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单词 stand¹
释义 stand¹ /stænd; stænd/v stood /std; stʊd/, stood, standing 1. [i] to be on your feet in an upright position 站,站立:◇anna was standing in front of me. 安娜站在我前面。◇hundreds of people stood watching. 数以百计的人站着观看。◇stand still (=stand without moving) 站着不动: jo stood still and listened. 乔一动不动地站着听。◇stand back/aside (=move back or to the side) 向后站/靠边站: a policeman told everyone to stand back. 一名警察叫大家都往后站。 2. also 又作 stand up [i] to move into a standing position after you have been sitting, bending, or lying down 起立,站起来:◇everybody stood up to applaud. 大家都起身鼓掌。 3. [i,t] to be in an upright position somewhere, or to put something in an upright position (使)竖立:◇we stood the lamp in the corner. 我们把灯立在角落里。◇few houses were left standing after the explosion. 爆炸过后,没有多少间房子站着没倒。 4. [i] to be in a particular place or position 位于,处于:◇their house stood on a corner near the park. 他们家在公园附近的一个拐角处。 5. can't stand spoken to hate someone or something 【口】 不能忍受,讨厌:◇dave can't stand dogs. 戴夫不喜欢狗。◇can't stand (sb) doing sth i can't stand being late. 我讨厌迟到。 6. [t] to be able to accept or deal with something unpleasant or difficult 忍受; 处理[讨厌或困难的事]:◇she couldn't stand the pain any longer. 她再也受不了那疼痛。◇stand (sb) doing sth how can she stand him treating her like that? 她怎么受得了他这样对她? 7. stand trial if you stand trial for a crime, people try to prove that you are guilty of the crime in a court of law 受审 8. [i] to be at a particular level or amount 处于[某一水平或数量]:◇+ at the unemployment rate stands at 8%. 失业率是 8%。 9. stand to do sth to be likely to get something 可能会得到某物:◇they stand to make more than £12 million on the deal. 这笔生意他们有望赚一千两百多万英镑。 10. [i] to remain unchanged 保持不变:◇my offer of a place to stay still stands. 我说可以提供住处,这话现在仍算数。◇as sth stands your proposal, as it stands, is not acceptable. 照你这样的提议是不能接受的。 11. stand 50m/35 feet etc tall/high written to have a height of 50 metres etc 【书面】 高 50 米/35 英尺等:◇the eiffel tower stands 300 metres high. 埃菲尔铁塔高 300 米。 12. stand a chance (of doing sth) to be likely to succeed in doing something 有机会[有希望](做某事):◇you don't stand a chance of going out with her. 你要把她约出去是没有希望的了。 13. [t] to be good or strong enough not to be damaged or destroyed by something 经得起,承受得起:◇jeans that can stand the rough wear kids give them 经得起小孩子乱磨乱蹭的牛仔裤◇stand the test of time (=stay strong) 经得起时间的考验: their marriage has certainly stood the test of time. 他们的婚姻无疑已经历了时间的考验。 14. stand in the way/stand in sb's way to prevent someone from doing something, or prevent something from happening 阻止某事发生/妨碍某人:◇there are a few problems that stand in the way of the merger. 有几个问题阻碍着合并。 15. where/how you stand (on sth) what your opinion about something is (在某事上)持什么意见:◇where do you stand on the issue of immigration? 你在移民问题上有什么看法? 16. know where you stand to know what someone's feelings or intentions towards you are 知道某人对自己的看法[意图]:◇you never know where you stand with debbie. 你永远也弄不懂黛比对你有什么看法。 17. stand on your own two feet to be independent and not need help from other people 独立自主,自立:◇it's about time you learned to stand on your own two feet. 你该学习自立了。 18. [i] to try to become elected竞选:◇he stood for parliament in 1959. 1959 年他竞选国会议员。 19. it stands to reason used to say that something is clearly true 显然,自不待言:◇it stands to reason that children will want to do what their friends do. 小孩子想模仿身边朋友的行为是自不待言的。 20. stand sb a drink/meal etc spoken to pay for someone's drink, meal etc 【口】 请某人喝酒/吃饭等→ see also 另见 stand guard (guard¹)stand aroundto stand somewhere and not do anything [无所事事地]闲站着:◇everybody was just standing around waiting. 大家都只是闲站着等。stand by1 [t stand by sth] if you stand by something you believe or something you have said, you do not change it 信守,遵守:◇i stand by what i said earlier. 我说过的话不会食言。2 [t stand by sb] to stay loyal to someone and support them in a difficult situation [在困难情况下]忠于,支持:◇matt's parents have stood by him throughout his drug treatments. 在麦特的整个戒毒过程中,他父母始终支持着他。3 [i] to be ready to do something 作好准备:◇fire crews are now standing by. 消防队员现在随时待命。4 [i] to allow something bad to happen by doing nothing 袖手旁观:◇people just stood by and watched him being attacked. 人们只是袖手旁观,看着他遭人袭击。stand downto leave an important job or position [从重要职位上]辞职; 退下:◇the chairman stood down last month. 主席上个月引退了。stand for sth1 to be a short form of a word, phrase, or idea 代表; 表示; 是…的缩写:◇jr. stands for 'junior'. jr. 是 junior的缩写。2 not stand for sth to not allow something to happen or continue 不会容忍:◇i won't stand for this behaviour. 我不会容忍这种行为。3 to support an idea, principle etc 主张,支持[某个观点、原则等]:◇i don't like her, or what she stands for. 我不喜欢她,也不喜欢她的主张。stand into do someone else's job while they are away 临时代替[某人]:◇+ for lyn stood in for me while i was ill. 我生病的时候由琳替我。stand out1 to be clearly better than other things or people 显然比…好,突出:◇morrison stands out as the most experienced candidate. 莫里森很突出,是阅历最丰富的候选人。2 to be very easy to see or notice 显眼,突出:◇she really stood out in her bright green dress. 她穿着鲜绿色的连衣裙非常显眼。stand up1 [i] to be proved to be true, useful, or strong when tested 站得住脚; 证明真实[有用,有力等]:◇the accusations will never stand up in court. 这些指控在法庭上是不可能站得住脚的。2 [t stand sb up] to not meet someone when you have promised to meet them 对…失约:◇tom stood me up last night. 汤姆昨晚对我失约了。stand up for sb/sthto defend a person or idea when they are being criticized 为[某人或观点]辩护:◇why didn't you stand up for me? 你为什么不为我说句话呢?stand up to sbto be brave and refuse to do what someone is trying to make you do 勇敢地拒绝; 对抗:◇he became a hero for standing up to the local gangs. 他敢和当地的匪帮对抗,成了英雄。




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