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单词 loan
释义 loan nounadjective | verb + loan | loan + verb | loan + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤large, massive大额/巨额借款➤small小额借款▸➤long-term, short-term长期/短期贷款▸➤high-interest, interest-free, low-interest, no-interest (name) 高息贷款;无息贷款;低息贷款➤adjustable-rate, fixed-rate, variable-rate可调利率/固定利率/可变利率贷款▸➤guaranteed (name) , secured, unsecured担保贷款;抵押贷款;无抵押贷款◆as it was an unsecured loan, their property was not at risk.因为是无抵押贷款,他们的财产没有风险。➤home-equity (= in which your house is given as security for the money borrowed) (name) 住房抵押贷款◆fixed-rate home-equity loans can help cover the cost of a single large purchase.固定利率住房抵押贷款可以帮助支付单项大宗购置费用。➤outstanding未偿还贷款◆they used the inheritance to pay off their outstanding loan.他们用继承的遗产偿还了剩余贷款。➤bad, non-performing坏账;不良贷款◆a banking system riddled with bad loans充斥坏账的银行系统➤business, consumer, personal商业/消费/个人贷款▸➤bank银行贷款▸➤bridge, bridging, temporary过渡性贷款;临时贷款➤home, mortgage按揭贷款➤auto, car汽车贷款➤student助学贷款verb + loan➤apply for, ask for, request申请贷款▸➤arrange, get, obtain, raise, take out安排贷款;获得贷款;筹集贷款◆she had to take out a loan until she could sell her house.在房子卖掉前,她不得不贷一笔款。➤give sb, grant sb, make sb, offer, provide向某人发放贷款;提供贷款◆my bank offered to make me a loan.银行提出贷给我一笔款子。➤receive收到贷款▸➤pay back, pay off, repay偿还贷款;偿清贷款▸➤guarantee, secure, underwrite为贷款担保;为贷款提供抵押;承担贷款责任◆the banks will not agree to emergency funding unless the government will underwrite the loan.如果政府不为贷款担保,银行就不会同意提供应急资金。➤consolidate合并贷款◆if you have several student loans, you can consolidate them into one lump sum.如果你有几笔助学贷款,可以合并成一个总项。loan + verb➤total sth贷款总额达⋯◆loans totalling / totaling a million euros总计 100 万欧元的贷款loan + noun➤application贷款申请▸➤agreement, arrangement, deal (bre, sport体育) 贷款协议;贷款协定;球员租借协议◆the terms of the loan agreement with the bank与银行的贷款协议条款◆the striker comes to the premiership on an 18-month loan deal from roma.这名前锋靠着来自罗马队的一纸 18 个月的租赁协议进入超级联赛。➤interest, rate贷款利息/利率➤guarantee贷款担保▸➤payment, repayment贷款的偿还款项◆they were struggling to meet their monthly loan repayments.他们在努力偿还每月的贷款。➤facility (especially bre) 信贷服务◆the bank provides personal loan facilities at competitive rates.这家银行以极有竞争力的价格提供个人信贷服务。➤period (especially bre) 借期◆the book must be returned by the end of the loan period.这本书必须在借期内归还。➤officer (name) 放款员◆a loan officer at a local mortgage company当地一家按揭公司的放款员➤shark放高利贷者◆he ran up massive debts borrowing from loan sharks.他因借高利贷而债台高筑。preposition➤on loan (from)(从⋯)借的◆the paintings are on loan from the wallace collection.这些画是从华莱士收藏馆借来的。➤loan from从⋯借来的东西◆a loan from my brother从我哥哥处借来的东西phrases➤security for a loan贷款的抵押品◆he had to use his house as security for the loan.他不得不把自己的房子作为贷款的抵押品。  ➡ topic at business loan /ləʊn; name loʊn/ noun [countable] money that an organization such as a bank lends and sb borrows 贷款;借款◆the government offers low-interest loans to small companies. 政府向小公司提供低息贷款。◆many people take out a loan to buy a new car. 许多人借款购买新车。◆the loans should be repaid within ten years. 贷款必须在十年内偿还。◆the company had breached the terms of its loan agreement. 这公司已违反了贷款协议的条款。◆the banks have refused to extend (= give) more loans to the company. 这些银行已拒绝向这家公司提供更多的贷款。◆lower interest rates have made it easier for companies to service (= pay interest on) their loans. 低利率使公司支付贷款利息变得较容易。  ➡  loan servicing  ➡  see note at lend ⨁ a high-interest / an interest-free / a low-interest / no-interest loan高息/免息/低息/无息贷款 ⨁ a long-term / short-term loan长期/短期贷款 ⨁ consumer / corporate / personal loans消费者/企业/个人贷款 ⨁ to apply for / arrange / take out a loan申请/安排/取得贷款 ⨁ to get / give sb / make sb a loan给/给某人贷款;贷款给某人 ⨁ to pay back / pay off / repay a loan归还/偿还/付还贷款 ⨁ a loan agreement / facility / repayment贷款协议/融通/偿还 amortizing loan ◇ back-to-back loan ◇ bad loan ◇ bridge loan ◇ call loan ◇ commercial loan ◇ consumer loan ◇ demand loan ◇ discount loan ◇ hang-out loan ◇ hard loan ◇ home equity loan ◇ home loan ◇ property loan ◇ real estate loan ◇ revolving loan ◇ signature loan ◇ soft loan ◇ term loan ◇ tied loan loan /ləʊn; name loʊn/ verb [transitive] (especially name) loan sth (to sb) | loan (sb) sth to lend sth to sb, especially money 向(某人)借出;把…借给(某人)◆the bank loaned the business more than $200 000. 银行给这家企业的贷款超过二十万元。◆lenders are reluctant to loan money to those they consider to be a financial risk. 贷款人都不愿贷款给那些他们认为有财务风险的人。 syn lend ☞ loan☞ loan☞ lend/borrow/loan☞ loan/facility/home loan/mortgage/overdraft loan nounloan ♦︎ credit ♦︎ mortgage ♦︎ advance ♦︎ overdraftthese are all words for money that a person or an organization such as a bank lends sb.这些词均表示借款、贷款。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a loan / credit / a mortgage / an advance / an overdraft from sb / an organization◆a mortgage / an advance on sth◆a large / huge loan / mortgage / advance / overdraft◆(a) low-interest loan / credit / mortgage / overdraft◆(a) cheap loan / credit / mortgage◆(an) interest-free loan / credit / overdraft◆a temporary loan / mortgage / overdraft◆(a) bank loan / credit / mortgage / overdraft◆to have a loan / a mortgage / an advance / an overdraft◆to get a loan / credit / a mortgage / an advance◆to obtain / arrange / apply for / refuse sb / deny sb (a) loan / credit / a mortgage◆to take out / request / pay off / repay a loan / mortgage■ loan [countable] money that an organization such as a bank lends to sb贷款;借款◆i'm going to have to take out a bank loan (= to borrow money from a bank) to pay for the car.我得要贷款买车了。◆it took three years to repay my student loan (= money lent to a student).我用了三年时间才还清助学贷款。◆he ran up massive debts borrowing from loan sharks (= people who lend money at very high rates of interest).他因借高利贷而负债累累。 ➡ see also loan → lend verb ■ credit /kredɪt/ [uncountable] an arrangement that you make, for example with a shop, to pay later for sth you buy; money that a bank lends to you赊购;赊欠;(从银行借的)借款,贷款◆we bought the dishwasher on credit.那台洗碗机是我们赊购来的。◆we offer two months' interest-free credit.我们提供两个月的免息赊购。◆your credit limit is now £2 000.你的信用额度现在为 2 000 英镑。◆the bank refused further credit to the company.银行拒绝继续为这家公司提供贷款。 ➡ see also debit → debt note 辨析 loan or credit?a loan is a particular official agreement to borrow an amount of money and pay it back later; credit is a general term for any money that a bank makes available to a customer, when that customer does not already have that amount in their own account. * loan 指的是一种正式贷款协议; credit 泛指银行为账户资金不足的客户提供的借款。■ mortgage /mɔːgɪdʒ; name mɔːrgɪdʒ/ [countable] a legal agreement by which a bank or similar organization lends you money to buy a house or other property, and you pay the money back over a particular number of years; the sum of money that you borrow按揭;按揭贷款;抵押贷款◆do you have a mortage on this house?你这所房子有按揭贷款吗?◆fortunately we've already paid off our mortgage.幸好我们已还清了抵押贷款。◆mortgage rates (= of interest) are up again this month.按揭贷款利率本月又上涨了。▸ mortgage verb [transitive] ◆he had to mortgage his house to pay his legal costs.他不得不把房子抵押出去来付诉讼费。■ advance [countable, usually singular] money paid for work before it has been done or money paid earlier than expected预付工资;预付款◆they offered an advance of £5 000 after the signing of the contract.他们在合同签订后预付了 5 000 英镑。◆she asked for an advance on her salary.她要求预支薪金。 ➡ see also advance → lend ■ overdraft [countable] /əʊvədrɑːft; name oʊvərdræft/ the amount of money that you owe to a bank when you have spent more money than is in your bank account; an arrangement that allows you to do this透支额;透支安排◆she had run up an overdraft of £3 000.她的透支额累计达 3 000 英镑。◆i had to arrange an overdraft to pay for the car.我不得不通过透支来偿付购车款。▸ overdraw verb [transitive] (especially bre) ◆customers who overdraw their accounts will be charged a fee.透支的存户须付费。▸ overdrawn adjective◆i'm overdrawn by £100.我透支了 100 英镑。◆your account is £200 overdrawn.您的账户已透支 200 英镑。loan [transitive] (especially name) to lend sth to sb, especially money借出,贷与(尤指钱)◆the bank is happy to loan money to small businesses.这家银行乐于贷款给小型企业。◆a friend loaned me $1 000.一个朋友借给了我 1 000 元。ⓘ especially in british english, loan also means to lend a valuable object to a museum or art gallery.尤其是在英式英语中,loan 还表示把贵重物品出借给博物馆或美术馆◆this exhibit was kindly loaned by the artist's family.本展品承蒙艺术家的家人惠借。▸ loan noun [singular] ◆an exhibition of paintings on loan (= borrowed) from private collections借用私人收藏品举办的画展◆i even gave her the loan of my car.我甚至把车也借给了她。  ➡ see also loan → loan noun loan [countable] money that an organization such as a bank lends to sb贷款;借款◆i'm going to have to take out a bank loan (= to borrow money from a bank) to pay for the car.我得要贷款买车了。◆it took three years to repay my student loan (= money lent to a student).我用了三年时间才还清助学贷款。◆he ran up massive debts borrowing from loan sharks (= people who lend money at very high rates of interest).他因借高利贷而负债累累。 ➡ see also loan → lend verb loan/ləʊn ||; lon/noun1. [c] money, etc that sb/sth lends you 借出物;借款;贷款: ◇to take out a bank loan 获得一笔银行贷款◇to pay off a loan 清还一笔贷款 2. [u] the act of lending sth or the state of being lent 借出: ◇the books are on loan from the library. 这些书是从图书馆借来的。 loan verb [t] (formal 正式)loan sth (to sb) in american english loan is less formal and more common. 在美国英语里,loan多用于非正式场合,亦较常用。 loansee ⇨ borrow 4 ⇨ lend 4     • • •• ⇨ be on loan• ⇨ give sb a loan• ⇨ give sb the use/loan of• ⇨ take out a loan☞ loan¹☞ loan²




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