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单词 fly
释义 fly noun¹ 1insect昆虫verb + fly | fly + verb | fly + noun verb + fly➤shoo, shoo away, swat发嘘声赶苍蝇;发嘘声赶走苍蝇;拍苍蝇◆i swatted the fly with a newspaper.我用一张报纸拍苍蝇。➤attract吸引苍蝇➤catch捉苍蝇fly + verb➤buzz苍蝇嗡嗡叫◆a fly was buzzing against the window.一只苍蝇贴在窗户上嗡嗡地叫着。➤crawl苍蝇爬▸➤land (on sth)苍蝇落(在⋯上)◆a fly landed on the butter.一只苍蝇落在黄油上。fly + noun➤larva蛆▸➤spray灭蝇喷雾剂fly noun² 2 (bre also flies) on trousers/pants裤子adjective | verb + fly/flies | fly + noun adjective➤button钮扣裤洞verb + fly/flies➤button, button up, do up, zip up扣上裤洞钮扣;拉上裤洞拉链➤undo, unzip解开裤洞钮扣;拉开裤洞拉链◆do you know your fly is undone?你的裤洞未扣好,知道吗?◆your flies are undone! (bre) 你的裤洞没扣好!fly + noun➤button裤洞钮扣  ➡ topic at clothes fly verbadverb | preposition adverb➤high, low飞得高;飞得低▸➤fast, slowly飞得快;飞得慢▸➤about, around, back, down, out, past到处飞;兜着圈子飞;飞回;飞下;飞出去;飞过➤away, off飞离;飞走preposition➤above在⋯上面飞◆we watched the birds flying high above us.我们看着鸟儿在我们头顶上空高飞。➤over在⋯上空飞◆a plane flying low over the sea沿着海面低空飞行的飞机 fly /flaɪ/ verb (flies, flying, flew / fluː/, flown /fləʊn; name floʊn/) 1. [transitive] to transport goods or passengers in a plane 空运(货物或乘客)◆the airline flew nearly a million passengers last month. 这家航空公司上个月运送了近 100 万人次乘客。◆the replacement parts had to be flown in specially. 替换的零件不得不特地空运过来。 (name) [intransitive] to be successful 成功◆it remains to be seen whether his project will fly. 他的项目是否能成功,还有待观察。 ●fly standbyto travel by plane using a ticket that cannot be bought in advance and is only available a very short time before the plane leaves (a standby ticket) (飞机旅客)等退票(或余票)出行◆one in ten business travellers flies standby. 十分之一的商务旅客都是临时购买飞机票出行的。  ➡  idiom at shelf ☞ flyfly verb 1➤a bird/plane flies鸟儿飞翔;飞机飞行➤a stone came flying through the window.一块石头飞进了窗户。fly ♦︎ flutter ♦︎ glide ♦︎ soarthese words all mean to move through the air, for example in a plane or using wings.这些词均表示在空中飞,如飞机飞行或展翅而飞。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to fly / flutter / glide / soar away◆to fly / glide / soar off / above / over / overhead / up◆to fly / glide through the air◆to fly / soar into the air / sky / clouds◆to fly / soar high / higher■ fly (flew, flown) [intransitive] to move through the air or through space飞;飞翔;飞行◆a wasp had flown in through the window.一只黄蜂从窗口飞了进来。◆it was autumn, and the birds were flying south.时至秋日,群鸟南飞。◆helicopters flew to and fro overhead.直升机在头顶上方往返飞行。 ➡ see also fly → go 2 ▸ flight noun [uncountable] ◆the age of supersonic flight超声速飞行时代◆the bird is easily recognized in flight (= when it is flying).这种鸟飞翔时很容易认出来。  ➡ see also flight → flight ■ flutter [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) (of a bird or insect) to fly somewhere, moving the wings quickly and lightly(鸟或昆虫)飞来飞去,翩翩飞舞◆a butterfly fluttered from flower to flower.一只蝴蝶在花丛中飞来飞去。◆the birds fluttered nervously in their cage.那些鸟在笼子里不安地飞来飞去。■ glide [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) (of birds and aircraft) to fly using air currents, not moving the wings or using engine power(鸟和飞机)滑翔◆the swan spread its wings and glided gently downward.那只天鹅展开双翅轻盈地向下滑翔。◆he cut the engines and glided silently into the clearing.他关上发动机,无声地滑翔降落在林中空地。■ soar /sɔː(r)/ [intransitive] (written) to fly very high in the air; to fly very quickly up into the air高飞;翱翔;升空◆an eagle was soaring high above the cliffs.一只雕在悬崖上空高高翱翔。◆the plane was soon soaring up into the sky.飞机很快就要升空了。fly verb 2➤a bird/plane flies鸟儿飞翔;飞机飞行➤a stone came flying through the window.一块石头飞进了窗户。  ➡ see also the entry for run 1另见 run 条第 1 义fly ♦︎ shoot ♦︎ speed ♦︎ hurtle ♦︎ whizz ♦︎ zoom ♦︎ career ♦︎ flash ♦︎ streakthese words all mean to go or move very fast.这些词均表示快速移动、飞奔、疾驰。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to fly / shoot / speed / hurtle / whizz / zoom / career / flash / streak down / across (sth)◆to fly / shoot / speed / hurtle / whizz / zoom / flash / streak past (sb / sth)◆to fly / shoot / speed / hurtle / whizz / career / streak through sth◆to fly / shoot / speed / hurtle / whizz / zoom along (sth)◆to fly / shoot / speed / hurtle / career into sth◆to fly / speed / hurtle / whizz / zoom / flash / streak by◆to fly / shoot / speed / hurtle / zoom / career off■ fly (flew, flown) [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to move suddenly and with force in a particular direction猛然移动◆a large stone came flying in through the window.一块大石头飞进了窗户。◆david gave the door a kick and it flew open.戴维踢了门一脚,门一下子开了。◆the other player was sent flying by the tackle.另一名队员被那个阻截者撞开了。◆she flew at him with clenched fists.她攥紧拳头朝他冲过去。◆he flew into her arms.他扑进她的怀抱。■ shoot (shot, shot) [intransitive, transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to move suddenly and quickly in a particular direction; to make sb/sth do this(朝某个方向)冲,奔,飞驰;使飞驰◆flames were shooting up through the roof.火不断从房顶蹿上来。◆a cat shot out into the road in front of him.一只猫突然蹿到他前面的路上。◆he shot an arm out to stop her.他猛地伸出胳膊去拦阻她。■ speed (speeded, speeded or sped, sped) (especially written) to move along very fast, especially in a vehicle(尤指驾驶或乘搭交通工具)快速前行◆the car sped along the road towards the village.汽车沿着公路飞速朝村庄驶去。◆jock sped away on his bike.乔克飞快地骑着自行车走了。 ➡ see also speed → accelerate ■ hurtle /hɜːtl; name hɜːrtl/ [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to move forward very fast, especially in an uncontrolled way(尤指失控地)飞驰,猛冲◆a train came hurtling through the station.一列火车从车站飞驰而过。■ whizz (especially bre) (also whiz, especially in name) /wɪz/ [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) (rather informal) to move or go somewhere very fast, making a high continuous sound嗖嗖地移动;飞速行驶◆a bullet whizzed past my ear.一颗子弹嗖的一声从我耳边飞过。◆he whizzed down the road on his motorbike.他骑着摩托车呼啸着沿路绝尘而去。■ zoom [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) (rather informal) to move or go somewhere very fast, often with a loud noise快速移动,迅速前往(常伴有很大的噪音)◆traffic zoomed past us.车辆从我们身边疾驰而过。◆he jumped into his car and zoomed off.他跳进汽车疾驶而去。■ career /kərɪə(r); name kərɪr/ [intransitive] (especially bre) (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) (rather formal) to move very fast in a particular direction, especially in an uncontrolled way(尤指失控地)猛冲,疾驰,飞奔◆the vehicle careered off the road and hit a pedestrian.那辆车冲下马路,撞上了一个行人。■ flash [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to move past or across sb/sth very quickly, so that you only see it for a moment飞速移动;掠过◆the countryside flashed past as we sped along.我们一路疾驰,乡村景色飞掠而过。◆a look of terror flashed across his face.他脸上掠过惊恐的神色。■ streak /striːk/ [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to move so fast that it is difficult for you to see it clearly飞奔,疾驰(以致看不清)◆some kind of animal leaped out of the grass and streaked across the meadow.不知是什么动物跃出草丛,飞快地穿过草地。fly(flies, flying, flew, flown) [transitive, intransitive] to display a flag, especially on a long pole; (of a flag) to be displayed in this way; (of sth light and flowing) to move around freely in the air升,悬挂(旗);(旗)飘扬;(轻盈飘逸之物)飘动◆flags were flown at half mast (= half way down the pole, as a mark of respect to sb who has died) on all public buildings.所有的公共建筑都降半旗致哀。◆the japanese flag flew outside the embassy.日本国旗在大使馆外飘扬。◆her hair was flying in the breeze.她的头发随风飘拂。fly(flies, flying, flew, flown) [intransitive, transitive] to control an aircraft in the air驾驶飞机;操纵(飞行器)◆where did you learn to fly?你在哪儿学的开飞机?◆she's trained to fly passenger planes, not military jets.她受过驾驶客机的训练,而不是战斗机。◆they deliberately flew the plane into enemy airspace.他们故意把飞机开进敌方领空。◆i've never flown one of these before.我以前没开过这种飞机。 ➡ see also fly → go 2 fly(flew, flown) [intransitive] to move through the air or through space飞;飞翔;飞行◆a wasp had flown in through the window.一只黄蜂从窗口飞了进来。◆it was autumn, and the birds were flying south.时至秋日,群鸟南飞。◆helicopters flew to and fro overhead.直升机在头顶上方往返飞行。 ➡ see also fly → go 2 ▸ flight noun [uncountable] ◆the age of supersonic flight超声速飞行时代◆the bird is easily recognized in flight (= when it is flying).这种鸟飞翔时很容易认出来。  ➡ see also flight → flight fly(flew, flown) [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to move suddenly and with force in a particular direction猛然移动◆a large stone came flying in through the window.一块大石头飞进了窗户。◆david gave the door a kick and it flew open.戴维踢了门一脚,门一下子开了。◆the other player was sent flying by the tackle.另一名队员被那个阻截者撞开了。◆she flew at him with clenched fists.她攥紧拳头朝他冲过去。◆he flew into her arms.他扑进她的怀抱。fly(flew, flown) [intransitive, transitive] to go on a journey in an aircraft(搭飞机)飞行,飞越◆when are you flying to bangkok?你何时飞往曼谷?◆it was the first time i'd ever flown.那是我第一次乘飞机。◆she always flies business class.她搭飞机总是坐商务舱。◆who was the first person to fly the atlantic (= travel over it in an aircraft)?谁是飞越大西洋的第一人? ➡ see also fly → drive 1 , fly → fly 1 fly(flew, flown) [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to go or move very quickly疾驰;疾行;快速移动◆the train was flying along.火车飞驰着。◆she gasped and her hand flew to her mouth.她倒抽了一口气,连忙用手捂着嘴。◆ (informal) it's late-i must fly (= leave quickly).来不及了,我得赶紧走。note 辨析 dash or fly? dash is always used to talk about people. * dash 的主语一定是人◆the train was dashing along. fly is more often used to talk about things. both words can be used informally in the phrase i must dash/fly, meaning 'i have to leave.' * fly 多用于谈论事物。两个词都可以用在非正式短语 i must dash/fly 中,表示“我得赶紧走了”。fly(flew, flown) [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to transport goods or passengers in a plane空运(货物或乘客)◆the stranded tourists were finally flown home.受困的旅客终于由飞机送返家园。◆he had flowers specially flown in for the ceremony.他特地为这个典礼空运来鲜花。fly¹/flaɪ ||; flaɪ/verb (present participle flying third person singular present flies;past tense flew /flu: ||; flu/ past participle flown /fləʊn ||; flon/) 1. [i] (used about a bird, insect, aircraft, etc) to move through the air (指鸟类、昆虫、飞机等)飞: ◇this bird has a broken wing and can't fly. 小鸟折了一只翅膀,飞不起来了。◇i can hear a plane flying overhead. 我听得见头顶飞过一架飞机。 2. [i,t] to travel or carry sth in an aircraft, etc 坐飞机;空运: ◇my daughter is flying (out) to singapore next week. 我女儿下星期要坐飞机去新加坡。◇supplies of food were flown (in) to the starving people. 粮食由飞机运给饥民。 3. [i,t] (used about a pilot) to control an aircraft (指飞行员)驾驶(飞机): ◇you have to have special training to fly a jumbo jet. 必须受过专门训练,才可以驾驶巨型喷气式飞机。 4. [i] to move quickly or suddenly, especially through the air 急速或突然移动(尤指在空中): ◇a large stone came flying through the window. 打窗口飞进来一块大石头。◇i slipped and my shopping went flying everywhere. 我滑了一交,所购之物撒了一地。◇suddenly the door flew open and mark came running in. 门忽然开了,马克跑进来。 (figurative 比喻) ◇the weekend has just flown by and now it's monday again. 周末才刚匆匆而过,转眼又到星期一了。 5. [i,t] to move about in the air; to make sth move about in the air 飘扬;使飘扬: ◇the flags are flying. 旗帜迎风飘扬。◇to fly a flag/kite 挂旗;放风筝 ☞noun flight 名词为flight as the crow flies→crow¹fly off the handle(informal 非正式) to become very angry in an unreasonable way (莫名其妙地)大发脾气 let fly (at sb/sth) 1. to shout angrily at sb 向…怒吼 2. to hit sb in anger 怒打: ◇she let fly at him with her fists. 她气得打了他几拳。 fly²/flaɪ ||; flaɪ/noun[c] 1. (plural flies) a small insect with two wings 苍蝇: ◇flies buzzed round the dead cow. 一群苍蝇绕着那条牛的尸体嗡嗡地转。 ☞picture at insect 见insect插图 2. (also flies [pl]) an opening down the front of a pair of trousers that fastens with buttons or another device (a zip)and is covered with a narrow piece of material (裤子的)拉链遮盖,钮扣遮盖 ☞picture on page c6 见c6页插图flysee ⇨ fast 4 ⇨ take 1 ⇨ travel 3     • • •• ⇨ i must dash/fly☞ fly¹☞ fly²




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