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单词 nickname
释义 nickname nounadjective | verb + nickname | nickname + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤childhood儿时的绰号➤affectionate亲昵的绰号➤cute (especially name) 可爱的绰号➤little (especially name) 小绰号verb + nickname➤have, use有绰号;用绰号◆he used the nickname 'brutus'.他用了“布鲁图”这一绰号。➤give sb给某人起外号➤acquire, gain, get获得绰号◆he got his nickname 'ash' from his heavy smoking.他由于烟瘾极大而得了一个“烟灰”的外号。➤earn (sb)(某人)赢得绰号➤live up to体现绰号含义◆knockout nat lived up to his nickname.“击倒之神”这个绰号不是他自封的。➤hate讨厌绰号nickname + verb➤stick绰号留存◆he got his nickname when he was at school and it stuck for the rest of his life.他上学时的外号伴随了他一生。preposition➤nickname for给⋯起的外号◆their nickname for the club was 'muscle alley'.他们给俱乐部起的外号是“肌肉胡同”。phrases➤hence her/his nickname因此得了外号◆he worked in a garage-hence his nickname 'oily'.他在修车场工作,因此得了个外号“油腻腻”。 nickname noun  ➡ see also the entry for name另见 name 条nickname ♦︎ pseudonym ♦︎ aliasthese are all words for a name for sb which is not their real name.这些词均表示人的假名、化名、绰号。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a nickname / pseudonym / alias for sb◆to do sth under the pseudonym / alias (of) x◆to use / adopt a nickname / a pseudonym / an alias■ nickname /nɪkneɪm/ [countable] an informal, often humorous, name for a person that is connected with their real name, their personality or appearance, or with sth they have done绰号;诨名;外号◆how did you get your nickname?你的绰号是怎么来的?◆we used to have nicknames for all our teachers.我们曾经给所有的老师都起了外号。 ➡ see also nickname → call verb 1 ■ pseudonym /suːdənɪm, bre also sjuːdənɪm-->/ [countable] a name used by sb, especially a writer, instead of their real name假名;化名;笔名◆she writes under a pseudonym.她用笔名写作。◆he adopted the pseudonym of george banks.他用了乔治 • 班克斯的化名。■ alias /eɪliəs/ [countable] a false or different name, especially one that is used by a criminal(尤指罪犯所用的)化名,别名◆a con man used an alias to infiltrate the organization.一个骗子用化名混入了这个组织。◆he checked into the hotel under an alias.他用化名登记住进旅馆。▸ alias adverb◆mick clark, alias sid brown米克 • 克拉克,又名锡德 • 布朗nickname /nɪkneɪm/ [transitive, often passive] to give sb/sth an informal, often humorous, name that is used instead of or in addition to their/its real name给⋯起外号◆she was nicknamed 'the ice queen'.她外号叫“冰上王后”。ⓘ when you nickname sb/sth, you usually choose a new name that is connected with their real name, their personality, appearance or qualities, or with sth they have done or can do.给某人或某物起外号时,选择的新名字通常与对象的本名、个性、外表、特质、经历或本领有关◆michael jackson, nicknamed 'jacko'迈克尔 • 杰克逊,外号 jacko◆he was nicknamed 'stretch' because he was so tall.他的外号是“大个”,因为他个子很高。 ➡ see also nickname → nickname noun nickname /nɪkneɪm/ [countable] an informal, often humorous, name for a person that is connected with their real name, their personality or appearance, or with sth they have done绰号;诨名;外号◆how did you get your nickname?你的绰号是怎么来的?◆we used to have nicknames for all our teachers.我们曾经给所有的老师都起了外号。 ➡ see also nickname → call verb 1 nickname/ˈnɪkneɪm ||; ˈnɪkˌnem/noun [c] an informal name that is used instead of your real name, usually by your family or friends 诨名;绰号;外号 nickname verb [t] nicknamesee ⇨ call/describe as 3 ⇨ name 2☞ nickname¹☞ nickname²




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