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标题 河北钢铁产业调整的波及效应及节能减排研究



    中图分类号 F426;F062.9文献标识码A文章编号1002-2104(2014)12-0096-07doi:103969/jissn1002-2104201412013

    改革开放以来,河北省的钢铁产业得到了空前的发展。2012年,河北省钢铁产业实现工业总产值11 811.3亿元,占全国钢铁工业总产值的16.5%,占河北省工业总产值的27.4%;粗钢年产量为18 048万t,占全国总产量的24.7%,钢材消费量约3 500万t,仅占全国总消费量的5.1%。2012年河北钢铁产业能耗约10 424万t标准煤,占全省工业总能耗的50.1%。近年来,华北地区“雾霾”等大气污染问题日趋严重,而河北大量的燃煤消耗是造成“雾霾”的重要原因之一。2012年河北省约26.6%的二氧化硫和40%的烟粉尘排放都来自钢铁产业。

    美国经济学家列昂惕夫创立的可以揭示各产业间相互联系的投入出产分析法在经济学中的诸多领域得到了广泛的应用。HAWDON等基于十个部门的投入产出表,构建投入产出模型模拟最终需求对能源、环境及经济三者之间的关系[1]。 Breuil利用投入产出方法推算预测了法国硫化物和氮化物的排放情况,并与一般污染进行了推算比较[2];Selden和Bruvoll等对美国和挪威的大气污染物排放进行了分析,研究发现能源消耗强度降低可以使主要大气污染物排放量下降,而主要消耗能源的种类变化无助于减少污染[3-4]。Hamilton和Turton分析了经济合作与发展组织成员国1982-1997年的二氧化碳排放,发现影响碳排放的主要因素是能源消耗强度、化石能源使用以及污染排放密度[5]。蔡九菊和杜涛编制了能源—环境负荷的投入产出表,建立了钢铁企业产品生产过程和能量转换过程数学模型,得出了钢铁生产过程的资源消耗和污染物排放密切相关,对钢铁产业而言环保的有效措施就是节能的结论[6]。席酉民编制了我国2004年能源投入产出延长表,并分析了通过产业结构调整来降低单位GDP能耗的效应,得出了相应的产业结构调整方案[7]。徐盈之和吴海明使用最近的三期投入产出表,研究了我国钢铁产业的产业关联特征,得出了钢铁产业的影响力系数较高,受第二产业的影响程度存在下降趋势,而受第三产业的影响程度显著提高等结论[8]。上述研究推进了投入产出方法在我国产业关联效应、能源消耗测算和环境污染评估等方面的应用,为后续研究打下了坚实的基础。然而国内外的研究大都从国家层面对整个产业进行分析,而且在分析产业关联效应时多侧重于感应度系数和影响力系数的计算,未将产业关联对节能减排等方面的影响考虑在内。









    其中,∑ni=1bij 为列昂惕夫逆矩阵的第j列之和,表示j部门增加一个单位最终产品,对国民经济各部门产品的完全需要量;1n∑ni=1∑nj=1bij为列昂惕夫逆矩阵的列和的平均值。











    2013年10月15日,国务院印发了《关于化解产能严重过剩矛盾的指导意见》,其中强调,重点推动山东、河北、辽宁、江苏、山西、江西等地区钢铁产业结构调整,优化产业布局,压缩钢铁产能总量8 000万t以上。2013年11月6日,国务院批复《河北省钢铁产业结构调整方案》,方案中指出,河北省到2017年底,要淘汰钢铁产能6 000万t。目前,河北省粗钢的消费不足其产量的20%,整个环渤海三省两市粗钢消费也不足产量的50%。河北有必要进行大幅的产能压缩,国家制定到2017年压缩6 000万t钢铁产能目标是基本合理的。河北省钢铁产业的产量和产值不会再延续过去快速增长的发展趋势,而要经历一段时期的负增长。

    河北省钢铁产业的总产值与粗钢产量的相关关系十分明显,近三年吨钢平均产值为6 500元左右。由于河北省未来钢铁产业调控政策将发生重大改变,河北省钢铁产业的发展应该在2013 年有一个快速增长到逐步缩减的转折点。几乎所有的数学预测模型都难于发现所预测指标变化的转折点。因此,采用定量方法预测未来几年内河北省钢铁产业的工业总产值不会取得符合实际的预测结果。综上所述,本文在分析河北钢铁产业调控政策的转变和产品产量与总产值关系的基础上,对2017年河北省钢铁产业的工业总产值进行定性分析,得出2017年河北省钢铁产业总产值图1河北省钢铁产业对其他部门的波及效应示意图

    Fig.1Ripple effect on other sectors of the steel industry in Hebei Province会下降到9 500亿元左右,比2012年减少20%。



    从图2中可以看出,河北省钢铁产业对重工业各部门的波及效应十分明显,其产值上升或下降时,会带动河北省石油和天然气开采、金属矿采选、化学工业和金属制品等大部分重工业部门共同增大或缩小规模。当钢铁产业产值下降20% 时,除钢铁产业自身外,还有石油和天然气开采业、废品废料、煤炭开采和洗选业以及金属矿采选业等四个经济部门总产值下降幅度超过30%;工艺品及其他制造业、仪器仪表及文化办公用机械制造业、石油加工炼焦及核燃料加工业、电力热力的生产和供应业以及非金属矿和其他矿采选业五个经济部门总产值下降幅度在10% 到30% 之间;其余重工业部门的总产值下降幅度在2%到10% 之间;而各轻工业部门总产值的下降幅度基本都在0.5%到5%之间。


    Fig.2The ripple effect on various Industrial sectors of steel industry in Hebei Province3河北钢铁产业调整的节能减排效果分析











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    Study on the Ripple Effect and Energy Saving and Emission Reduction of the

    Steel Industry Restructuring in Hebei Province

    LUAN Weixin1PIAN Feng1DU Linan1JIANG Yipeng2

    (1.Transport & Management College, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian Liaoning 116026, China;

    2. The School of Humanities & Law, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian Liaoning 116023,China)

    AbstractThis paper studied the ripple effect of the steel industry on other industries in Hebei Province using the inputoutput method, and analyzed the major energyconsuming industries level of energy consumption and pollutant emissions according to the historical statistics and the relevant literature, and simulated the energy saving and emission reduction effect of other industrial sectors caused by the steel industry. Studies have shown that: the influence coefficient of the steel industry was 1.264 in Hebei Province; and the sensitivity coefficient was 3.285; the leading impact of its development on other industries and the effects stimulated by other industries development were very obvious; the steel industry have a significant ripple effect in the same direction on heavy industry sectors, when the output value of the steel industry changed 10%, the output value of the oil and gas exploration industry would change 33.35%, and the output value of the metal mining industry would change 17.37%, and the output value of the coal mining and washing industry would change 18.00%, and the output value of the metal products industry would change 9.00% in Hebei Province. The compression can help eliminate both the scale of the steel industry overcapacity and it can be useful to reserve the continued heavy industry structural trend in Hebei Province; when 60 million tons of crude steel production reduced, the energy consumption of the top 10 energyintensive industries in Hebei Province can be reduced 19.76% (46.62 million tons of Standard Coal), the emissions of CO2,SO2,NOx and smoke dust will be decreased by 15.41% (10.16 million tons), 23.57% (316.1 thousand tons), 8.68% (152.9 thousand tons)and 28.51% (352.4 thousand tons) Compared with energy consumption in 2012. The elimination of backward production capacity and environmental pollution governance have become two major problems that need to be given priority to in the Hebei Province development, and reducing the size of the steel industry should become the key step and an important measure to solve two problems. This study provides both a theoretical support to solve the problem of excessive capacity in Hebei Province, and provides a theoretical basis for the rational development of the national steel industry policy and planning.

    Key wordsHebei Province; steel industry; inputoutput; ripple effect; energy saving and emission reduction

    2. The School of Humanities & Law, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian Liaoning 116023,China)

    AbstractThis paper studied the ripple effect of the steel industry on other industries in Hebei Province using the inputoutput method, and analyzed the major energyconsuming industries level of energy consumption and pollutant emissions according to the historical statistics and the relevant literature, and simulated the energy saving and emission reduction effect of other industrial sectors caused by the steel industry. Studies have shown that: the influence coefficient of the steel industry was 1.264 in Hebei Province; and the sensitivity coefficient was 3.285; the leading impact of its development on other industries and the effects stimulated by other industries development were very obvious; the steel industry have a significant ripple effect in the same direction on heavy industry sectors, when the output value of the steel industry changed 10%, the output value of the oil and gas exploration industry would change 33.35%, and the output value of the metal mining industry would change 17.37%, and the output value of the coal mining and washing industry would change 18.00%, and the output value of the metal products industry would change 9.00% in Hebei Province. The compression can help eliminate both the scale of the steel industry overcapacity and it can be useful to reserve the continued heavy industry structural trend in Hebei Province; when 60 million tons of crude steel production reduced, the energy consumption of the top 10 energyintensive industries in Hebei Province can be reduced 19.76% (46.62 million tons of Standard Coal), the emissions of CO2,SO2,NOx and smoke dust will be decreased by 15.41% (10.16 million tons), 23.57% (316.1 thousand tons), 8.68% (152.9 thousand tons)and 28.51% (352.4 thousand tons) Compared with energy consumption in 2012. The elimination of backward production capacity and environmental pollution governance have become two major problems that need to be given priority to in the Hebei Province development, and reducing the size of the steel industry should become the key step and an important measure to solve two problems. This study provides both a theoretical support to solve the problem of excessive capacity in Hebei Province, and provides a theoretical basis for the rational development of the national steel industry policy and planning.

    Key wordsHebei Province; steel industry; inputoutput; ripple effect; energy saving and emission reduction

    2. The School of Humanities & Law, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian Liaoning 116023,China)

    AbstractThis paper studied the ripple effect of the steel industry on other industries in Hebei Province using the inputoutput method, and analyzed the major energyconsuming industries level of energy consumption and pollutant emissions according to the historical statistics and the relevant literature, and simulated the energy saving and emission reduction effect of other industrial sectors caused by the steel industry. Studies have shown that: the influence coefficient of the steel industry was 1.264 in Hebei Province; and the sensitivity coefficient was 3.285; the leading impact of its development on other industries and the effects stimulated by other industries development were very obvious; the steel industry have a significant ripple effect in the same direction on heavy industry sectors, when the output value of the steel industry changed 10%, the output value of the oil and gas exploration industry would change 33.35%, and the output value of the metal mining industry would change 17.37%, and the output value of the coal mining and washing industry would change 18.00%, and the output value of the metal products industry would change 9.00% in Hebei Province. The compression can help eliminate both the scale of the steel industry overcapacity and it can be useful to reserve the continued heavy industry structural trend in Hebei Province; when 60 million tons of crude steel production reduced, the energy consumption of the top 10 energyintensive industries in Hebei Province can be reduced 19.76% (46.62 million tons of Standard Coal), the emissions of CO2,SO2,NOx and smoke dust will be decreased by 15.41% (10.16 million tons), 23.57% (316.1 thousand tons), 8.68% (152.9 thousand tons)and 28.51% (352.4 thousand tons) Compared with energy consumption in 2012. The elimination of backward production capacity and environmental pollution governance have become two major problems that need to be given priority to in the Hebei Province development, and reducing the size of the steel industry should become the key step and an important measure to solve two problems. This study provides both a theoretical support to solve the problem of excessive capacity in Hebei Province, and provides a theoretical basis for the rational development of the national steel industry policy and planning.

    Key wordsHebei Province; steel industry; inputoutput; ripple effect; energy saving and emission reduction





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