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标题 社会发展、地理条件与边疆农村贫困











    ①地理气候条件,包括县域平均海拔、无霜期以及受灾面积比重三个因素[8],平均海拔基本不变,属于基本地理条件,对于县域的气候等有着重要的影响,无霜期是重要的农业生产条件,其长短直接决定了农作物的生长期,自然灾害在边境县市农民的生产和生活中有很大的影响,特别是农民的收入水平,很多农户因为自然灾害重新返贫。②资源条件,包括水资源、土地资源、旅游资源、矿产资源等。其中,水资源包括年降水量和亩平均用水量,在新疆干旱区水资源是既是重要的农业生产资料,也是农民生活资料,即意味着农作物产量,也意味着农民生活质量。土地资源包括人均耕地面积、人均林地面积、人均草地面积以及年减少耕地面积四个方面,土地资源的构成是农业生产结构构成比例的重要依据,因地制宜是当地政府和农户发展规模农业、特色农业以及农业合作化经营的基本条件[9]。有学者研究认为土地的细分加速了土地退化,进一步导致贫困的发生[10]。旅游资源和矿产资源是新疆重要的特色资源,作为边境县市农民重要的劳动对象,是农民劳动力转移以及增收的重要途径[11]。③区位和交通条件, 包括距离最近城市距离、县域公路密度两个因素[12],区位条件连接着市场,是农民出售剩余农业产品获得收入的渠道,交通条件即连接市场,也接通教育、卫生、社会信息等,能大大降低农民获得财富的机会成本。④人口素质,包括少数民族人口比重、农民人均教育年限。世界贫困状况具有从地理分布到人口分布的特点,我国民族自治地区贫困人口占全国人口的比重从2004年的46.6%上升到2008年的52.5%,上升近6个百分点。少数民族人口在语言、教育水平上相对落后,严重影响了其脱贫进程。⑤经济发展,包括农业产值比重以及粮食种植比重两个因素[13],农业产值比重是边境县市产业分布结构的重要指标,即可用来衡量当地经济发展水平,也一定程度上反映了当地人口的经济状况。人均粮食占有量是边境县市农业种植构成的指标,粮食作物和经济作物种植的比例反映了边境县市农业发展的水平。⑥社会政策,包括农村人均扶贫资金和一线守边人口比重两个因素,随着国家对农村贫困问题的日益重视,各级政府机构的扶贫资金进一步加大,扶贫模式也不断变化[14]。同时,当前我国农村贫困分布状况呈现“县城—远郊区—偏远区”的特征,边境县市偏远区一线相当比重居民在生产的同时,还有守边的社会责任。⑦基础设施,包括通电、通电话村比重以及自来水受益比重三个因素。电力设施、通讯设施在农村居民的生产生活中扮演着生活资料,同时也是工业、三产业不可缺少的劳动资料,自来水受益的比重对于改善农村生活设施,增强农民身体素质有重要的促进作用。


    本文数据来自国家发改委 “以工代赈” 援疆扶贫项目2013年调研资料,是一个总数为117个样本的平衡面板,资料来源还包括历年《新疆统计年鉴》、《新疆调查年鉴》,自治区政府扶贫办。运用的软件为Stata10与Eviews6.0。




    人均林地变量在最小二乘法回归中影响显著,同时方向为正向,说明了林业收入能够有效增加边境农民收入水平, 分位数回归参数值先升后降,表明边境县低收入农民比高收入农民更依靠林业进行增收。减少耕地变量对边境县农民收入在两种模型回归分析下都有负向影响,在低分位数0.1、0.25时影响显著,在分位数0.75水平时下降跳开,系数绝对值水平呈波状变化,说明了边境县低收入农民受到生态恶化的影响更大。
























    [1]Harris C D. The Market as a Factor in the Localization of Production[J].Annuals of the American Geographies,1954,44(8):35-48.

    [2]Gray L C,Moseley W G.A Geographical Perspective on Povertyenvironment Interactions [J].The Geographical Journal,2005,171(1):9-23.

    [3]Gallup J,Sachs J,Mellinger A.Geography and Economic Development[J].International Regional Science Review,1999,22(2):179-232.

    [4]Jalan J,Ravallion M.Behavioral Responses to Risk in Rural China [J].Journal of Development Economics,2001,66(5):23-49.

    [5]李小云,叶敬忠,张雪梅,等.中国农村贫困状况报告[J].中国农业大学学报,2004,27(1):79-86.[Li Xiaoyun,Ye Jingzhong,Zhang Xuemei,et al.Chinas Rural Poverty Report [J].Journal of China Agricultural University,2004,27(1):79-86.]

    [6]程宝良,高丽.西部脆弱环境分布与贫困关系的研究[J].环境科学与技术,2009,32(2):198-202.[Cheng Baoliang,Gao Li.The Western Fragile Environment Distribution and Poor Relations Research[J].Environmental Science and Technology,2009,32(2):198-202.]

    [7]曲玮,涂勤,牛叔文.自然地理环境的贫困效应检验:自然地理条件对农村贫困影响的实证分析[J].中国农村经济,2012,32(2):86-95.[Qu Wei,Tu Qin,Niu Shuwen.Poor Effect Test of Natural Geographical Environment:An Empirical Analysis of the Natural Geographical Conditions of Rural Poverty[J].Chinas Rural Economy,2012,32(2):86-95.]

    [8]周宏飞,张捷斌.新疆的水资源可利用量及其承载能力分析[J].干旱区地理,2005,28(6):746-757.[Zhou Hongfei,Zhang Jiebin.Analysis on the Volume of Available Water Resources and Its Carrying Capacity in Xinjiang[J].Arid Land Geography,2005,28(6):756-757.]

    [9]宋周莺,刘卫东.西部地区产业结构优化路径分析[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2013,23(10):31-37.[Song Zhouying,Liu Weidong. A Study on Industry Structure Optimization of Western China under Emissionreduction[J].China Population,Resources and Environment,2013,23(10):31-37.]

    [10]韩峥.脆弱性与农村贫困[J].农业经济问题,2004,10(1):103-110.[Han Zhen.Vulnerability and Rural Poverty[J].Agricultural Economic Problems,2004,10(1):103-110.]

    [11]Xu Min,Ye Baisheng,Zhao Qiudong.Estimation of Water Balance in the Source Region of the Yellow River Based on GRACE Satellite Data[J].Journal of Arid Land,2013,5(3):384-395.

    [12]陈全功.空间贫困理论视角下民族地区扶贫问题[J].中南民族大学学报,2011,3(1):56-63.[Chen Quangong. Space Poverty Theory Perspective of the Poverty Alleviation in Ethnic Minority Areas[J].Journal of Central South University for Nationalities,2011,3(1):56-63.]

    [13]章元,许庆.农业增长对降低农村贫困真的更重要吗?[J].金融研究,2011,23(6):109-121.[Zhang Yuan,Xu Qing.Is Agricultural Growth Really More Important to Reduce Rural Poverty? [J].Finance Research, 2011, 23(6): 109-121.]

    [14]高梦滔,姚洋.农户收入差距的微观基础: 物质资本还是人力资本?[J].经济研究,2006,14(12):25-34.[Gao Mengtao,Yao Yang.Which Is the Main Reason for Income Inequality in Rural China:Physical Assets or Human Capital? [J].Economic Research,2006,14(12):25-34.]

    Poor Effect Test of Natural Geographical Environment in Arid Areas

    HUANG Guoyong1,2ZHANG Min1QIN Bo3

    (1. School of Economy and Trade,Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi Xinjiang 830052, China;

    2. Department of Economy and Management,Bengbu College, Bengbu Anhui 233030, China;

    3. Development and Reform Commission of Xinjiang, Urumqi Xinjiang 830042, China)

    AbstractThe new feature on poverty around the world is regional poverty. The main phenomenon of rural poverty in China is the formation and development of the continuous extremely poor area. In less developed areas, especially in border areas of the countryside, there are lots of poor areas where a large number of people live. In terms of its dimensions,less low level of social development and bad geographical condition is the two mainly reason which have led to the rural poverty of frontier. In the border areas, especially those border areas neighbouring with the outside world, has complicated backgrounds such as society, economy, population, which make it more necessary to connect the research of poverty theory with characteristics of the times in which all of regions and urban and rural areas can gain development as a whole. Now there are lots of research literatures on regional rural poverty in the current China and overseas. From the content perspective, most of the researches on poverty severed the connection between the regional social development and geographical conditions, and also mainly focused on the overall quantitative analysis in research methods. In this article, with panel data of social and economic development and natural geographical conditions through 2006-2012 in Xinjiang border counties, we analyzes the social, economic development and natural geographical factors on how to affect the rural income level and poverty occurrence ratio by the quantile regression, and the results shows that:① Model analysis shows that social development factors such as the proportion of residents protecting the border, agricultural output value proportion, etc, has a significant effect to increase farmers income and poverty reduction, other factors such as years of education and poverty alleviation fund can also significantly reduce rural poverty. Geography factors such as average altitude, per capita forest land and mineral resources significantly affect farmers income and rural poverty in different impact directions. ② Quantile regression analysis of conditional probability shows that the effects of various factors are different at different points in quantile regression. For example, in 0.75, 0.9 quantiles, poverty alleviation fund has a more positive effect on poverty reduction in those areas severe poverty. Meanwhile, the exploitation of mineral resources for poverty reduction is more beneficial in those relatively developed areas. ③ Based on the combination of two dimensions of social development and geological conditions, to a certain extent, social development can reduce or even eliminate the poverty effects of adverse geographical condition. For this purpose, it is necessary for the poverty alleviation work in the rural areas of the border to adjust measures according to local conditions and make more targeted measures, avoid blindness and one size fits all and avoid the strange circle of ‘poverty trap.

    Key wordspoverty; social development; natural geographical environment; quantile regression; the border counties

    [6]程宝良,高丽.西部脆弱环境分布与贫困关系的研究[J].环境科学与技术,2009,32(2):198-202.[Cheng Baoliang,Gao Li.The Western Fragile Environment Distribution and Poor Relations Research[J].Environmental Science and Technology,2009,32(2):198-202.]

    [7]曲玮,涂勤,牛叔文.自然地理环境的贫困效应检验:自然地理条件对农村贫困影响的实证分析[J].中国农村经济,2012,32(2):86-95.[Qu Wei,Tu Qin,Niu Shuwen.Poor Effect Test of Natural Geographical Environment:An Empirical Analysis of the Natural Geographical Conditions of Rural Poverty[J].Chinas Rural Economy,2012,32(2):86-95.]

    [8]周宏飞,张捷斌.新疆的水资源可利用量及其承载能力分析[J].干旱区地理,2005,28(6):746-757.[Zhou Hongfei,Zhang Jiebin.Analysis on the Volume of Available Water Resources and Its Carrying Capacity in Xinjiang[J].Arid Land Geography,2005,28(6):756-757.]

    [9]宋周莺,刘卫东.西部地区产业结构优化路径分析[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2013,23(10):31-37.[Song Zhouying,Liu Weidong. A Study on Industry Structure Optimization of Western China under Emissionreduction[J].China Population,Resources and Environment,2013,23(10):31-37.]

    [10]韩峥.脆弱性与农村贫困[J].农业经济问题,2004,10(1):103-110.[Han Zhen.Vulnerability and Rural Poverty[J].Agricultural Economic Problems,2004,10(1):103-110.]

    [11]Xu Min,Ye Baisheng,Zhao Qiudong.Estimation of Water Balance in the Source Region of the Yellow River Based on GRACE Satellite Data[J].Journal of Arid Land,2013,5(3):384-395.

    [12]陈全功.空间贫困理论视角下民族地区扶贫问题[J].中南民族大学学报,2011,3(1):56-63.[Chen Quangong. Space Poverty Theory Perspective of the Poverty Alleviation in Ethnic Minority Areas[J].Journal of Central South University for Nationalities,2011,3(1):56-63.]

    [13]章元,许庆.农业增长对降低农村贫困真的更重要吗?[J].金融研究,2011,23(6):109-121.[Zhang Yuan,Xu Qing.Is Agricultural Growth Really More Important to Reduce Rural Poverty? [J].Finance Research, 2011, 23(6): 109-121.]

    [14]高梦滔,姚洋.农户收入差距的微观基础: 物质资本还是人力资本?[J].经济研究,2006,14(12):25-34.[Gao Mengtao,Yao Yang.Which Is the Main Reason for Income Inequality in Rural China:Physical Assets or Human Capital? [J].Economic Research,2006,14(12):25-34.]

    Poor Effect Test of Natural Geographical Environment in Arid Areas

    HUANG Guoyong1,2ZHANG Min1QIN Bo3

    (1. School of Economy and Trade,Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi Xinjiang 830052, China;

    2. Department of Economy and Management,Bengbu College, Bengbu Anhui 233030, China;

    3. Development and Reform Commission of Xinjiang, Urumqi Xinjiang 830042, China)

    AbstractThe new feature on poverty around the world is regional poverty. The main phenomenon of rural poverty in China is the formation and development of the continuous extremely poor area. In less developed areas, especially in border areas of the countryside, there are lots of poor areas where a large number of people live. In terms of its dimensions,less low level of social development and bad geographical condition is the two mainly reason which have led to the rural poverty of frontier. In the border areas, especially those border areas neighbouring with the outside world, has complicated backgrounds such as society, economy, population, which make it more necessary to connect the research of poverty theory with characteristics of the times in which all of regions and urban and rural areas can gain development as a whole. Now there are lots of research literatures on regional rural poverty in the current China and overseas. From the content perspective, most of the researches on poverty severed the connection between the regional social development and geographical conditions, and also mainly focused on the overall quantitative analysis in research methods. In this article, with panel data of social and economic development and natural geographical conditions through 2006-2012 in Xinjiang border counties, we analyzes the social, economic development and natural geographical factors on how to affect the rural income level and poverty occurrence ratio by the quantile regression, and the results shows that:① Model analysis shows that social development factors such as the proportion of residents protecting the border, agricultural output value proportion, etc, has a significant effect to increase farmers income and poverty reduction, other factors such as years of education and poverty alleviation fund can also significantly reduce rural poverty. Geography factors such as average altitude, per capita forest land and mineral resources significantly affect farmers income and rural poverty in different impact directions. ② Quantile regression analysis of conditional probability shows that the effects of various factors are different at different points in quantile regression. For example, in 0.75, 0.9 quantiles, poverty alleviation fund has a more positive effect on poverty reduction in those areas severe poverty. Meanwhile, the exploitation of mineral resources for poverty reduction is more beneficial in those relatively developed areas. ③ Based on the combination of two dimensions of social development and geological conditions, to a certain extent, social development can reduce or even eliminate the poverty effects of adverse geographical condition. For this purpose, it is necessary for the poverty alleviation work in the rural areas of the border to adjust measures according to local conditions and make more targeted measures, avoid blindness and one size fits all and avoid the strange circle of ‘poverty trap.

    Key wordspoverty; social development; natural geographical environment; quantile regression; the border counties

    [6]程宝良,高丽.西部脆弱环境分布与贫困关系的研究[J].环境科学与技术,2009,32(2):198-202.[Cheng Baoliang,Gao Li.The Western Fragile Environment Distribution and Poor Relations Research[J].Environmental Science and Technology,2009,32(2):198-202.]

    [7]曲玮,涂勤,牛叔文.自然地理环境的贫困效应检验:自然地理条件对农村贫困影响的实证分析[J].中国农村经济,2012,32(2):86-95.[Qu Wei,Tu Qin,Niu Shuwen.Poor Effect Test of Natural Geographical Environment:An Empirical Analysis of the Natural Geographical Conditions of Rural Poverty[J].Chinas Rural Economy,2012,32(2):86-95.]

    [8]周宏飞,张捷斌.新疆的水资源可利用量及其承载能力分析[J].干旱区地理,2005,28(6):746-757.[Zhou Hongfei,Zhang Jiebin.Analysis on the Volume of Available Water Resources and Its Carrying Capacity in Xinjiang[J].Arid Land Geography,2005,28(6):756-757.]

    [9]宋周莺,刘卫东.西部地区产业结构优化路径分析[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2013,23(10):31-37.[Song Zhouying,Liu Weidong. A Study on Industry Structure Optimization of Western China under Emissionreduction[J].China Population,Resources and Environment,2013,23(10):31-37.]

    [10]韩峥.脆弱性与农村贫困[J].农业经济问题,2004,10(1):103-110.[Han Zhen.Vulnerability and Rural Poverty[J].Agricultural Economic Problems,2004,10(1):103-110.]

    [11]Xu Min,Ye Baisheng,Zhao Qiudong.Estimation of Water Balance in the Source Region of the Yellow River Based on GRACE Satellite Data[J].Journal of Arid Land,2013,5(3):384-395.

    [12]陈全功.空间贫困理论视角下民族地区扶贫问题[J].中南民族大学学报,2011,3(1):56-63.[Chen Quangong. Space Poverty Theory Perspective of the Poverty Alleviation in Ethnic Minority Areas[J].Journal of Central South University for Nationalities,2011,3(1):56-63.]

    [13]章元,许庆.农业增长对降低农村贫困真的更重要吗?[J].金融研究,2011,23(6):109-121.[Zhang Yuan,Xu Qing.Is Agricultural Growth Really More Important to Reduce Rural Poverty? [J].Finance Research, 2011, 23(6): 109-121.]

    [14]高梦滔,姚洋.农户收入差距的微观基础: 物质资本还是人力资本?[J].经济研究,2006,14(12):25-34.[Gao Mengtao,Yao Yang.Which Is the Main Reason for Income Inequality in Rural China:Physical Assets or Human Capital? [J].Economic Research,2006,14(12):25-34.]

    Poor Effect Test of Natural Geographical Environment in Arid Areas

    HUANG Guoyong1,2ZHANG Min1QIN Bo3

    (1. School of Economy and Trade,Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi Xinjiang 830052, China;

    2. Department of Economy and Management,Bengbu College, Bengbu Anhui 233030, China;

    3. Development and Reform Commission of Xinjiang, Urumqi Xinjiang 830042, China)

    AbstractThe new feature on poverty around the world is regional poverty. The main phenomenon of rural poverty in China is the formation and development of the continuous extremely poor area. In less developed areas, especially in border areas of the countryside, there are lots of poor areas where a large number of people live. In terms of its dimensions,less low level of social development and bad geographical condition is the two mainly reason which have led to the rural poverty of frontier. In the border areas, especially those border areas neighbouring with the outside world, has complicated backgrounds such as society, economy, population, which make it more necessary to connect the research of poverty theory with characteristics of the times in which all of regions and urban and rural areas can gain development as a whole. Now there are lots of research literatures on regional rural poverty in the current China and overseas. From the content perspective, most of the researches on poverty severed the connection between the regional social development and geographical conditions, and also mainly focused on the overall quantitative analysis in research methods. In this article, with panel data of social and economic development and natural geographical conditions through 2006-2012 in Xinjiang border counties, we analyzes the social, economic development and natural geographical factors on how to affect the rural income level and poverty occurrence ratio by the quantile regression, and the results shows that:① Model analysis shows that social development factors such as the proportion of residents protecting the border, agricultural output value proportion, etc, has a significant effect to increase farmers income and poverty reduction, other factors such as years of education and poverty alleviation fund can also significantly reduce rural poverty. Geography factors such as average altitude, per capita forest land and mineral resources significantly affect farmers income and rural poverty in different impact directions. ② Quantile regression analysis of conditional probability shows that the effects of various factors are different at different points in quantile regression. For example, in 0.75, 0.9 quantiles, poverty alleviation fund has a more positive effect on poverty reduction in those areas severe poverty. Meanwhile, the exploitation of mineral resources for poverty reduction is more beneficial in those relatively developed areas. ③ Based on the combination of two dimensions of social development and geological conditions, to a certain extent, social development can reduce or even eliminate the poverty effects of adverse geographical condition. For this purpose, it is necessary for the poverty alleviation work in the rural areas of the border to adjust measures according to local conditions and make more targeted measures, avoid blindness and one size fits all and avoid the strange circle of ‘poverty trap.

    Key wordspoverty; social development; natural geographical environment; quantile regression; the border counties





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