单词 | unimportant |
释义 | unimportant (especially written) not important; not deserving serious attention不重要的;次要的;无足轻重的◆don't worry about these unimportant details.别为这些细枝末节烦恼。◆they dismissed the problem as unimportant.他们认为这个问题无关紧要而不予理会。opp important → important unimportant/ˌʌnɪmˈpɔ:tnt ||; ˌʌnɪmˈpɔrtṇt/adj not important 不重要的: ◇unimportant details 琐碎的细节◇relatively/comparatively unimportant 相对╱比较不重要◇they dismissed the problem as unimportant. 他们认为这问题无足轻重,不予考虑。 unimportant1 not important2 what you say when something is not important3 less important than something else4 someone who is not important5 something that is not important6 to make something seem less important than it really isrelated wordsoppositeimportant,see alsosmall,1. not important 不重要的 not important/unimportant /nɒt ɪmˈpɔːʳtənt, ˌʌnɪmˈpɔːʳtənt◂/ [adjective] formal not likely to cause problems or to have an important effect on something 【正式】不重要的,无足轻重的 ‘i forgot to add the olive oil.’ ‘don't worry -- it's not important.’ “我忘记加橄榄油了。”“别担心不要紧的。” i don't want to waste time arguing over unimportant details. 我不想浪费时间争论细枝末节。 it is not important that you understand everything at this stage. 这个阶段你不一定要样样都明白。 critics have dismissed his work as unimportant. 评论家认为他的作品没有分量而不予考虑。 minor /ˈmaɪnəʳ/ [adjective] a minor problem, accident, disagreement etc is small and does not have a serious effect or result [问题、事故、分歧等]小的;轻微的 two car windows were broken and minor damage was done to some shops. 两扇车窗被打破,有几家商店遭到轻微破坏。 she suffered some minor injuries in the accident. 她在事故中受了点轻伤。 we've had a few minor problems with the new computer system. 我们的新电脑系统有些小问题。 insignificant/not significant /ˌɪnsɪgˈnɪfɪkənt, nɒt sɪgˈnɪfɪkənt/ [adjective] not important enough to worry about, especially because there are other problems that are much more serious 不重要的,不足挂齿的,没有意义的[尤因其他问题要严重得多] the level of radiation was considered ‘insignificant’ and not a danger to health. 这个辐射水平被认为是“不严重的”,不会危害健康。 there is a slight difference in the way men and women are affected by the drug, but this is not really significant. 男性和女性对药物的反应有细微的不同,但不十分重要。 after a week of negotiations, the differences between the two sides are now relatively insignificant. 经过一周的谈判,现在双方的分歧相对来说已经微不足道了。 eu financiers say that recent problems on the us stock markets were not significant for europe. 欧盟的金融家称最近美国股市的问题没有影响欧洲。 petty /ˈpeti/ [adjective] something such as a problem, argument, or worry that is petty is so unimportant that it seems silly or selfish for someone to talk or worry about [问题、争吵或担忧等]不重要的,琐碎的 we started having arguments over petty little things. 我们开始为一些小事争吵。 the meeting spent too much time on petty issues, and didn't address the real problem. 这个会议在无关紧要的问题上花了太多时间,而没有处理实质问题。 trivial /ˈtrɪviəl/ [adjective] unimportant and not serious, and not worth worrying about or spending time or effort on 微不足道的,琐碎的 no, i don't think your question is trivial at all. 不,我一点都不觉得你的问题琐碎。 why waste time watching trivial tv programs? 何必把时间浪费在没有意义的电视节目上呢? the issue of where the peace talks will be held may seem trivial, but to the participants it is very important. 和谈在哪里举行也许看上去微不足道,但是对与会者来说却十分重要。 small /smɔːl/ [adjective only before noun] not important and not likely to take long to deal with or correct 不重要的;容易处理的 your essay's very good -- there are just one or two small points i'd like to discuss. 你的文章非常好——我只想讨论一两个小问题。 there were a couple of small things i wanted to talk to you about. 我有几件小事想和你谈谈。 we had a few small problems when we were putting the design together, but it works fine now. 我们把设计放在一起的时候有些小问题,不过现在已经解决了。 be of no importance /biː əv ˌnəʊ ɪmˈpɔːʳtəns/ [verb phrase] formal to not be important, and be unlikely to affect anything in a serious way 【正式】无关紧要 if you're capable of doing the job, your age is of no importance. 如果你能胜任此项工作,你的年龄就无所谓了。 these are small details and probably of no importance. 这些是细枝末节,可能不重要。2. what you say when something is not important 说某事不重要 it doesn't matter /ɪt ˌdʌzənt ˈmætəʳ/ spoken say this to tell someone that something is not important and will not cause any serious problems 【口】[告诉某人事情]不要紧,没有关系 ‘we've missed the train.’ ‘it doesn't matter - there's another one in 10 minutes.’ “我们没有赶上这趟火车。”“没关系,十分钟后有另一趟。”it doesn't matter if/whether/what etc it doesn't matter if you're a few minutes late. we'll wait for you. 你迟到几分钟没有关系,我们会等你的。 it doesn't matter what other people think. you should do what you think is best. 别人怎么想并不重要,你认为好的就应该去做。 it makes no difference/it doesn't make any difference /ɪt ˌmeɪks nəʊ ˈdɪfərəns, ɪt ˌdʌzənt meɪk eni ˈdɪfərəns/ say this when you think something is not important enough to affect what happens or change what someone decides [对某事]没有影响 ‘do you want cash or a cheque?’ ‘it doesn't make any difference.’ “你要现金还是支票?”“无所谓。” even if she had known he was lying it would have made no difference. 就算她知道他在撒谎,那也不会怎么样。 it doesn't make any difference whether you use fresh berries or frozen ones. 用新鲜莓子还是用冷冻的莓子没有区别。it makes no difference/it doesn't make any difference to somebody it makes no difference to me if you want to go. 要是你想去的话,我无所谓。it makes no difference/it doesn't make any difference to something you can have a single room or a double -- it makes no difference to the price. 你住单人房或双人房都可以—价钱是一样的。 it's no big deal / it's not a big deal /ɪts ˌnəʊ bɪg ˈdiːl, ɪts ˌnɒt ə bɪg ˈdiːl/ spoken say this when you do not think something is important or worrying, even though other people may think it is 【口】不是什么大事[用于表示不以为然,即使他人可能觉得重要或烦恼] my leg's a little sore, but it's no big deal. 我的脚有点痛,不过没什么大不了。 just copy your work onto a disk - it's no big deal. 只是把你做的东西拷贝到磁盘上一这不是什么大事。 she assumed he'd be furious, but the whole incident just wasn't a big deal to him. 她以为他会发怒,但是对他来讲整件事情没有什么大不了。 it's nothing /ɪts ˈnʌθɪŋ/ spoken say this when you think something is not important and you do not want other people to worry about it 【口】没什么[用于不想某人担心] ‘are you okay?’ ‘yeah, it's nothing.’ “你还好吧?”“还好,没有什么。” ‘why do you want to speak to danny? is he in trouble again?’ ‘no, it's nothing, really. we just want to ask a couple of questions.’ “你们为什么想找丹尼谈话?他又惹事了吗?”“没有,其实没什么,我们只是想问几个问题。”3. less important than something else 不及其他事情重要的 secondary /ˈsekəndəriǁ-deri/ [adjective] less important than the main subject, problem etc 次要的;从属的 the government sees unemployment as a secondary issue. 政府认为失业是个次要问题。 the study found that women were often reduced to secondary roles in the workplace. 研究发现女性在工作场所经常沦为附属的角色。secondary to tourism is secondary to oil revenues as a source of income. 作为收入来源,旅游业仅次于石油收益。 subsidiary /səbˈsɪdiəriǁ-dieri/ [adjective] formal a subsidiary idea, question, subject etc is less important than the main one but it is connected with it 【正式】[观点、问题等]附属的;次要的 if you take the english literature course, you can do linguistics as a subsidiary subject. 你如果主修英国文学,就可以辅修语言学。subsidiary to the formulation of a lasting peace settlement was the main objective, and everything else was seen as subsidiary to it. 制定持久和平协定是主要目的,其他一切事务都是附带的。 incidental /ˌɪnsɪˈdentl◂, ˌɪnsəˈdentl◂/ [adjective] happening or existing in connection with or as a result of something else that is more important 附带的;伴随的 the red cross will provide money for food, housing, and incidental expenses. 红十字会将为食物、住房以及其他杂费提供资金。incidental to the puzzles are fun, but are incidental to the plot of the book. 这些拼图游戏很有趣味,不过它们只是该书的附带情节。purely incidental the concert is just for fun, really. any profit we make from it will be purely incidental. 这场音乐会只是为了好玩,真的。我们从中获得的任何益处纯粹是附带的收获。 marginal /ˈmɑːʳdʒɪnəl, ˈmɑːʳdʒənəl/ [adjective] too small and unimportant to have any useful or noticeable effect 微不足道的,不重要的 the difference between the two cars is marginal. 这两辆车之间差别甚微。 a marginal increase in sales 销售额的微增 peripheral /pəˈrɪfərəl/ [adjective] relating to the main activity, question, or subject, but much less important than it [活动、问题或主题]次要的,非主要的 it is a society in which women's rights and concerns are still treated as peripheral. 在这个社会里,妇女的权益仍被看作是次要的。 too much money is being spent on peripheral programs when our kids can't read or do basic math. 无关紧要的项目上花费太多,而我们的孩子连阅读和基本的数学运算都不会。peripheral to the romance was peripheral to the movie's main plot. 对于电影的主要情节来讲,这段恋情是次要的。 be of secondary/minor/less etc importance /biː əv ˌsekəndəri ɪmˈpɔːʳtənsǁ-deri-/ [verb phrase] to be not very important compared to other things [与其他事物相比]是次要的,不是很重要的 it's the perfect job for him - the salary is of secondary importance. 这工作对他来说十分理想—工资倒是次要的。 police are increasingly regarding cannabis use as being of minor importance compared with other forms of crime. 警方越来越觉得,相对于其他形式的犯罪而言,吸食大麻不算严重。 we must stop treating mental illness as being of less importance than physical disabilities. 我们必须摈弃精神疾病不比身体残疾重要的想法。 side issue /ˈsaɪd ˌɪʃuː/ [countable noun] a subject or question that results from or is connected with the main one being considered, but is much less important 次要问题 the meeting seemed to focus on side issues, without ever really addressing the main point. 这次会议的重点似乎在次要问题上,没有真正处理主要问题。 one of the side issues that arose was what to do with the old equipment when the new things arrived. 出现的其中一个附带问题是:新设备运到后,旧的怎么处理? pale into insignificance /ˌpeɪl ɪntʊ ɪnsɪgˈnɪfɪkəns/ [verb phrase] if someone's problems or achievements pale into insignificance when they are compared to something else, they are clearly much less important [与其他事物相比]显得微不足道[无足轻重] our difficulties pale into insignificance when compared to the problems of the homeless. 和无家可归者的问题相比,我们的困难显得微不足道。4. someone who is not important 不重要的人 not important /nɒt ɪmˈpɔːʳtənt/ [adjective] he's not really an important figure in the organization. 他在组织中其实并不是重要人物。 don't worry about the critics. they're not important - they just think they are. 不要去管那些评论家,这些人没什么了不起,他们就是自以为是。 insignificant /ˌɪnsɪgˈnɪfɪkənt/ [adjective] not important enough or powerful enough to worry about or treat seriously 无足轻重的 the anti-war group was an insignificant minority within the party. 反战派是党内无足轻重的少数派。 the spies’ payroll included insignificant clerks and highly placed officials. 间谍名单上有小职员和高官。 the little guy /ðə ˈlɪtl gaɪ/ [singular noun] especially american, informal a person or organization that is not important because they do not have any power or influence 【尤美,非正式】微不足道的小人物[组织] he got rich trading illegally on the stock market, using the little guy's money. 他利用无名小卒的钱在股票市场上非法进行交易发了财。 when the big retailers open a store, the little guys lose business. 大的零售商开店之后,小店便失去了客源。 lightweight /ˈlaɪt-weɪt/ [countable noun] someone who is well-known, for example in politics or literature, but is not really respected or considered to be important [政界或文坛等中有名但]无足轻重的人,轻量级人物 his books are tremendously popular, but most of the critics regard him as a lightweight. 他的书大受欢迎,可多数评论家都认为他只是个不足取的作家。political/intellectual/literary etc lightweight it would be dangerous to dismiss her as a political lightweight. 认为她只是政坛上的无名之辈而小看她是危险的。 a nobody /ə ˈnəʊbədiǁ-bɑːdi/ [countable noun usually singular] informal someone who is considered to be unimportant because they are not famous, powerful, or rich 【非正式】无名小卒 he went from being a nobody to being paid $2 million a year. 他从一个无名之辈成为一个年薪200万美元的人。 i felt like a complete nobody when i lost my job. 我失业的时候觉得自己什么都不是。 nonentity /nɒˈnentɪti, nɒˈnentətiǁnɑː-/ [countable noun] someone who is not at all important, powerful, or interesting, and has no special qualities or skills 平庸之辈,无能的人 next to him, the other dancers seemed like nonentities. 除了他,其他舞蹈演员似乎无足轻重。 he packed his government with nonentities, who would never challenge his leadership. 他在政府中安排了很多无能之辈,这些人不会对他的执政造成威胁。 small fry /ˈsmɔːl fraɪ/ [plural noun] informal a person or group who has very little power or importance compared to other people or organizations 【非正式】小人物;小组织 environmental groups are small fry against the power of the big multinationals. 与庞大的跨国集团相比,环境保护组织只不过是一些小鱼小虾。 only the small fry on the drugs scene got caught by the police. 警方只抓获毒品圈子里的喽啰。5. something that is not important 不重要的事 trivia /ˈtrɪviə/ [uncountable noun] information or facts that are not important and have no real use or value 琐事 the magazine was full of trivia and gossip. 这本杂志里全是闲言琐闻。 i find that i can remember trivia such as old sports results, but i can't remember the things that i really need to remember. 我发觉我把以前的运动成绩之类的琐事记得很牢,真的需要我记得的东西我却记不住。6. to make something seem less important than it really is 使某事显得不如实际重要 trivialize also trivialise british /ˈtrɪviəlaɪz/ [transitive verb] to write or talk about something in a way that makes it seem less serious or important than it really is 对…轻描淡写;把…当成小事 the newspaper's headlines trivialized the war, making it seem like a game. 报纸头条新闻对这场战争轻描淡写,仿佛那是一场游戏。 judges feared that showing the trial on television would trivialize the legal process. 法官们担心,在电视上播映这次审讯会让人把法律程序视同儿戏。 play down/downplay /ˌpleɪ ˈdaʊn, daʊnˈpleɪ/ [] to pretend that a problem, illness etc is less important or serious than it really is 降低[问题、疾病等]的重要[严重]性 he accused drug companies of downplaying the risks of the new drug. 他指责制药公司对新药的危险性轻描淡写。 she downplayed any suggestion that there had been a leak in the chemical factory. 她对化工厂泄漏事件的种种暗示不以为然。play down something the government is trying to play down the seriousness of the unemployment figures. 政府在试图淡化失业数据的严重性。play something down the plan will cause a lot of changes, but officials are trying to play it down. 这个计划会引起很多变化,可是官员们却将此淡化。 belittle /bɪˈlɪtl/ [transitive verb] to say or do something that makes someone's efforts or achievements seem unimportant or useless 轻视,贬低,小看 good teachers never belittle their students. 好老师从不贬低自己的学生。 does your boss constantly belittle your contribution to the department? 你的老板经常轻视你对部门的贡献吗? understate /ˌʌndəʳˈsteɪt/ [transitive verb] to describe the size, value, or importance of something in a way that makes it seem less than it really is 不充分如实地陈述 i think you are understating the importance to young people of a stable home life. 我觉得你没有如实陈述稳定的家庭生活对于年轻人的重要性。 in the report, the incidence of violent crime is consistently understated. 报告里,暴力犯罪的发生率一贯被少报。 underestimate /ˌʌndərˈestɪmeɪt, ˌʌndərˈestəmeɪt/ [transitive verb] to wrongly think that something is less important than it really is 低估 people often underestimate the importance of human relationships in successful companies. 人们经常低估成功企业里人际关系的重要性。 never underestimate the value of really good training. 千万不要低估真正出色的培训的重要性。 un·im·por·tant /ˏʌnɪm`pɔrtṇt; ˌʌnɪmˈpɔːtənt◄/adjnot important 不重要的 |
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