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单词 star
释义 star noun¹ 1small point of light in the night sky天体adjective | ... of stars | verb + star | star + verb | star + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤bright, brilliant明亮的/灿烂的星星▸➤faint暗淡的星星▸➤distant遥远的星辰▸➤nearby, nearer, nearest附近的/稍近的/最近的星星▸➤falling, shooting流星▸➤evening, morning昏星;晨星➤massive大质量恒星... of stars➤cluster一簇星团◆a dense cluster of stars at the galaxy's nucleus星系核处一簇密密匝匝的星团➤canopy布满星星的苍穹◆they lay down under a canopy of stars.他们躺在星光闪烁的夜空下。verb + star➤look up at抬头看星星star + verb➤be out星星出来▸➤shine, twinkle星星发光/闪烁◆a bright star shone in the east.一颗明星在东方闪耀。➤appear, come out星星出现/出来star + noun➤cluster星团preposition➤under the stars在星光下◆we camped out under the stars.我们在星光下露营。phrases➤the brightness of a star, the density of a star, the luminosity of a star恒星的亮度/密度/光度star noun² 2famous person名人adjective | ... of stars | verb + star | star + noun | preposition adjective➤big, big-name, major大明星◆there were several big hollywood stars at the function.社交聚会上有几位好莱坞大牌明星。➤a-list, b-list, z-list, etc.一流、二流、末流等明星▸➤real, true, undisputed真正的明星;无可争议的明星▸➤budding, emerging, rising, young崭露头角的明星;新星➤veteran老牌明星◆veteran stars of stage and screen舞台和银幕上的老牌明星➤pop, rap, rock, etc.流行音乐、说唱音乐、摇滚等明星➤basketball, football, soccer, track (name) , etc.篮球、美式橄榄球、足球、田径等明星◆through high school he was a track star.整个高中期间他都是个田径明星。➤film, hollywood, media, movie, screen, soap, tv电影明星;好莱坞明星;传媒界明星;肥皂剧明星;电视明星➤guest嘉宾明星◆the show has plenty of guest stars appearing each week.这个节目每周都邀请许多嘉宾明星到场。... of stars➤array, galaxy, host一批明星;一大群明星◆channel 8 has lined up a galaxy of stars for the coming season.8 频道为下一季储备了大批明星。verb + star➤make sb使某人成为明星◆that was the movie that made him a star.正是那部电影让他一炮走红。star + noun➤quality, status明星气质/地位➤power (especially name) 明星力量▸➤role明星角色▸➤actor, athlete, performer, player明星演员/运动员/表演者/球员➤witness主要目击证人▸➤attraction, turn最引人注目的人◆he was the star turn at the celebrations.他是庆典上众人瞩目的焦点。➤system明星制度◆the hollywood star system好莱坞明星制度➤vehicle明星载体◆the movie was nothing more than a star vehicle for tom hanks.这部电影不过是汤姆・汉克斯展现其明星魅力的载体。preposition➤star of⋯的亮点◆the star of the show节目的亮点 star /stɑː(r)/ noun [countable] 1.a mark that tells you how good sth is in sb's opinion 星级◆this printer received a top rating of five stars from ‘your pc’ magazine. 这款打印机得到了《你的个人电脑》杂志五星级的最高评级。2.a thing or person that is the best of a group (团体中)最优秀者◆the company has become the star of its sector. 这家公司是其行业中的佼佼者。 the boston matrix , a product that has a large market share in a market that is growing very quickly 明星产品(波士顿矩阵中的在成长很快的市场中拥有很大市场份额的产品)  ➡  picture at boston matrix ☞ starstar noun 1➤a pop star流行音乐歌星➤the star role in the play剧中的主角  ➡ see also the entry for hero另见 hero 条star ♦︎ celebrity ♦︎ name ♦︎ personality ♦︎ superstar ♦︎ legend ♦︎ public figure ♦︎ greatthese are all words for a famous and successful person, especially in the areas of entertainment and sport.这些词均表示名人,特别是娱乐或体育界的明星。synonym scale 词义标尺下图显示这些词所表达知名的程度celebrity ○ name ○ personality ○ public figure ○ star ○ superstar ○ legend ○ greatpatterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a famous / top star / celebrity / name / personality◆a leading / prominent name / personality / public figure◆a big star / celebrity / name◆an international star / celebrity / name / superstar◆a television / tv / media star / celebrity / personality◆a showbiz star / celebrity / personality / legend◆a film / movie / pop / rock star / superstar / legend◆a screen star / legend / great◆a hollywood star / superstar / legend◆a sporting / sports star / celebrity / personality / legend◆to make sb a star / celebrity / superstar / legend / public figure■ star [countable] a famous performer, for example an actor, singer or sports player著名演员;歌星;体育明星◆i wanted to be a pop star when i was a teenager.我十几岁时想当一个流行音乐歌星。◆she acts well but she hasn't got star quality.她演技不错,但不具备明星的素质。 ➡ see also stardom → fame , icon → hero ■ celebrity /səlebrəti/ [countable] a famous person, especially one who often appears on television(尤指经常上电视的)名人,名流◆she was the first tv celebrity he had met in the flesh.她是他亲眼见过的第一位电视名人。◆the show's success made her an overnight celebrity.节目的成功使她一夜之间成了名人。 ➡ see also celebrity → fame ■ name [countable] a famous person, especially in the fields of culture or sport(尤指文化或体育界的)名人◆some of the biggest names in the art world were at the party.艺术界的一些头面人物参加了这次聚会。◆the event attracted many famous names from the past.这次活动吸引了许多昔日的名人。ⓘ name is often used when people are talking about famous people who have been invited to an event, or who are employed in order to attract the public's attention. * name 常用于指应邀出席某活动或受聘来吸引公众注意的名人。■ personality [countable] (especially written) a famous person, especially one who works in entertainment or sport(尤指娱乐或体育界的)名人,风云人物◆various personalities from the world of music were invited.邀请了音乐界的许多名流。◆in a viewers' poll he was voted tv personality of the year.在一次观众投票中,他被选为年度电视圈名人。■ superstar /suːpəstɑː(r), sjuːpəstɑː(r); name suːpərstɑːr/ [countable] (rather informal) a very famous performer, for example an actor, singer or sports player超级明星;巨星◆the movie made her an international superstar.那部电影使她成为了国际超级明星。■ legend /ledʒənd/ [countable] a very famous person, especially in the fields of sport, music or acting, who is admired by other people(尤指体育、音乐或表演界的)传奇人物◆she was a legend in her own lifetime.她在世的时候就是个传奇人物。◆many of golf's living legends were playing.那时有许多当世的高尔夫球传奇选手仍在打球。ⓘ a legend has a higher level of fame and a higher status than other types of famous people. it suggests that sb has shown real talent over a long career, and that they are famous because of this rather than because of their appearance or personality. * legend 的知名度和身分比其他类型的名人更高一些,意味着某人在长期职业生涯中表现出了真正的天赋,他们因才华而非长相或性格而出名。  ➡ see also legendary → famous ■ public figure --> [countable] (rather formal) a famous person, especially one who has a lot of influence in politics or society(尤指对政界或社会有重大影响力的)公众人物◆he is an important public figure with a significant influence on public policy.他是个重要的公众人物,对公共政策有很大的影响力。  ➡ see also public → famous , figure → person ■ great [countable, usually plural] (informal) a very famous and successful person名人;伟人◆he was one of boxing's all-time greats.他曾是史上最杰出的拳击高手之一。ⓘ greats is mainly used to talk about people who were very popular in the past. people are typically described as movie/hollywood/all-time greats or as one of the greats of british comedy/the game, etc. * great 主要用于指过去曾非常著名的人物,他们通常被描述为 movie/hollywood/all-time greats (电影/好莱坞/空前的名人)或 one of the greats of british comedy/the game, etc. (英国喜剧/运动界等名人之一)。  ➡ see also great → great adj. 2 star noun 2➤a pop star流行音乐歌星➤the star role in the play剧中的主角star ♦︎ lead ♦︎ hero ♦︎ heroine ♦︎ protagonistthese are all words for the main part in a play, film or story, or the person who plays it.这些词均表示戏剧、电影或小说里的主人公、主角,或扮演主角的演员。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a young star / hero / heroine / protagonist◆a male / female star / lead / protagonist◆a romantic lead / hero / heroine◆a mythical / fictional / tragic / great hero / heroine◆to play the lead / hero / heroine◆the star / lead role■ star [countable] a person who has the main part, or one of the main parts, in a tv show, film or play(电视节目、电影或戏剧的)主演,主角◆she was the star of many popular television series.她在许多受欢迎的电视连续剧中担任过主角。◆the star of the show was a young italian singer.那台演出的主角是一名年轻的意大利歌唱演员。ⓘ star is usually used when talking about fairly light entertainment such as a tv show or a musical. * star 通常用于颇为轻松的娱乐活动场合,比如电视节目或音乐剧。  ➡ see also star → feature verb ■ lead /liːd/ [countable] the main part in a play or film; the person who plays this part(戏剧或电影的)主角,扮演主角的演员◆who is playing the lead?谁是主演?◆i always dreamed of becoming the lead singer in a band.过去我一直梦想成为乐队的主唱。ⓘ lead is usually used in the phrases play the lead, the male/female/romantic lead and the lead role/actor/singer. * lead 通常用于短语 play the lead (扮演主角)、the male/female/romantic lead (男主角;女主角;爱情剧主角)和 the lead role/actor/singer (主角;扮演主角的演员;主唱)中。■ hero /hɪərəʊ; name hɪroʊ, hiroʊ/ (plural heroes) [countable] the main male character in a story, novel, play or film(故事、小说、戏剧或电影的)男主人公,男主角◆the hero of the novel is a ten-year-old boy.这部小说的主人公是个 10 岁的男孩。◆tired of playing boring old romantic heroes, he sought out more challenging roles.他厌倦了扮演无聊老套的爱情剧男主角,于是就挑选一些更具挑战性的角色。 opp villain → villain ■ heroine /herəʊɪn; name heroʊɪn/ [countable] the main female character in a story, novel, play or film(故事、小说、戏剧或电影的)女主人公,女主角◆the story is narrated entirely by the heroine.这个故事从头到尾都是女主人公讲述的。◆she has played several of shakespeare's heroines-portia and juliet among them.她演过莎士比亚戏剧中几个女主角 - 包括波希亚和朱丽叶。■ protagonist /prətægənɪst/ (formal or written) the main character in a play, film or book(戏剧、电影或书的)主要人物,主人公,主角◆at that time, films rarely had a woman as the main protagonist.那时候,电影很少让女性做主角。◆bohi di, first person narrator and protagonist of the novel博希 • 迪,小说的第一人称叙述者和主人公note 辨析 hero, heroine or protagonist?these words all refer to the main character in a story, rather than the actual person who plays the part.这三个词均指故事中的主要角色而非实际扮演这个角色的人◆oliver twist, the young protagonist / hero奥利弗 • 退斯特,年轻的主人公/男主角◆marilyn monroe, the beautiful protagonist/heroine protagonist is more formal and is often used in reviews of plays, films, books, etc. it can refer to a man or a woman. hero and heroine usually suggest a positive role; protagonist can be positive or negative. * protagonist 更正式些,常用於戏剧、电影、书籍等的评论文章中,可以指男主角或女主角。hero 和 heroine 通常表示正面角色,protagonist 则可指正面或反面角色。star(-rr-) [intransitive, transitive, no passive] to have one of the main parts in a film, play or show; (of a film, play or show) to have a particular person in one of the main parts主演;担任主角;(电影、戏剧或演出)由⋯担任主角◆she starred opposite johnny depp in 'pirates of the caribbean'.她和约翰尼 • 德普在《加勒比海盗》中联袂出演男女主角。◆no one has yet been chosen for the starring role (= the main part).主演者还没选定。◆the movie stars aishwarya rai.这部电影由艾西瓦娅 • 雷主演。 ➡ see also star → star noun 2 star [countable] a famous performer, for example an actor, singer or sports player著名演员;歌星;体育明星◆i wanted to be a pop star when i was a teenager.我十几岁时想当一个流行音乐歌星。◆she acts well but she hasn't got star quality.她演技不错,但不具备明星的素质。 ➡ see also stardom → fame , icon → hero star [countable] a person who has the main part, or one of the main parts, in a tv show, film or play(电视节目、电影或戏剧的)主演,主角◆she was the star of many popular television series.她在许多受欢迎的电视连续剧中担任过主角。◆the star of the show was a young italian singer.那台演出的主角是一名年轻的意大利歌唱演员。ⓘ star is usually used when talking about fairly light entertainment such as a tv show or a musical. * star 通常用于颇为轻松的娱乐活动场合,比如电视节目或音乐剧。  ➡ see also star → feature verb star¹/stɑ:(r) ||; stɑr/noun1. [c] a large ball of burning gas in outer space that you see as a small point of light in the sky at night 星: ◇it was a clear night and the stars were shining brightly. 那晚万里无云,天上的星星闪闪发亮。 2. [c] a shape, decoration, mark, etc with five or six points sticking out in a regular pattern 星形;星形饰物;星号: ◇i've marked the possible candidates on the list with a star. 我已对名单上有可能当选的候选人做了星号。 ☞picture at shape 见shape插图 3. [c] a mark that represents a star that is used for telling you how good sth is, especially a hotel or restaurant (表示质量等级的)星(尤指酒店或餐厅): ◇a five-star hotel 五星级酒店 4. [c] a famous person in acting, music or sport (演艺界、音乐界或体育界的)明星: ◇a pop/rock/film/movie star 流行音乐╱摇滚乐╱电影明星◇a football/tennis star 足球╱网球明星 5. stars [pl] =horoscopestar²/stɑ:(r) ||; stɑr/verb (starring;starred) 1. [i] star (in sth) to be one of the main actors in a play, film, etc 主演(舞台剧、电影等): ◇gwyneth paltrow is to star in a new romantic comedy. 格温内思˙帕尔特罗将主演一部新的爱情喜剧。 2. [t] to have sb as a star 由(某人)主演: ◇the film stars kate winslett. 这部影片由凯特˙温斯莱特主演。 starsee ⇨ actor/actress 1,4,5 ⇨ best 2 ⇨ famous 5     • • •• ⇨ film star• ⇨ rising star☞ star¹☞ star²




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