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单词 plausible
释义 plausible adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, seem, sound可信;好像有理;听起来有理▸➤make sth使⋯貌似真实▸➤find sth, think sth认为⋯似乎有理◆he did not think it plausible that all the differences could be explained in this way.他认为用这种方式解释所有的区别似乎没有道理。adverb➤extremely, highly, very似乎很有理;非常可信▸➤entirely, perfectly, quite似乎十分有理;完全可信◆a perfectly plausible theory十分可信的理论➤equally同样合理◆an equally plausible explanation同样合理的解释➤not remotely似乎毫无道理◆there was no way the story could be made to sound even remotely plausible.这话再怎么说都全然说不通。➤hardly几乎没有道理▸➤reasonably还算可信▸➤superficially表面上似乎有理▸➤intuitively凭直觉觉得有理◆this view seems intuitively plausible and has a long history.这种观点凭直觉上觉得是合理的,而且有着悠久的历史。plausible /plɔːzəbl/ (rather formal) (of an excuse or explanation) reasonable and likely to be true(借口或解释)有道理的,可信的◆her story sounded perfectly plausible.她的说辞听起来言之有理。◆the only plausible explanation is that he forgot.唯一合理的解释就是他忘了。opp implausible → unlikely 2  ➡ see also reasonable → reasonable ▸ plausibly adverb◆he argued, very plausibly, that the claims were untrue.他振振有词地辩解说那些说法不属实。plausible/ˈplɔ:zəbl ||; ˈplɔzəbḷ/adj that you can believe; reasonable 可信的;似有道理的: ◇a plausible excuse 言之成理的借口 [opp] implausible 反义词为implausibleplausiblesee ⇨ believe 5 plau·si·ble /`plɔzəbḷ; ˈplɔːzɪbəl/adjsomething that is plausible seems likely to be true 似乎是真实的,好像有理的:◇a plausible explanation 似乎有道理的解释→ opposite 反义词 implausible




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