Industrial Park [J]. Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 2009,26(5):52-55.]

    [9]梅林海,张红红. 生态工业园区企业间的利益博弈分析[J]. 暨南学报:哲学社会科学版,2008,(3):53-58.[Mei Linhai, Zhang Honghong. Analysis on the Game Theory View of the Benefits between the Industries in Ecoindustrial Parks [J]. Journal of Jinan University:Philosophy & Social Science Edition, 2008,(3):53-58.]

    [10]田金平,刘巍,李星,等. 中国生态工业园区发展模式研究[J]. 中国人口·资源与环境,2012,22(7):60-66.[Tian Jinping, Liu Wei, Li Xing, et al. Study of Ecoindustrial Park Development Mode in China [J]. China Population, Resources and Environment, 2012,22(7):60-66.]

    [11]江新,赵静. 基于系统论对三峡库区生态工业园发展路径优化的探讨:以开县生态工业园区发展思路为例[J]. 生态经济,2012,(6):113-116.[Jiang Xin, Zhao Jing.Discussion of EcoIndustrial Parks Development Path Optimization in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area Based on the System Theory: A Case Study of Kaixian EcoIndustrial Park Development Ideas [J]. Ecological Economy, 2012,(6):113-116.]

    [12]王少华,刘胜发. 生态工业园区产业规划布局研究:以山东临沂高新技术产业开发区为例[J]. 环境科学与管理,2007,32(11):154-157.[Wang Shaohua, Liu Shengfa. The Research of EcoIndustrial Park Industry Planning and Layouts: Linyi HighTech Industrial Development Zone [J]. Environmental Science and Management, 2007,32(11):154-157.]

    [13]Deb K, Agrawal S, Pratap A, et al. A Fast Elitist Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization:NSGAII [R]. KanGAL Report 200001.Kanpur:Indian Institute of Technology,2000.

    [14]蔺宇,康力,史英杰. 行人导向标识布设的多目标优化建模与IFDNSGAⅡ算法求解[J]. 系统管理学报,2013,22(4):553-559.[Lin Yu, Kang Li, Shi Yingjie.Multiobjective Modeling and Optimization for Layout of Pedestrianguidance Signs with IFDNSGAAlgorithm [J]. Journal of Systems & Management, 2013,22(4):553-559.]

    [15]Deb K, Pratap A, Meyarivan T. Constrained Test Problems for Multiobjective Evolutionary Optimization [R].KanGAL Report 200002.Kanpur:Indian Institute Technology,2002.

    [16]王跃宣,刘连臣,牟盛静.处理带约束的多目标优化进化算法[J].清华大学学报:自然科学版,2005,45(1):103-106.[Wang Yuexuan, Liu Lianchen, Mu Shengjing.Constrained Multiobjective Optimization Evolutionary Algorithm [J]. Journal of Tsinghua University:Science and Technology Edition, 2005,45(1):103-106.]

    Abstract Ecoindustrial park is an important driving factor for Chinas economic and social development. The industrial planning is a crucial procedure for the construction of ecoindustrial park, playing an important role on defining the function of the park. Experts attached importance on qualitative research, carried out different disciplines and methods on ecoindustrial park planning. However, the planning of ecoindustrial parks is a complex systematic issue, involving many aspects such as economy, environment and society, etc. Only by quantitative methods, based on practical situation, can the universal planning method be established. Furthermore, the planning issue will be resolved. From the view of quantitative analysis, this research tried to find scientific issues from facts, established a universal planning method, and constructed an optimization model on the industrial planning of the park. After that, a solution algorithm was proposed. Based on the current situation of industrial planning, two objectives, which are ‘maximization of internal endogenous power demand in the later period and ‘maximization of economic development demand in the earlier period, were applied in the model, fully considering the coordination of longterm operation, sustainable development, economic development, costs and benefits, etc. After mathematic modeling, a method was worked out to calculate this multiobjective model, in which infeasible degree (IFD) was combined with NSGAⅡ, forming NSGAⅡIFD solving model. Taishan Ecoindustrial Park in Taian was used as an example to verify the effectiveness of this model and algorithm. The result indicated that ① the model and algorithm could be used to find proper Pareto optimization solutions (three in this research), forming the Pareto optimization frontier to help the decision maker with different objective preference to make decision;② unless the enterprise amount reached the upper limit, all enterprises in the same business line would be chosen, in accordance with the cluster effect of ecological industry chain.

    Key words ecoindustrial parks; industrial planning; multiobjective optimization; NSGAIIIFD algorithm

    [8]刘永清. 基于循环经济的生态工业园区构建研究[J]. 科技进步与对策,2009,26(5):52-55.[Liu Yongqing. Based on the Circular Economy of the Research on the Construction of Ecological Industrial Park [J]. Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 2009,26(5):52-55.]

    [9]梅林海,张红红. 生态工业园区企业间的利益博弈分析[J]. 暨南学报:哲学社会科学版,2008,(3):53-58.[Mei Linhai, Zhang Honghong. Analysis on the Game Theory View of the Benefits between the Industries in Ecoindustrial Parks [J]. Journal of Jinan University:Philosophy & Social Science Edition, 2008,(3):53-58.]

    [10]田金平,刘巍,李星,等. 中国生态工业园区发展模式研究[J]. 中国人口·资源与环境,2012,22(7):60-66.[Tian Jinping, Liu Wei, Li Xing, et al. Study of Ecoindustrial Park Development Mode in China [J]. China Population, Resources and Environment, 2012,22(7):60-66.]

    [11]江新,赵静. 基于系统论对三峡库区生态工业园发展路径优化的探讨:以开县生态工业园区发展思路为例[J]. 生态经济,2012,(6):113-116.[Jiang Xin, Zhao Jing.Discussion of EcoIndustrial Parks Development Path Optimization in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area Based on the System Theory: A Case Study of Kaixian EcoIndustrial Park Development Ideas [J]. Ecological Economy, 2012,(6):113-116.]

    [12]王少华,刘胜发. 生态工业园区产业规划布局研究:以山东临沂高新技术产业开发区为例[J]. 环境科学与管理,2007,32(11):154-157.[Wang Shaohua, Liu Shengfa. The Research of EcoIndustrial Park Industry Planning and Layouts: Linyi HighTech Industrial Development Zone [J]. Environmental Science and Management, 2007,32(11):154-157.]

    [13]Deb K, Agrawal S, Pratap A, et al. A Fast Elitist Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization:NSGAII [R]. KanGAL Report 200001.Kanpur:Indian Institute of Technology,2000.

    [14]蔺宇,康力,史英杰. 行人导向标识布设的多目标优化建模与IFDNSGAⅡ算法求解[J]. 系统管理学报,2013,22(4):553-559.[Lin Yu, Kang Li, Shi Yingjie.Multiobjective Modeling and Optimization for Layout of Pedestrianguidance Signs with IFDNSGAAlgorithm [J]. Journal of Systems & Management, 2013,22(4):553-559.]

    [15]Deb K, Pratap A, Meyarivan T. Constrained Test Problems for Multiobjective Evolutionary Optimization [R].KanGAL Report 200002.Kanpur:Indian Institute Technology,2002.

    [16]王跃宣,刘连臣,牟盛静.处理带约束的多目标优化进化算法[J].清华大学学报:自然科学版,2005,45(1):103-106.[Wang Yuexuan, Liu Lianchen, Mu Shengjing.Constrained Multiobjective Optimization Evolutionary Algorithm [J]. Journal of Tsinghua University:Science and Technology Edition, 2005,45(1):103-106.]

    Abstract Ecoindustrial park is an important driving factor for Chinas economic and social development. The industrial planning is a crucial procedure for the construction of ecoindustrial park, playing an important role on defining the function of the park. Experts attached importance on qualitative research, carried out different disciplines and methods on ecoindustrial park planning. However, the planning of ecoindustrial parks is a complex systematic issue, involving many aspects such as economy, environment and society, etc. Only by quantitative methods, based on practical situation, can the universal planning method be established. Furthermore, the planning issue will be resolved. From the view of quantitative analysis, this research tried to find scientific issues from facts, established a universal planning method, and constructed an optimization model on the industrial planning of the park. After that, a solution algorithm was proposed. Based on the current situation of industrial planning, two objectives, which are ‘maximization of internal endogenous power demand in the later period and ‘maximization of economic development demand in the earlier period, were applied in the model, fully considering the coordination of longterm operation, sustainable development, economic development, costs and benefits, etc. After mathematic modeling, a method was worked out to calculate this multiobjective model, in which infeasible degree (IFD) was combined with NSGAⅡ, forming NSGAⅡIFD solving model. Taishan Ecoindustrial Park in Taian was used as an example to verify the effectiveness of this model and algorithm. The result indicated that ① the model and algorithm could be used to find proper Pareto optimization solutions (three in this research), forming the Pareto optimization frontier to help the decision maker with different objective preference to make decision;② unless the enterprise amount reached the upper limit, all enterprises in the same business line would be chosen, in accordance with the cluster effect of ecological industry chain.

    Key words ecoindustrial parks; industrial planning; multiobjective optimization; NSGAIIIFD algorithm





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