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单词 keep to
释义 ☞ keep to sthkeep tosee ⇨ obey 2 keep tophr v 1. [t keep to sth] to do what you should do, especially because you have agreed to do it 履行,遵守:◇they failed to keep to their side of the agreement. 他们未能遵守协议中与他们一方有关的条款。 2. [t keep to sth] to not leave something 不离开…; 沿着…:◇keep to the main roads. 沿着大路走。 3. keep sth to a minimum to make something happen as little as possible 把某事限制到最小程度 4. keep sth to yourself to not tell anyone else about something 对某事守秘密:◇kim kept gina's secret to herself. 金对吉娜的秘密守口如瓶。




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