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单词 realization
释义 realization (bre also realisation) nounadjective | verb + realization | realization + verb adjective➤full充分的认识▸➤dawning, growing越来越清晰的认识▸➤gradual, slow渐进的/缓慢的认识➤belated迟来的认识▸➤sudden突然的领悟➤startling令人吃惊的认识▸➤awful, grim, horrible, painful, stark, terrible可怕的认识;无情的认识;痛苦的认识;彻底的认识➤sobering使人清醒的认识verb + realization➤come to逐渐认识到◆he came to the realization that he would never make a good teacher.他逐渐认识到自己永远不会成为好老师。realization + verb➤come (to sb), dawn (on sb), hit sb, sink in, strike sb(某人)认识到◆the realization that the murderer must have been a close friend came as a shock.意识到杀人凶手一定是个密友,大家都很震惊。◆we saw the terrible realization of what she'd done dawn on her face.我们从她脸上看出她突然恐惧地认识到自己做了什么。realization (bre also realisation) [uncountable, singular] the process of becoming aware of sth认识;领会◆the realization of what she had done suddenly hit her.她突然意识到自己究竟干了些什么。◆the gradual realization that they were losing the war渐渐意识到他们正在输掉这场战争 ➡ see also realize → know 1 re·a·li·za·tion /(also 又作 -isation bre 【英】) /ˏriələ`zeʃən; ˌrɪəlaɪˈzeɪʃən//n [singular 单数,u] 1. when you begin to understand or realize something that you did not know before 理解; 认识; 领悟:◇+ that she finally came to the realization that jeff had been lying all the time. 她最终认识到杰夫一直在说谎。 2. when you achieve something you had planned or hoped to do [计划、希望的]实现:◇+ of climbing everest was the realization of a lifelong ambition. 攀爬埃佛勒斯峰是毕生抱负的实现。




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