单词 | power/powerful |
释义 | power/powerful1 the ability to control people and events2 having a lot of power3 a country that has a lot of power4 to have an official position of power5 to get power6 having no powerrelated wordspolitical, legal, or social rights 政治、法律或社会权利 right,see alsocontrol/not control,in charge of,position/rank,government,1. the ability to control people and events 管理人和事的能力 power /ˈpaʊəʳ/ [uncountable noun] the ability or the right to control other people and make decisions that affect them 权力 do you think the police have too much power? 你认为警察权力太大了吗? he was motivated by greed, envy, and the lust for power. 他受了贪婪、妒忌和权力欲的驱使。great/enormous power the enormous economic power of the united states 美国强大的经济实力power over the big hollywood studios have a lot of power over what kind of films get made. 好莱坞的大电影制片厂有很大权力决定拍何种影片。have the power to do something only parliament has the power to make new laws. 只有议会才有权制定新法律。a power struggle a situation in which groups or leaders try to defeat each other and get complete control 权力斗争 a power struggle developed between the president and the generals. 总统和将军们之间产生了权力之争。 influence /ˈɪnfluəns/ [uncountable noun] if someone has influence, they can use their important social position or their wealth to persuade other people to do things 影响力 influence in the catholic church has always had a lot of influence in polish politics. 天主教教会对波兰政治一直有很大的影响力。influence over the banks had too much influence over government policy. 银行对政府政策的影响力过大。somebody's influence with somebody someone's ability to persuade someone else to do things 某人对某人的影响力 using her influence with her husband, evita peron won women the right to vote. 埃维塔·贝隆运用对丈夫的影响力,为女性争取到了投票权。 authority /ɔːˈθɒrɪti, ɔːˈθɒrəti, ə-ǁəˈθɑː-, əˈθɔː-/ [uncountable noun] the right to make decisions and control people, which a person has because of their job or official position 权力;权威 no one dared to question the principal's authority. 没有人敢对校长的权力提出质疑。authority over in the british system, the mayor has no authority over the local police. 在英国的体制中,市长无权管辖当地警察。have the authority to do something the king had the authority to raise taxes without the permission of parliament. 国王有权不经议会同意就增税。 have a say /ˌhæv ə ˈseɪ/ [verb phrase] the right to give your opinion about a decision, so that you have some power to influence it 有权发言 if we're going to undertake such a big project, the voters should have a say. 如果我们打算从事这么大的一项工程,选民应该有权发言。have a say in by giving the workers a greater say in the running of the company, we hope to increase cooperation and job satisfaction. 通过给予工人在公司管理方面更大的发言权,我们希望增进合作并提升工作满意度。have the final say have the power to make the final decision 有最后决定权 the prisoner review board can recommend that a prisoner is released, but illinois gov. jim edgar has the final say. 囚犯审查委员会可以建议释放一名犯人,但伊利诺伊州州长吉姆·埃德加拥有最后决定权。 muscle /ˈmʌsəl/ [uncountable noun] power that someone has because of their money, political position, or strength, and which makes it possible for them to do things that other people or organizations cannot do 实力[指某人因金钱、政治地位或势力而具有的力量] the government has for years been trying to destroy the muscle of the trade unions. 数年来,政府一直在试图摧毁工会的力量。have the muscle to do something hanson trust has the muscle to buy up some of america's biggest companies. 汉森信托基金有实力买下美国一些最大的公司。financial/political muscle the republicans do not have the political muscle to prevent the treaty being rejected by congress. 共和党没有足够的政治实力来防止国会否决该条约。 clout /klaʊt/ [uncountable noun] informal the power that you have to influence other people's decisions, especially because you can use your position or your knowledge to persuade people in authority to do what you want 【非正式】影响力;势力[尤因能利用自己的地位或知识来说服掌权之人] have/carry clout the banks do not carry quite as much clout as they used to. 银行的势力已不如从前。political/financial etc clout doctors have considerably more political clout than teachers. 医生的政治影响力要比教师大得多。 jurisdiction /ˌdʒʊərɪsˈdɪkʃən, ˌdʒʊərəsˈdɪkʃən/ [uncountable noun] the power that a government, court, or organization has to make laws or to decide whether people are breaking the law - use this especially when you talk about the limits of this power [政府、法庭或组织的]立法权;裁决权;管辖权[尤在谈论这一权力的限度时使用] in general, the american courts have no jurisdiction to deal with crimes outside the usa. 一般来说,美国法院对本国之外的犯罪行为不具有裁决权。 the air transit authority's jurisdiction extends beyond the airport itself to include warehouses and associated buildings. 空运管理局的管辖权超越了机场本身,还包括仓库和相关建筑。jurisdiction over the council has no jurisdiction over these matters. 议会无权管这些事情。be within/under somebody's jurisdiction it's not within our jurisdiction to tell people what to do in the privacy of their own homes. 我们无权管辖人们在家私下该干些什么。be outside somebody's jurisdiction the courts said the claim raised ‘political questions’ that were outside its jurisdiction. 法院称这一要求提出了“政治问题”,这超出其管辖范围。2. having a lot of power 权力很大的 powerful /ˈpaʊəʳfəl/ [adjective] a powerful person, organization, or country has a lot of power, and can control people and influence events 势力强大的;有权力的 parliament had become more powerful than the king. 议会的权力已变得比国王更大了。 one of the most powerful men in us politics 美国政坛势力最强的男子之一 berlusconi was the owner of a powerful media empire. 贝卢斯科尼拥有一个势力强大的媒体王国。 influential /ˌɪnfluˈenʃəl◂/ [adjective] someone who is influential can influence events, because they are rich, and therefore people pay attention to what they say 有影响力的 her uncle is a rich and influential businessman. 她叔叔是个有影响力的富商。 she is probably the most influential member of the finance committee. 她也许是财政委员会中最具影响力的人物。 an influential film critic 一位有影响力的影评人highly influential very influential 很有影响力的 galbraith was a highly influential writer on economic affairs. 加尔布雷思是一位对经济事务极具影响力的作家。 strong /strɒŋǁstrɔːŋ/ [adjective] powerful - use this about a political group that is supported by a lot of people 势力强大的;影响力大的[用于许多人支持的政治组织] the communists were particularly strong in the big industrial cities. 共产党人在大工业城市中势力特别大。 there has been a strong anti-nuclear movement in japan for many years. 影响广泛的反核运动在日本持续了多年。 dominant /ˈdɒmɪnənt, ˈdɒmənəntǁˈdɑː-/ [adjective] more powerful than other people, groups, countries etc 占统治地位的;支配的 gradually, microsoft became the dominant company in the software business 微软公司渐渐成为软件行业的头号公司。 at the time portugal was the dominant naval power in the mediterranean. 当时,葡萄牙海军称雄于地中海。 all-powerful /ˌɔːl ˈpaʊəʳfəl◂/ [adjective] having more power than anyone else, especially when this is not fair 有无上权力的[尤指不公平的] the all-powerful central committee meets twice a year. 拥有最高权力的中央委员会一年开两次会。 catherine the great, the all-powerful ruler of the russian empire 叶卡捷琳娜大帝,俄罗斯帝国至高无上的统治者 hollywood stars of the 30s were in awe of the all-powerful studio bosses. 30年代的好莱坞明星敬畏权力无边的制片公司老板。 have friends in high places /hæv ˌfrends ɪn haɪ ˈpleɪsə̇z/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to have power or influence because you know people who have very important jobs and positions and who will help you if necessary 有关系;有门路 bowen had friends in high places, and managed to raise large sums of money from the carnegie and rockefeller foundations. 鲍恩有门路,能从卡内基和洛克菲勒基金会筹集到大笔资金。 the achym family had friends in high places, including the powerful lord burghley, and were allowed to return. 阿奇姆一家有位高权重的朋友,包括伯利勋爵,所以获准回来。3. a country that has a lot of power 权势大的国家 world power /ˌwɜːʳld ˈpaʊəʳ/ [countable noun] a country that has a lot of economic and military power, and can influence what happens in other parts of the world 世界大国,世界强国 the united states had replaced great britain as the dominant world power. 美国取代英国成为了头号世界强国。 china is regaining its place as a world power, a status it enjoyed for 3,000 years and lost only a few centuries ago. 中国正在重新取得世界大国的地位,这个位子她已坐了3,000年,只是几个世纪前才失去。 superpower /ˈsuːpəʳˌpaʊəʳ, ˈsjuː-ǁˈsuː-/ [countable noun] one of the most powerful countries in the world 超级大国 the united states, as the world's only remaining superpower, must continue making arms control a central element of its foreign policy. 美国作为世界唯一现存的超级大国,必须继续把军备控制作为其对外政策的中心点。 he hinted at a bigger presence for the u.s. military in the asian pacific region where china is emerging as a superpower. 他暗示美国军队将较大规模部署在亚太地区,在那里中国正渐渐成为超级大国。4. to have an official position of power 处于掌权的官位 in power /in ˈpaʊəʳ/ [adjective phrase] a person or political group that is in power has political control of a country or government 掌权的 the socialists have been in power since the 1965 revolution. 自1965年革命以来,社会党一直掌权。 the congress party in india lost its legislative majority in the late 1970s after nearly thirty years in power. 20世纪70年代后期,印度国大党掌权近三十年后失去了议会多数席位。remain/stay in power gorbachev could not have remained in power without the support of the red army. 他要是没有军队的支持是无法掌权的。 in authority /ɪn ɔːˈθɒrə̇tiǁ-əˈθɑː-/ [adjective phrase] someone who is in authority has a job or position that gives them the right to tell other people what to do 在位的;掌权的 my mother demanded to speak to someone in authority. 母亲要求同管事的人说话。 problems arise when people in authority can't keep discipline. 当权者无法维持秩序时麻烦来了。 in office /ɪn ˈɒfə̇sǁ-ˈɔːf-/ [adjective phrase] someone, usually a government official, who is in office, has an important job or position with power [某人,常为政府官员]在位的,在任的 the decision was made to remove the president after 30 years in office. 已决定将已在位30年的总统免职。remain/continue in office hayward has expressed his willingness to continue in office. 海沃德已表示愿意继续任职。 rule /ruːl/ [intransitive/transitive verb] if a king, queen, political party, or organization rules, they have an official position of power in a country, and over the people who live there 统治;执政 in 1860, italy was a collection of small states ruled by princes and dukes. 1860年,意大利分裂成一些亲王、公爵统治的小城邦。 while they ruled, the country remained isolated from the rest of the world. 在他们执政时期,该国与外部世界完全隔离。rule france/spain etc the pol pot regime ruled cambodia from 1974 to 1978. 1974至1978年间波尔布特政府统治柬埔寨。rule over spain ruled over portugal from 1580 to 1640. 1580至1640年间西班牙统治葡萄牙。 motamid had died, leaving his son mostain to rule over saragossa. 莫塔米德死了,留下儿子莫斯坦恩统治萨拉戈萨。 rule [uncountable noun] british rule in india came to an end in 1947. 1947年英国对印度的统治结束。 ruling /ˈruːlɪŋ/ [adjective] the ruling group or political party in an area or country is the one that is controlling it at the present time 执政的[群体、政党等] ruling party/class/authority the ruling party is confident of winning the election. 执政党自信能在选举中获胜。 the struggle between the workers and the ruling classes 工人与统治阶级之间的斗争 the crisis sparked after the ruling party rushed through revisions of the labor and national security laws in a semi-secret parliamentary session. 执政党在议会半公开会议上匆匆修订劳动与国家安全法,触发了危机。 reign /reɪn/ [intransitive verb] if a king or queen reigns, they have an official position of power, although they may not have any real power over the government of the country [国王或女王]统治;在位;执政 robert ii reigned for 19 years and died in dundonald castle on 13th may, 1390. 罗伯特二世在位19年,于1390年5月13日在邓唐纳德堡去世。 the last moorish king reigned there until 1492. 最后一位摩尔国王在那里一直统治到1492年。reign over penda was king from 633 to 655, but it is not known who had reigned over the mercians in the period before. 633至655年彭达为国王,但此前是谁统治麦西亚人则不得而知。 reign [singular noun] time when someone reigns [君主]统治时期 important reforms were initiated during the reign of nicholas ii. 重大改革起始于尼古拉二世在位时期。5. to get power 获得权力 come to power /ˌkʌm tə ˈpaʊəʳ/ [verb phrase] to take political control of a country, especially by being elected 执政;上台[尤指以选举的方式] when mrs thatcher came to power in 1979, no one expected her to stay there for 13 years. 撒切尔夫人1979年上台时,没有人会料到她一干就是13年。 after coming to power, president clinton tried to resolve the conflict. 克林顿总统执政后试图解决冲突。 take office /ˌteɪk ˈɒfə̇sǁ-ˈɔːf-/ [verb phrase] if a person or political party takes office, they start working in an official position of power or take political control of a country [个人或政党]就职;上台 less than three weeks after labour took office, an economic crisis developed. 工党上台不到三个星期,经济危机就发生了。 when olson took office in january 1939, he was the state's first democratic governor in forty years. 1939年1月,奥尔森就职,他是40年来该州第一位民主党人州长。 take power /ˌteɪk ˈpaʊəʳ/ [verb phrase] to get control of a country through violence 夺权;[使用暴力]取得政权 the bolsheviks took power in 1917. 布尔什维克于1917年夺取政权。 general da souza had the intention of taking power through a coup d'etat. 达·苏萨将军意欲发动政变来夺权。 seize power /ˌsiːz ˈpaʊəʳ/ [verb phrase] to get control of a country suddenly or quickly, by using military force [军事]夺权 communist forces had come out in an attempt to seize power. the czar was overthrown when the revolutionaries seized power. 沙皇被推翻,革命党人夺取了政权。 take over /ˌteɪk ˈəʊvəʳ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to take power from an existing government or organization by using military force [军事]接管,夺取[现任政府或组织的权力] a revolutionary government took over, featuring a reorganized council. 革命政府接管了政权,重新改组的议会是它的特点。 the authorities began to make the necessary arrangements for taking over the garrisons, which were still in the hands of the enemy. 政府开始为接管卫戍部队作必要的准备工作,目前他们仍在敌军手中。6. having no power 没有权力的 powerless /ˈpaʊəʳləs/ [adjective] someone who is powerless has no power to control or influence what happens 没有力量的;无权的 blocked by the democrats in the senate, bush appeared powerless. 由于在参议院遭到民主党人的阻挠,布什显得无能为力。powerless against the people of hungary were powerless against the tanks of the red army. 民众无力对抗坦克。powerless to do something the un was powerless to prevent the war spreading. 联合国无力阻止战火蔓延。 weak /wiːk/ [adjective] someone who is weak does not have much power because they cannot make other people respect them or obey them 软弱的;无权的 these policies failed because the government was weak and ineffective. 这些政策失败了,因为政府软弱无力。 a weak, indecisive principal 一位软弱、优柔寡断的校长 weakness [uncountable noun] the king's mercy towards the rebels was regarded as a sign of weakness. 国王对叛军的宽容被视为软弱的象征。 have no say /hæv ˌnəʊ ˈseɪ/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to have no power to influence what happens because your opinion is ignored or regarded as unimportant 没有发言权 whenever we have to make an important decision, i feel that i have no say. 每当我们作重大决定时,我都感觉自己没有发言权。have no say in something the french government allows the annamese almost no say at all in running their affairs. 法国政府在管理安南人的事务上独断专行,几乎不给予他们任何发言权。 |
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