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单词 farm
释义 farm nounadjective | verb + farm | farm + verb | farm + noun | preposition adjective➤big, large大农场;很大的农场▸➤little, small小农场▸➤100-acre, 200-hectare, etc. * 100 英亩、200 公顷等的农场▸➤local, nearby, neighbouring/neighboring, surrounding当地的/附近的/邻近的/周围的农场▸➤isolated, outlying, remote孤零零的/偏远的/遥远的农场➤hill (bre) 小山上的农场➤family, home家庭农场➤conventional, traditional常规的/传统的农场➤private私有农场➤collective, cooperative集体/合作农场➤commercial, corporate (name) 商业/公司式农场▸➤state国营农场➤factory, industrial, intensive (especially bre) 工厂式/工业型/集约型农场➤experimental, research (especially name) 实验型/研究型农场▸➤model示范农场◆ten model farms have been set up to showcase modern production methods.已建成了 10 座示范农场来展示现代化的生产方式。➤working农场◆the area combines a working farm and a farming museum.这个地区既是农场又是一个农业博物馆。➤organic有机农场▸➤arable, livestock, mixed耕作农场;畜牧场;混合农场➤breeding, horse, stud (especially bre) 饲养场;马场;种马场▸➤chicken, coffee, dairy, fish, fruit, hog, pig, poultry, sheep, shrimp, tree, trout, turkey, etc.养鸡场、咖啡种植场、奶牛场、养鱼场、果园、养猪场、家禽养殖场、牧羊场、养虾场、林场、鳟鱼养殖场、火鸡养殖场等➤truck (name) 商品果蔬园➤wind风力发电场◆controversial plans to build a wind farm on the island备受争议的、在该岛上建风力发电场的计划verb + farm➤have, own拥有农场▸➤manage, operate, run管理农场;经营农场▸➤work, work at, work on在农场工作◆during the war, few men were left to work the farm.战争期间,几乎没有男人留在农场干活儿。◆the children had to work on the family farm.孩子们得在家里的农场干活儿。➤build, establish, set up, start建造/创建/建立/开办农场▸➤live on住在农场▸➤be raised on, be reared on在农场长大/饲养◆i was raised on a country farm.我是在乡下的农场长大的。◆the pigs are raised on factory farms. (especially name) 这些猪是在工厂化的农场里养大的。➤inherit继承农场▸➤visit参观农场farm + verb➤be located, lie农场地处/位于◆the farm lies on the hills above the lake.农场位于湖边的小山上。➤grow sth, produce sth农场种植⋯/生产⋯◆a farm growing tobacco种植烟草的农场◆a dairy farm producing gourmet cheeses生产美味奶酪的奶牛场➤operate农场运作◆the 80-acre farm now operates around the clock.这个占地 80 英亩的农场一天 24 小时都在运作。farm + noun➤produce, product农产品◆farm produce, including fruit and corn, was their principal export.农产品,包括水果和谷类,是他们的主要出口物。◆farm products such as eggs and vegetables鸡蛋、蔬菜等农产品➤animal家畜▸➤labourer/laborer, worker农场劳动者/工人▸➤labour/labor农业劳动力➤chore, work农活儿◆i helped him with his farm chores.我帮他干农场的一些杂活儿。➤manager, owner农场经营者;农场主➤management农场管理➤field, land (usually farmland) 农田▸➤building农场建筑▸➤equipment, implements, machinery, tractor农用设备;农具;农业机械;农用拖拉机➤policy (especially name) 农业政策➤bill农场议案◆republicans hope to pass the farm bill in the current fiscal year.共和党人希望在本财政年度通过这一农场议案。➤program (name) 农业计划◆the us farm program for wheat美国的小麦生产农业计划➤subsidies农业补贴◆the eu has decided to cut farm subsidies.欧盟已决定削减农业补贴。➤exports, production (both especially name) 农业出口/生产◆we anticipate our overall farm production next year to be lower.我们预计明年的农业总产量会降低。➤income农业收入◆farm incomes rose 11% last year.去年农业收入上升了 11%。➤economy, sector (especially name) 农场经济;农业部门◆the farm economy was stable.农业经济很稳定。◆today, the farm sector employs about 3% of our workforce.目前,农业口雇了约 3% 的劳动力。➤life农场生活◆village and farm life乡村和农场生活➤boy, girl, kid (informal, especially name) 乡村男孩/女孩/小孩➤family, household (both especially name) 农民家庭◆a poor farm family一个贫困的农民家庭➤cottage (bre) , house (usually farmhouse) 农场小屋;农舍➤shop (bre) , stand, store (name) 农场商店;农场货摊◆the farmer's wife runs the farm shop.农场主的妻子经营着这家农场商店。◆bo was working the farm stand.布照看着这个农场货摊。➤supply store (name) 农产品供应商店◆local farm supply stores are expected to lose business.预计当地农产品供应店的生意可能会减少。➤community, country, state, town (all name) 农业社区;乡间;农业州;农场城镇◆the rolling farm country of central kentucky肯塔基州中部连绵起伏的农业地带◆an illinois farm town伊利诺伊州的一个农场小镇➤belt (name) 农业(地)带◆the kansas farm belt堪萨斯州农业带➤road, track (especially bre) 农场上的道路;农场小道preposition➤at a/the farm在农场里◆the police are investigating a fire at a nearby farm.警方正在调查附近农场的一场火灾。➤down on the farm在农场中◆the myth of happy animals down on the farm is now far from the truth.现在看来,动物在农场里快乐生活的神话与真实情况相去甚远。➤on a/the farm在农场◆he had lived on that farm all his life.他一生都生活在那个农场里。farm verbadverb➤heavily, intensively密集耕作;精耕细作◆the land has been intensively farmed.这块地已经精耕过了。➤organically有机耕作◆they farm organically now.他们现在从事有机农业生产。 farm /fɑːm; name fɑːrm/ noun [countable] area of land, and the buildings on it, used for growing crops and/or keeping animals 农场◆a 40-hectare farm 一个 40 公顷的农场◆a farm labourer/worker 农场工人◆farm buildings/machinery 农场建筑物;农业机械◆an increase in jobs in the farm sector 农业部门就业机会的增加2.a place where particular fish or animals are bred 养殖场;饲养场◆a cattle/chicken/fish farm 养牛场;养鸡场;养鱼场  ➡  factory farm cube farm ◇ fish farm ◇ non-farm ◇ server farm ◇ wind farm farm /fɑːm; name fɑːrm/ verb [intransitive, transitive] to use land for growing crops and/or keeping animals 种田;从事畜牧业◆the family has farmed in the area for generations. 这个家族在这个地区世代务农。◆organically farmed produce 有机种植的农产品 ●farm sth out to sb (bre) to send out work for other people to do 把工作包给他人◆most of the engineering work is farmed out to independent firms. 大部分工程包给了独立公司。☞ farm☞ farm farm nounfarm ♦︎ ranch ♦︎ plantation ♦︎ orchard ♦︎ vineyard ♦︎ grove ♦︎ homesteadthese words all mean an area of land that is used for growing crops or keeping animals.这些词均指农场、牧场、种植园。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆on a farm / ranch / plantation / vineyard / homestead◆at a farm / ranch / plantation / vineyard◆in a plantation / an orchard / a vineyard / a grove◆a 5-hectare, 100-acre, etc. farm / ranch / plantation / orchard / vineyard◆a cattle / sheep farm / ranch◆a fruit farm / plantation / orchard■ farm [countable] an area of land, and the buildings on it, used for growing crops and/or keeping animals; the main house on a farm, where the farmer lives农场;农舍◆it's a dairy farm producing speciality cheeses.这是个生产特色奶酪的乳牛场。◆many farm workers face low wages and poor working conditions.很多农场工人收入低,工作条件差。ⓘ farm is also used in compounds to mean a place where particular fish or animals are bred. * farm 亦用于构成复合词,指养殖场、饲养场◆a fish / trout / mink / pig farm养鱼场;鳟鱼养殖场;水貂饲养场;养猪场■ ranch /rɑːntʃ; name ræntʃ/ [countable] a large farm, especially in north america or australia, where large animals such as cows, horses or sheep are bred(尤指北美或澳大利亚的)牧场,大农场◆she grew up on a cattle ranch in wyoming.她在怀俄明州的牧牛场长大。◆we hired three new ranch hands (= the people who work on a ranch).我们新雇用了三名牧场工人。■ plantation /plɑːnteɪʃn; name plænteɪʃn/ [countable] a large area of land, especially in a hot country, where crops such as coffee, sugar and rubber are grown种植园,种植场(尤指热带国家种植咖啡、甘蔗、橡胶等的大庄园)◆a banana / coffee plantation香蕉/咖啡种植园■ orchard /ɔːtʃəd; name ɔːrtʃərd/ [countable] a piece of land, normally enclosed, in which fruit trees are grown果园◆an apple / a cherry orchard.苹果园;樱桃园■ vineyard /vɪnjəd; name vɪnjərd/ [countable] a piece of land where grapes are grown in order to produce wine(为酿酒而种植的)葡萄园◆dutch settlers planted the first vineyard when they arrived in 1652.荷兰移民于 1652 年抵达后种植了第一个葡萄园。■ grove /grəʊv; name groʊv/ [countable] a small area of land with fruit trees of a particular type on it(小片)果树林,果园◆olive / lemon groves橄榄园;柠檬园note 辨析 orchard or grove?an orchard is usually enclosed and is usually for growing fruit such as apples, pears, plums and cherries that grow well in cooler countries; groves are usually open and are usually for growing fruit such as olives, oranges and lemons that grow well in warmer countries. * orchard 通常是封闭的,种植的通常是适宜在凉爽地区生长的苹果、梨、李子、樱桃等水果; grove 通常是没有围栏的,种植的通常是适宜在温暖地区生长的橄榄、橙子、柠檬等水果。■ homestead /həʊmsted; name hoʊmsted/ [countable] (especially name) a house where a family lives and the land and buildings around it, especially a small farm; (in the us in the past) a piece of land given to sb by the government on condition that they lived on it and grew crops on it(包括周围土地和附属房屋的)家宅;(尤指)农庄;宅地(美国旧时由国家分给个人居住并开垦的土地)◆what began as a small family homestead is now a 5 000-acre ranch.起初的家庭小农庄现在已发展成 5 000 英亩的大牧场。 farm verbfarm ♦︎ grow ♦︎ plough ♦︎ cultivate ♦︎ plant ♦︎ workthese words all mean to use or prepare ground for growing crops.这些词均表示耕种、种田、务农。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to farm / plough / cultivate / plant / work the land◆to grow / cultivate / plant crops◆to plough / plant / work a field◆to be organically / intensively farmed / grown / cultivated■ farm [intransitive, transitive] to use land for growing crops and/or keeping animals务农;从事畜牧业;耕种;饲养◆the family has farmed in kent for over two hundred years.这个家族在肯特务农两百多年了。◆they farm dairy cattle.他们饲养奶牛。◆he farmed 200 acres of prime arable land.他耕种了 200 英亩良田。▸ farming noun [uncountable] ◆sheep / dairy / organic farming牧羊;养奶牛;有机耕作■ grow (grew, grown) [transitive] to put seeds or plants in the ground and take care of them, usually in order to use or sell the plants later栽培;种植◆i didn't know they grew rice in spain.我以前不知道西班牙也种稻子。◆i grew all these flowers from one packet of seeds.这些花全都是我用一包种子种出来的。■ plough (bre) (name plow) /plaʊ/ [transitive, intransitive] to turn over and break up the ground in a field or other area of land by using a plough (= a large piece of farming equipment), especially in order to prepare the ground for growing crops犁(田);耕(地);翻(土)◆the land was divided into large ploughed fields.这片地被分割成几大块犁过的田。■ cultivate /kʌltɪveɪt/ [transitive] (formal or written) to prepare and use land for growing plants or crops; to grow plants or crops耕;耕作;种植◆the land around here has never been cultivated.这一带的土地从未开垦过。◆the people cultivate mainly rice and beans.人们主要种植稻子和豆类。▸ cultivation noun [uncountable] ◆fertile land that is under cultivation肥沃的耕地◆rice cultivation水稻种植■ plant [transitive] to cover an area of land such as a garden or field with plants(在某处)栽种◆the field had been ploughed and planted with corn.这块地已犁过并种上了玉米。■ work [transitive] to do the hard physical work that is needed to grow crops on an area of land(人工)耕种;干农活◆boys who didn't go to school worked the land with their fathers.不上学的男孩跟父亲一起种田。 farm [countable] an area of land, and the buildings on it, used for growing crops and/or keeping animals; the main house on a farm, where the farmer lives农场;农舍◆it's a dairy farm producing speciality cheeses.这是个生产特色奶酪的乳牛场。◆many farm workers face low wages and poor working conditions.很多农场工人收入低,工作条件差。ⓘ farm is also used in compounds to mean a place where particular fish or animals are bred. * farm 亦用于构成复合词,指养殖场、饲养场◆a fish / trout / mink / pig farm养鱼场;鳟鱼养殖场;水貂饲养场;养猪场 farm [intransitive, transitive] to use land for growing crops and/or keeping animals务农;从事畜牧业;耕种;饲养◆the family has farmed in kent for over two hundred years.这个家族在肯特务农两百多年了。◆they farm dairy cattle.他们饲养奶牛。◆he farmed 200 acres of prime arable land.他耕种了 200 英亩良田。▸ farming noun [uncountable] ◆sheep / dairy / organic farming牧羊;养奶牛;有机耕作farm¹/fɑ:m ||; fɑrm/noun [c] an area of land with fields and buildings that is used for growing crops and keeping animals 农场;饲养场: ◇to work on a farm 在农场干活儿◇farm buildings/workers/animals 农场建筑物╱工人╱禽畜 farm²/fɑ:m ||; fɑrm/verb [i,t] to use land for growing crops or keeping animals 耕作;务农;饲养禽畜: ◇she farms 200 acres. 她耕种200英亩土地。 ☞ farm¹☞ farm²




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