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单词 pride
释义 pride noun¹ 1feeling of being proud of sb/sth自豪感adjective | verb + pride | preposition | phrases adjective➤fierce, great强烈的自豪感➤justifiable有理由的自豪◆she took justifiable pride in her son's achievements.她为儿子的成就感到理所当然的自豪。➤fatherly父亲般的骄傲◆he smiled with fatherly pride.他带着慈父般的自豪微笑着。verb + pride➤feel, have, swell with感到骄傲;自豪感油然而生◆they have a fierce pride in their traditions.他们对自己的传统感到无比自豪。◆he swelled with pride as he held the trophy.手捧奖杯时他的自豪感油然而生。➤express表达自豪感preposition➤with pride自豪地◆i wear my policeman's uniform with pride.我自豪地穿着警服。◆'my daughter's a writer,' he added with pride.“我女儿是作家。”他自豪地补充说。➤pride in对⋯的自豪◆she expressed pride in her child's achievement.她表达了对孩子成绩的自豪。phrases➤a cause for pride, a matter for pride引以为豪的原因/事物◆their reputation for fairness is a matter for pride.他们公正的名声值得自豪。➤a source of pride自豪的原因➤take (a) pride in sth对⋯感到自豪◆she takes great pride in her work.她对自己的工作感到非常自豪。pride noun² 2self-respect自尊adjective | verb + pride | preposition | phrases adjective➤great强烈的自尊心▸➤family, masculine, personal, professional家庭/男性/个人/职业尊严◆his masculine pride would not let him admit that a girl had defeated him.他的男性自尊使他不会承认输给了一个女孩子。➤civic, local, national, patriotic公民/地方/国家/爱国自豪感◆businesses rushed to include images of patriotic pride in their marketing.各企业在营销中纷纷将爱国自豪感的意象包括在内。➤ethnic, gay, racial民族的/同性恋者的/种族的自豪◆the politics of racial pride and black power种族自豪和黑人权力的政治主张➤dented, hurt, injured, wounded受到伤害的自尊心◆he was nursing his hurt pride.他正在抚慰他那受伤的自尊心。➤foolish, stubborn愚蠢的/固执的自尊◆it was foolish pride that prevented me from believing her.是愚蠢的自尊使我不相信她的。verb + pride➤have有自尊心◆i don't want your money-i have my pride, you know!我不要你的钱,你要知道,我也有自尊!➤hurt, wound伤害自尊心◆i didn't mean to hurt your pride.我并不想伤害你的自尊心。➤restore, salvage挽回尊严;找回面子◆we want to restore pride in our public services.我们想重塑我们在公共服务方面的尊严。◆they managed to salvage some pride with a late goal.他们凭终场前的一粒进球挽回了一些面子。➤sacrifice, swallow牺牲/放下尊严◆she swallowed her pride and called him.她放下自尊给他打了电话。preposition➤out of pride出于自尊◆she refused their help out of pride.她出于自尊拒绝了他们的帮助。➤through pride由于自尊◆it would be stupid to refuse through pride.出于自尊而拒绝是愚蠢的。phrases➤a matter of pride事关尊严的事◆it is a matter of pride for him that he has never accepted money from his family.对他来说,从未要家里人一分一毫是一件事关尊严的事。➤a sense of pride自尊感◆they have a strong sense of pride in their work.他们对自己的工作有很强的自尊感。➤with your pride intact在不伤害尊严的情况下◆she refused his offer tactfully, allowing him to go away with his pride intact.她很得体地拒绝了他的提议,让他能不失面子地离开。 pride nounpride ♦︎ arrogance ♦︎ vanity ♦︎ egoism ♦︎ hubris ♦︎ conceitthese are all words for a feeling that you are better or more important than other people.这些词均表示自负、傲慢。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to appeal to sb's pride / vanity■ pride [uncountable] (disapproving) the feeling that you are better or more important than other people自负;傲慢◆male pride forced him to suffer in silence.男性的自尊迫使他默默地忍受痛苦。◆you're going to have to swallow your pride and ask for your job back.你必须收起自尊,去把工作要回来。opp modesty → modest  ➡ see also proud → proud 2 ■ arrogance /ærəgəns/ [uncountable] (disapproving) the behaviour of a person when they feel that they are more important than other people, know more than they do, and are certain that they are right, so that they are rude to them or do not consider them傲慢;自大◆he has a reputation for rudeness and intellectual arrogance.他出了名地傲慢无礼,恃才傲物。opp humility → modest  ➡ see also arrogant → proud 2 ■ vanity /vænəti/ [uncountable] (disapproving) a feeling of too much pride in your own appearance, abilities or achievements自负;自大;虚荣;虚荣心◆she had no personal vanity (= about her appearance).她不因自己的美貌而自大虚荣。◆the invitation to head the committee flattered his vanity and he agreed.邀请他领导这个委员会满足了他的虚荣心,他同意了。opp modesty → modest  ➡ see also vain → proud 2 ■ egoism /egəʊɪzəm, iːgəʊɪzəm; name egoʊɪzəm/ (also egotism /egətɪzəm, iːgətɪzəm-->/ ) [uncountable] (disapproving) the feeling that you are better or more important than other people, which makes you think only about yourself and talk about yourself all the time利己主义;自高自大;自负◆his egoism prevented him from really loving anyone but himself.他自高自大,这使他除了他自己,不可能真正地去爱一个人。 ➡ see also ego → dignity ■ hubris /hjuːbrɪs/ [uncountable] (formal or literary, disapproving) too much pride and too much confidence that you will succeed, especially when this seems to be punished later by failure, disaster or death傲慢,狂妄(尤指之后似受到惩罚般遭遇失败、灾难或死亡)◆he thought he was above the law and was ultimately punished for his hubris.他认为自己能凌驾于法律之上,最终因狂妄自大受到了惩罚。■ conceit /kənsiːt/ [uncountable] (rather formal, especially written, disapproving) too much pride in your abilities or achievements自负;骄傲自大◆can you believe the conceit of the man?你能相信那人竟然这么自负吗? ➡ see also conceited → proud 2 pride [uncountable] a feeling of respecting yourself and wanting other people to respect you too自尊心;自尊;尊严◆she refused their help out of pride.她出于自尊拒绝了他们的帮助。◆pride would not allow him to accept the money.自尊心不容他接受这笔钱。◆it's time to swallow your pride (= hide your feelings of pride) and ask for help.这时候你应该收起自尊,请求帮助。 ➡ see also proud → proud 1 pride [singular] a person or thing that gives people a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction值得自豪的人(或事物)◆the new sports stadium is the pride of the town.新建的体育场是这个城市的骄傲。◆he loves that boat, it's his pride and joy.他喜爱那艘船,那是他引以为傲的东西。pride [uncountable] (disapproving) the feeling that you are better or more important than other people自负;傲慢◆male pride forced him to suffer in silence.男性的自尊迫使他默默地忍受痛苦。◆you're going to have to swallow your pride and ask for your job back.你必须收起自尊,去把工作要回来。opp modesty → modest  ➡ see also proud → proud 2 pride [uncountable, singular] a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction that you get when you or people who are connected with you have done sth well or own sth that other people admire自豪;骄傲;得意感◆the sight of her son graduating filled her with pride.看到儿子毕业,她充满了自豪。◆success in sport is a source of national pride.体育成就是民族荣耀的源泉。◆i take (a) pride in my work.我为自己的工作感到骄傲。opp shame → guilt  ➡ see also proud → glad , pride yourself on sth → boast pride¹/praɪd ||; praɪd/noun1. [u] [sing] pride (in sth/doing sth) the feeling of pleasure that you have when you or people who are close to you do sth good or own sth good 自豪;得意: ◇i take a great pridein my work. 我为自己的工作感到十分自豪。◇her parents watched with pride as milena went up to collect her prize. 米丽娜的父母自豪地看着她上台领奖。◇you should feel pride in your achievement. 你应该为自己的成就感到自豪。 2. [u] the respect that you have for yourself 自尊(心): ◇you'll hurt his pride if you refuse to accept the present. 如果你拒绝接受礼物,便会伤害他的自尊心。 3. [u] the feeling that you are better than other people 骄傲;自大;自负 4. [sing] the pride of sth/sb a person or thing that is very important or of great value to sth/sb 引以为荣的人或事物: ◇the new stadium was the pride of the whole town. 这座新体育场使全城的人都感到自豪。 ☞adjective proud 形容词为proud sb's pride and joy a thing or person that gives sb great pleasure or satisfaction 给某人快乐、满足的事物或人 pride²/praɪd ||; praɪd/verb pride yourself on sth/doing sth to feel pleased about sth good or clever that you can do 以…自豪;对…感到得意: ◇fabio prides himself on his ability to cook. 法比奥对自己的烹饪技巧感到自豪。 pridesee ⇨ proud 5,7     • • •• ⇨ sb's pride and joy• ⇨ take pride in• ⇨ the pride of sth☞ pride¹☞ pride²




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