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标题 中国城镇化的关键影响因素及其效应分析



    中图分类号F061.3 文献标识码文章编号1002-2104(2014)12-0117-08doi:103969/jissn1002-2104201412016

    若以非农人口占社会人口的比率作为城镇化率的衡量指标,我国的城镇化率从1978年的17.92%发展到2012年的52.57%, 城镇人口数量超过了农业人口数量,与世界银行数据公布的2012年世界平均城市化率53%的水平相当。诚然,社会人口向城镇转移确实是城镇化的一项内容,是实现城镇化的一项重要任务,是考察城镇化的一项重要指标,但将城镇化仅仅归结为人口比率这一点,就是以偏概全了[1]。其实,城镇化的内涵非常丰富,它不仅是一个地区人口性质的变化,而应该全面体现该地区的人口城镇化、经济城镇化以及社会城镇化等多项指标。这三个指标是本文对城镇化程度概念的界定。



    中国城镇化快速发展的归因,一直是学术界关注的焦点。学者们分别从要素投入、人口素质、政府作用、金融深化、空间聚集、经济发展与消费需求等对城镇化进程的影响进行了研究。①要素投入是经济增长的驱动因素,也是城镇化发展的主要因素。基础设施的建设不仅是资金、土地等要素的投入,同时由于经济环境的改善而吸引大量外部资本的投入。王志刚等[2]、卫兴华等[3]和戴永安[4]等学者将这种高增长归因于资本要素投入的高增长。张光南等[5]认为城镇化程度低的国家需要更高的基础设施投入比例。刘生龙[6]认为基础设施存在外部性,基础设施的现代化将会继续加速我国的城镇化,从而形成未来我国持续、稳定高增长的强大动力。②人口素质是投资的结果,也是人力资本积累量的体现。在索洛的扩展增长理论中,人力资本与物质资本和劳动作为经济增长的三大投入要素。赵秋成[7]认为人口素质低下制约了中西部地区的经济发展。李德煌等[8]研究发现人力资本和技术进步正逐渐成为我国经济增长的主要影响因素,劳动力数量对经济增长的影响在逐渐减弱,而提高人口素质,才能促进经济的可持续发展。③金融深化程度持续影响城镇化的进程。蒙荫莉[9]研究表明金融深化与城镇化存在双向因果关系。杨胜刚等[10]发现金融深化与城镇化发展具有长期的均衡关系,尽管短期影响并不显著。政府通过政策调整、制度创新等影响城镇化进程。④政府在推动城镇化中的作用。中国经济增长前沿课题组[11]认为政府通过公共基础设施投资的扩张,推动了城镇化和区域经济增长,政府的土地财政,对城镇化有直接加速效应。但如果政府财政收支结构和筹资方式不能转变的话,则城镇的可持续发展就会面临挑战。李强等[12]发现中国城镇化的突出特征是政府主导、大范围规划、整体推动、土地的国家或集体所有等。 ⑤空间集聚加速了城镇化速度。葛立成[13]揭示了产业空间集聚的指向、类型与城镇化推进方式、扩张形态之间的内在联系,实证分析了产业空间集聚与城镇化的空间关联性。朱英明[14]认为产业空间集聚引致的城镇化经济与规模经济的增长显著正相关。⑥消费需求作为经济增长的三驾马车之一,一方面会因经济的增长而加大城镇化建设的资本投入。另一方面,消费需求也促进了城镇化的扩张。王国刚[15]认为加大消费性投资的价格效应和产能效应,加大消费性投资与城市政府的财力关系,深化体制机制创新等会促进城镇经济的发展。⑦经济的不同发展阶段决定了城镇化的水平。中国经济增长与宏观稳定课题组[16]发现各国的城镇化随着人均GDP 的增长而提高。王小鲁[17]认为城镇化水平与经济发展水平等因素有关。汪段泳等[18]认为城市化的发展与地方经济发展水平和劳动力迁移密切相关,中国城市化进程中的一个显著特征是区域差异非常明显,其根源是在国内经济发展水平不同的各地区,影响城市化发展的诸因素之发育程度及所起作用不同。




    结构方程模型(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)是一项重要的多元线性统计建模技术。它基于变量的协方差矩阵来分析变量之间关系,具有同时处理多个相关因变量、同时估计因子结构及因子关系、可对模型拟合程度进行整体估计等三个优点,并且允许数据估计存在误差,是各学科尤其是经济社会领域多元分析的重要工具。城镇化发展系统就是一个涉及主体众多、关系复杂的复杂系统,采用结构方程模型研究城镇化发展系统是一项有益的探索。结构方程模型方法的一般研究思路是先根据经济理论设定模型,然后进行评价与修正。










    因为数据涉及范围广,统计口径多,为确保数据的有效性,对数据进行了信度、效度检验,采用SPSS20.0 进行信度分析,统计分析结果表明所采用的数据有良好的信度。模型总体及各潜变量的信度统计指标见表1。













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    Analysis on the Key Influence Factors of Urbanization and Its Effects in China

    MA Xiaoxian

    (College of Finance, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Jinan Shandong 250014,China)

    AbstractAs part of the ‘twelfth five-year plan of the economic development in China, urbanization is an important strategy. It is of great practical significance for the healthy operation of the economy and the society to find out the key influential factors and the resulting effects of the urbanization process. There are some limitations for the traditional statistical methods to examine the relevant influential factors because of the difficulties in the measurement of urbanization with the multiple dimensions of economic urbanization, population urbanization and social urbanization and in the setting of a single indicator to represent multiple variables of a number of influential factors. Based on the study of the influence mechanism theory of urbanization and the structural equation model method, this paper collects nearly 10 years of statistical data of 282 cities in China and analyses empirically the critical influential factors of urbanization and its effects. The results show that the process of urbanization can be promoted by many economic development factors including the input of the factors of production, the consumer demand, the deepening of finance, the spatial clustering, the educational quality of people, and the role of the government, among which the input of the factors of production, the educational quality of people and the spatial clustering appear to have significant influence, while the role of the government, the consumer demand and the deepening of finance appear to have positive influence but the level of influence is not significant. Generally speaking, the input of factors of production is the basic factor in the promotion of the urbanization. The comparison of the data of 2002 and 2011 shows that urban population quality and urban space aggregation effects gradually play more critical roles in the urbanization process. We suggest that decision-making authorities should make collaborative use of relevant policies and the incentive measures of various promotion factors according to the path relationships and the internal path mechanisms shown by the structural model and take measures to ensure the effective roles of the endogenous driving factors.

    Key wordsurbanization; structural equation model; path of influence; effect analysis

    [18]汪段泳,朱农. 中国城市化发展决定因素的地区差异[J].中国人口·资源与环境, 2007,17(1):66-71.[Wang Duanyong, Zhu Nong. Regional Differences in Chinas Urbanization and Its Determinants[J].China Population, Resources and Environment, 2007, 17(1):66-71.]

    Analysis on the Key Influence Factors of Urbanization and Its Effects in China

    MA Xiaoxian

    (College of Finance, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Jinan Shandong 250014,China)

    AbstractAs part of the ‘twelfth five-year plan of the economic development in China, urbanization is an important strategy. It is of great practical significance for the healthy operation of the economy and the society to find out the key influential factors and the resulting effects of the urbanization process. There are some limitations for the traditional statistical methods to examine the relevant influential factors because of the difficulties in the measurement of urbanization with the multiple dimensions of economic urbanization, population urbanization and social urbanization and in the setting of a single indicator to represent multiple variables of a number of influential factors. Based on the study of the influence mechanism theory of urbanization and the structural equation model method, this paper collects nearly 10 years of statistical data of 282 cities in China and analyses empirically the critical influential factors of urbanization and its effects. The results show that the process of urbanization can be promoted by many economic development factors including the input of the factors of production, the consumer demand, the deepening of finance, the spatial clustering, the educational quality of people, and the role of the government, among which the input of the factors of production, the educational quality of people and the spatial clustering appear to have significant influence, while the role of the government, the consumer demand and the deepening of finance appear to have positive influence but the level of influence is not significant. Generally speaking, the input of factors of production is the basic factor in the promotion of the urbanization. The comparison of the data of 2002 and 2011 shows that urban population quality and urban space aggregation effects gradually play more critical roles in the urbanization process. We suggest that decision-making authorities should make collaborative use of relevant policies and the incentive measures of various promotion factors according to the path relationships and the internal path mechanisms shown by the structural model and take measures to ensure the effective roles of the endogenous driving factors.

    Key wordsurbanization; structural equation model; path of influence; effect analysis

    [18]汪段泳,朱农. 中国城市化发展决定因素的地区差异[J].中国人口·资源与环境, 2007,17(1):66-71.[Wang Duanyong, Zhu Nong. Regional Differences in Chinas Urbanization and Its Determinants[J].China Population, Resources and Environment, 2007, 17(1):66-71.]

    Analysis on the Key Influence Factors of Urbanization and Its Effects in China

    MA Xiaoxian

    (College of Finance, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Jinan Shandong 250014,China)

    AbstractAs part of the ‘twelfth five-year plan of the economic development in China, urbanization is an important strategy. It is of great practical significance for the healthy operation of the economy and the society to find out the key influential factors and the resulting effects of the urbanization process. There are some limitations for the traditional statistical methods to examine the relevant influential factors because of the difficulties in the measurement of urbanization with the multiple dimensions of economic urbanization, population urbanization and social urbanization and in the setting of a single indicator to represent multiple variables of a number of influential factors. Based on the study of the influence mechanism theory of urbanization and the structural equation model method, this paper collects nearly 10 years of statistical data of 282 cities in China and analyses empirically the critical influential factors of urbanization and its effects. The results show that the process of urbanization can be promoted by many economic development factors including the input of the factors of production, the consumer demand, the deepening of finance, the spatial clustering, the educational quality of people, and the role of the government, among which the input of the factors of production, the educational quality of people and the spatial clustering appear to have significant influence, while the role of the government, the consumer demand and the deepening of finance appear to have positive influence but the level of influence is not significant. Generally speaking, the input of factors of production is the basic factor in the promotion of the urbanization. The comparison of the data of 2002 and 2011 shows that urban population quality and urban space aggregation effects gradually play more critical roles in the urbanization process. We suggest that decision-making authorities should make collaborative use of relevant policies and the incentive measures of various promotion factors according to the path relationships and the internal path mechanisms shown by the structural model and take measures to ensure the effective roles of the endogenous driving factors.

    Key wordsurbanization; structural equation model; path of influence; effect analysis





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