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单词 justice
释义 justice noun¹ 1fairness公平;公正adjective | verb + justice | phrases adjective➤distributive, economic, environmental, natural, racial, social分配公平;经济公平;环境公平;自然公道;种族公平;社会公正▸➤rough大致公平◆he saw it as rough justice when he got food poisoning from the stolen meat.他吃偷来的肉中了毒,觉得是自食其果。➤vigilante法外执法◆the deadliest episode of vigilante justice in american history美国历史上死亡人数最多的法外执法事件➤divine神的惩罚◆some people saw the epidemic as divine justice.有些人把这场流行病看成是天谴。➤poetic报应◆maybe there's a sort of poetic justice to it.也许那件事有点儿因果报应的意思。verb + justice➤ask for, demand, pursue, seek, want呼吁/要求/追求/寻求/希望公平◆all i'm asking for is justice.我唯一的要求就是公平。➤achieve, get, obtain实现/得到/获得公平➤promote促进公平◆they saw the reform proposals as a way to promote social justice.他们把改革提议看成促进社会公平的一种方式。➤serve伸张正义◆somebody out there needs to make sure justice is served.总有些人需要确保正义得以伸张。➤deny sb拒绝给某人公平◆we have been denied justice for too long.我们受到不公平对待已经太久了。phrases➤a sense of justice正义感◆the teacher's system of punishments appealed to the children's sense of justice.这位老师的处罚制度有利于培养孩子们的正义感。justice noun² 2law法律adjective | verb + justice | justice + noun | phrases adjective➤civil, criminal, juvenile民事/刑事/少年犯审判▸➤restorative修复性司法◆restorative justice can only work when all parties agree.只有各方都同意的时候恢复性司法才起作用。➤retributive (especially name) 报应性司法◆victims seeking retributive justice寻求报应性司法的受害者➤summary即决裁判◆civilians were not subject to summary justice.平民不适用即决裁判。verb + justice➤do公平判决◆justice must be done in every case.每个案件都必须得到公正审理。➤administer, deliver, dispense, mete out执法;伸张正义;判案◆those who are ultimately responsible for dispensing justice那些最终负责判案的人➤bring sb to将某人绳之以法➤face接受审判◆the battle for taylor to face justice before the high court争取让泰勒在高等法院受审的斗争➤escape逃避审判◆so far the robbers have escaped justice.那些抢劫犯至今依然逍遥法外。➤obstruct妨碍司法公正◆they were accused of attempting to obstruct justice.他们被控企图妨碍司法公正。justice + noun➤department司法部➤system司法系统phrases➤a miscarriage of justice审判不公◆he spent twenty years in prison as a result of a miscarriage of justice.他遭误判坐了 20 年牢。➤pervert the course of justice (bre) 妨碍司法公正◆they were accused of attempting to pervert the course of justice.他们被控企图妨碍司法公正。 justice nounjustice ♦︎ equality ♦︎ fairness ♦︎ fair play ♦︎ equitythese are all words for a situation in which all people are treated fairly.这些词均表示公平、公正。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆justice / equality / fairness / fair play / equity for sb◆justice / equality / fairness / fair play in sth◆strict justice / equality / fairness◆social / economic justice / equality / fairness / equity◆to ensure justice / equality / fairness / fair play / equity◆to guarantee justice / equality / fairness / equity◆a sense of justice / equality / fairness / fair play■ justice [uncountable] the fair treatment of people, especially in society generally(尤指整个社会的)公平,公正◆our laws must be based on the principles of justice.我们的法律必须以公正为原则。◆sometimes i feel that there's no justice in the world.有时候我觉得世上没有公正。opp injustice → inequality  ➡ see also just → reasonable ■ equality /ikwɒləti; name ikwɑːləti/ [uncountable] the fact of being equal in rights, status and advantages in society(权利、地位、机会的)平等,均等,公平◆sexual equality is an ideal that we have not yet achieved.男女平等是一种尚未实现的理想。◆the people were demanding full equality with their former masters.这些人正要求享有与他们原来的主人完全平等的权利。◆equality of opportunity is our priority.机会均等是我们的头等大事。◆we need to ensure equality of opportunity in all areas of work.我们需要确保在各个工作领域都机会均等。 opp inequality → inequality  ➡ see also equal → reasonable ■ fairness [uncountable] the quality of treating people equally or in a way that is reasonable公正性;公平合理◆the system needs to be changed in the interests of fairness to genuine refugees.为了使真正的难民能得到公正待遇,这项制度需要进行改革。ⓘ in (all) fairness (to sb) is used to introduce a statement that defends sb who has just been criticized, or that explains another statement that may seem unreasonable. * in (all) fairness (to sb) 用于引出为刚刚受到批评的人进行辩解的陈述,或者对貌似不合理的陈述进行解释◆in all fairness to him, he did try to stop her leaving.这不能怪他,他确实曾设法阻止她离开。 opp unfairness → inequality  ➡ see also fair → reasonable ■ fair play [uncountable] the fact of playing a game or doing things honestly, fairly, and according to the rules遵守比赛规则;公平竞争◆as a player, he was always admired for his sense of fair play.作为一名球员,他因有公正比赛的意识而一直受人尊敬。 ➡ see also fair → reasonable ■ equity /ekwəti/ [uncountable] (formal) a situation in which everyone is treated fairly and equally公平;公正◆they envisaged a society in which justice and equity prevailed.他们设想出一个正义与公平大行其道的社会。opp inequity → inequality justice [uncountable] the fair treatment of people, especially in society generally(尤指整个社会的)公平,公正◆our laws must be based on the principles of justice.我们的法律必须以公正为原则。◆sometimes i feel that there's no justice in the world.有时候我觉得世上没有公正。opp injustice → inequality  ➡ see also just → reasonable justice/ˈdʒʌstɪs ||; ˈdʒʌstɪs/noun1. [u] the fair treatment of people 公正的对待: ◇a struggle for justice 为正义而斗争 2. [u] the quality of being fair or reasonable 公正;合理: ◇everybody realized the justice of what he was saying. 谁都认为他说得有理。 3. [u] the law and the way it is used 司法: ◇the criminal justice system 刑法制度 4. [c] (us 美) a judge in a court of law 法官 do justice to sb/sth;do sb/sth justice to treat sb/sth fairly or to show the real quality of sb/sth 公正对待;显示…的真实本质: ◇i don't like him, but to do him justice, he's a very clever man. 我不大喜欢他,可是说句公道话,他这个人很聪明。◇the photograph doesn't do her justice -- she's actually very pretty. 她这张照片不及真人好看,她其实长得很漂亮。 a miscarriage of justice→miscarriagejusticesee ⇨ fair 4     • • •• ⇨ miscarriage of justice• ⇨ not do yourself justice jus·tice /`dʒʌstɪs; ˈdʒʌstɪs/n [u] 1. fairness in the way people are treated 公正,正义:◇children have a strong sense of justice. 儿童有很强烈的正义感。 2. the system by which people are judged in courts of law and criminals are punished 司法制度; 法律制裁:◇the criminal justice system 刑事审判制度 3. do sb/sth justice to show or talk about someone in a way that makes them seem as attractive, kind, intelligent etc as they really are 如实反映某人/某物,恰如其人[物]:◇this picture doesn't do you justice. 这张照片没你本人好看。 ☞ justice




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