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标题 地方政府环境规制及其波动机理研究




    关键词 环境规制;波动机理;契约设计;最优契约

    中图分类号 F205

    文献标识码 A 文章编号 1002-2104(2014)10-0024-08 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1002-2104.2014.10.005

    改革开放以来,中国经济以年均9%的增速创造经济增长“奇迹”的同时,也带来环境的严重压力。据2012年美国哥伦比亚大学和耶鲁大学科学家联合发布的163个国家和地区的环境绩效排名 (Environment Performance Index, EPI)显示,中国环境绩效排名第116位。环境问题已成为中国总体发展战略中的关键问题,制度因素或者说环境规制成为环境保护和污染治理的最重要推动力。

    国外地方政府环境规制的研究主要集中在规制强度变化方面,Oates and Schwab[1]模拟了地方政府通过税收和环境政策工具竞争资本的情景,认为地方政府会通过降低排污收费或增加排污许可来争取资本的流入。该结论与“污染避难所假说”(Pollution Heaven Hypothesis, PHH)相背,其认为环境规制差异仅带来生产成本差异,贸易自由化使污染密集型企业倾向于从环境规制严格的地区向相对宽松的地区迁移,使后者成为“污染避难所”[2]。与该假说对应的理论是“竞争到底”(Race to the Bottom),认为地方政府在与其他地方政府的资本竞争中,会倾向于放松环境规制,以牺牲环境质量为代价吸引投资,地方政府相继降低环境规制的最终结果是环境零规制,所有地区环境都恶化[3]。Oates and Portney[4]对此提出了质疑,认为“竞争到底”的说法在逻辑上是不尽合理的,指出资本流入增加地方政府收入的同时也会导致地方政府增加公共品的供给。此外,也有学者从地方政府与企业博弈[5]、环境规制俘获[6-7]等方面进行了研究。



    1 委托代理模型和最优契约



    1.1 委托代理模型构建








    4 结 论








    [1]Oates W E, Schwarb R M.Economic Competition Among Jurisdictions: Efficiencyenhancing or Distortionenhancing [J].Journal of Public Economy, 1988, 35: 333-354.

    [2]Copeland B R, Taylor M.Northsouth Trade and the Environment [J].The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1994, 109: 755-787.

    [3]Revesz R L.Rehabilitating Interstate Competition: Rethinking the Racetothebottom Rationale for Federal Environmental Regulation [J].New York University Law Review, 1992, 67 (6): 1211-1254.

    [4]Oates W E, Portney P R.The Political Economy of Environmental Policy [J].Handbook of Environmental Economics, 2003, (1): 325-354.

    [5]Greaker M.Strategic Environmental Policy When the Governments Are Threatened by Relocation [J].Resource and Energy Economics, 2003, 25: 141-154.

    [6]Hayter R.The Dynamics of Industrial Location: The Factory, the Firm, and the Production System [M].Chichester: Wiley, 1997.

    [7]Flynn B.Is Local Truly Better? Some Reflections on Sharing Environmental Policy Between Local Governments and the EU [J].European Environment, 2000, 10(2):75-84.

    [8]赵玉民, 朱方明, 贺立龙.环境规制的界定、分类与演进研究 [J].中国人口·资源与环境, 2009, 19(6): 85-90. [Zhao Yumin, Zhu Fangming, He Lilong.Definition,Classification and Evolution of Environmental Regulations [J].China Population, Resources and Environment, 2009, 19(6): 85-90.]

    [9]张崇辉, 苏为华, 曾守桢.基于CHME理论的环境规制水平测度研究 [J].中国人口·资源与环境, 2013, 23(1): 19-24. [Zhang Chonghui, Su Weihua, Zeng Shouzhen.Environmental Regulation Measure Research Based on CHME Theory [J].China Population, Resources and Environment, 2013, 23(1): 19-24.]

    [10]李郁芳, 李项峰.地方政府环境规制的外部性分析:基于公共选择视角 [J].财贸经济, 2007, (3): 54-59. [Li Yufang, Li Xiangfeng.Externality Analysis of Local Government Environmental Regulation: Based on the Perspective of Public Choice Theory [J].Finance & Trade Economics, 2007, (3):54-59.]

    [11]臧传琴, 刘岩, 王凌.信息不对称条件下政府环境规制政策设计:基于博弈论的视角 [J].财经科学, 2010, (5): 63-69. [Zang Chuanqin, Liu Yan, Wang Ling.The Design of the Policies of the Environmental Regulation under the Condition of Information Asymmetry:Based on the Perspective of Game Theory [J]. Finance & Economics, 2010, (5): 63-69.]

    [12]易志斌.地方政府环境规制失灵的原因及解决途径:以跨界水污染为例 [J].城市问题, 2010, (1): 74-77. [Yi Zhibin.Causes and Countermeasures on the Failure of Local Government Environmental Regulation:Case of Pollution of Transboundary Rivers [J].Urban Problems, 2010, (1): 74-77.]

    [13]吴卫星.论环境规制中的结构性失衡:对中国环境规制失灵的一种理论解释 [J].南京大学学报, 2013, (2): 49-57.[Wu Weixing.Finding Structural Imbalance: A Theoretical Explanation to the Failure of Chinas Environmental Regulations [J].Jouranl of Nanjing University, 2013, (2): 49-57.]

    [14]朱平芳, 张征宇, 姜国麟.FDI与环境规制:基于地方分权视角的实证研究 [J].经济研究, 2011, (6): 133-145.[Zhu Pingfang, Zhang Zhengyu, Jiang Guolin.Empirical Study of the Relationship between FDI and Environmental Regulation: An Intergovernmental Competition Perspective [J].Economic Research Journal, 2011, (6): 133-145.]

    [15]皮建才.中国式分权下的地方官员治理研究 [J].经济研究, 2012, (10): 14-26. [Pi Jiancai.The Governance of Local Officials under Chinese Style Decentralization [J].Economic Research Journal, 2012, (10): 14-26.]

    [16]陈长石.地方政府激励与安全规制波动 [D].大连:东北财经大学, 2012. [Chen Changshi.Local Government Incentives and Safety Regulations Fluctuations [J].Dalian: Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, 2012.]

    Analysis on the Local Government Environmental Regulation and Its Fluctuation Mechanism:

    Based on the Perspective of Optimal Contract Design

    LI Guoping ZHANG Wenbin

    (School of Finance and Economics,Xian Jiaotong University,Xian Shaanxi 710061,China)

    Abstract This paper analyzes the fluctuation mechanism of local government environmental regulation from the perspective of optimal contract design, and analyzes the influence of introducing local residents as the third party.First of all, we build the optimal environmental regulation contract which aims at the biggest to the local government efficiency and meets the enterprise incentive constraints by using the principalagent model, and the analysis shows that when the local government keeps a high level of environmental regulation,the local governments and the enterprises are in the same position, according to the distribution of income to determine the responsibility of the respective proportion, and it is consistent with the ratio of awards obtained from the central government, and there is not any economic incentive to production activities or environmental protection activities between the local government and the enterprise.Secondly, we analyze the cycle fluctuation and its mechanism of environmental regulation in the three typical periods in terms of central government intervention after the serious environmental pollution accident, pollution accident being weakened and completely disappeared, and conclude that when the central government

    conducts strong involvement

    after the serious environmental pollution accident, the local government has to choose a high level of environmental regulation, then the enterprise production effort level and production are low, but the possibility of the occurrence of the serious environmental pollution accident is minimum, when the influence of the serious environmental pollution accident is weakening, the local government will choose the relatively low environmental regulation level even unable to get extra income, and the enterprise production increased, the probability of the occurrence of environmental pollution accidents also increases to a certain extent, when the impact of the serious environmental pollution accident completely disappears, the local government will choose the low level of environmental regulation to get extra income and to complete the economic assessment indicators of the central government, but the probability of the occurrence of the serious environmental pollution accident has increased; in the event of a new serious environmental pollution accident, the local government environmental regulation enters into the next round of cycle.Again, introducing local residents as the third party to collusion model between local government and enterprises, we obtain the optimal environmental regulation contract including third party supervision. The result shows that

    the key to the new contract is that the local government determines the cost to bribing the local residents after the occurrence of the serious environmental pollution accident, and introducing local residents can alleviate fluctuation of the local government environmental regulation.Finally, the paper proposes policy suggestions to reduce the local government environmental regulation fluctuation and realizing the optimal environmental regulation contract from three aspects such as ending the subordinate relations between local environmental regulation department and local administrative department to keep the environmental regulation departments independent, promoting the reform of property rights system to keep the enterprise independent and setting up the third party supervision organization which includes the local residents and social groups.

    Key words environmental regulation; fluctuation mechanism; contract design; optimal contract

    conducts strong involvement

    after the serious environmental pollution accident, the local government has to choose a high level of environmental regulation, then the enterprise production effort level and production are low, but the possibility of the occurrence of the serious environmental pollution accident is minimum, when the influence of the serious environmental pollution accident is weakening, the local government will choose the relatively low environmental regulation level even unable to get extra income, and the enterprise production increased, the probability of the occurrence of environmental pollution accidents also increases to a certain extent, when the impact of the serious environmental pollution accident completely disappears, the local government will choose the low level of environmental regulation to get extra income and to complete the economic assessment indicators of the central government, but the probability of the occurrence of the serious environmental pollution accident has increased; in the event of a new serious environmental pollution accident, the local government environmental regulation enters into the next round of cycle.Again, introducing local residents as the third party to collusion model between local government and enterprises, we obtain the optimal environmental regulation contract including third party supervision. The result shows that

    the key to the new contract is that the local government determines the cost to bribing the local residents after the occurrence of the serious environmental pollution accident, and introducing local residents can alleviate fluctuation of the local government environmental regulation.Finally, the paper proposes policy suggestions to reduce the local government environmental regulation fluctuation and realizing the optimal environmental regulation contract from three aspects such as ending the subordinate relations between local environmental regulation department and local administrative department to keep the environmental regulation departments independent, promoting the reform of property rights system to keep the enterprise independent and setting up the third party supervision organization which includes the local residents and social groups.

    Key words environmental regulation; fluctuation mechanism; contract design; optimal contract

    conducts strong involvement

    after the serious environmental pollution accident, the local government has to choose a high level of environmental regulation, then the enterprise production effort level and production are low, but the possibility of the occurrence of the serious environmental pollution accident is minimum, when the influence of the serious environmental pollution accident is weakening, the local government will choose the relatively low environmental regulation level even unable to get extra income, and the enterprise production increased, the probability of the occurrence of environmental pollution accidents also increases to a certain extent, when the impact of the serious environmental pollution accident completely disappears, the local government will choose the low level of environmental regulation to get extra income and to complete the economic assessment indicators of the central government, but the probability of the occurrence of the serious environmental pollution accident has increased; in the event of a new serious environmental pollution accident, the local government environmental regulation enters into the next round of cycle.Again, introducing local residents as the third party to collusion model between local government and enterprises, we obtain the optimal environmental regulation contract including third party supervision. The result shows that

    the key to the new contract is that the local government determines the cost to bribing the local residents after the occurrence of the serious environmental pollution accident, and introducing local residents can alleviate fluctuation of the local government environmental regulation.Finally, the paper proposes policy suggestions to reduce the local government environmental regulation fluctuation and realizing the optimal environmental regulation contract from three aspects such as ending the subordinate relations between local environmental regulation department and local administrative department to keep the environmental regulation departments independent, promoting the reform of property rights system to keep the enterprise independent and setting up the third party supervision organization which includes the local residents and social groups.

    Key words environmental regulation; fluctuation mechanism; contract design; optimal contract





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