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单词 overstate
释义 overstate /əʊvəsteɪt; name oʊvərs-/ verb [transitive] to say that sth is larger than it really is, especially an amount of money 夸大(尤指金额)◆the company admitted it had overstated its revenues by $20 million. 这家公司承认夸大了 2 000 万元收益。 opp understate ▸ overstatement /əʊvəsteɪtmənt; name oʊvərs-/ noun [countable, uncountable] ◆overstatement of profits 多报利润☞ overstateoverstate /əʊvəsteɪt; name oʊvərsteɪt/ [transitive] (rather formal) to say sth in a way that makes it seem greater or more important than it really is夸张;夸大;言过其实◆he tends to overstate the case when talking politics.他一谈政治便喜欢夸大其词。◆the seriousness of the crime cannot be overstated.这一罪行的严重性怎么说也不为过。ⓘ typical collocates of overstate are importance, significance, seriousness and the case. * overstate 的常见搭配词有 importance、significance、seriousness 和 the case。 opp understate → understate ▸ overstatement noun [countable, uncountable] ◆it is not an overstatement to say a crisis is imminent.说危机当头绝非危言耸听。◆he was well known for his fondness for overstatement.他以喜欢言过其实而著称。overstate/ˌəʊvəˈsteɪt ||; ˈovɚˈstet/verb [t] to say sth in a way that makes it seem more important than it really is 把…讲得过分;夸大 [opp] understate 反义词为understateoverstatesee ⇨ exaggerate 1 o·ver·state /`ovə`stet; ˌəʊvəˈsteɪt/v [t]to talk about something in a way that makes it seem more important, serious etc than it really is; exaggerate 对…言过其实; 夸大




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