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单词 so/therefore
释义 so/thereforeways of saying what the result of something isrelated wordssee alsoresult,cause,1. ways of saying what the result of something is 表示某事结果如何的说法 so /səʊ/ [conjunction/adverb] use this to say that someone does something or something happens as a result of something else 因此,所以 there was nothing on tv, so i decided to go to bed. 电视上没什么可看的,于是我便决定上床睡觉了。 the rest of the week i'm busy, i'm afraid, so it'll have to be monday. 这个星期其余时间我恐怕都很忙,所以只能是星期一了。 the shop doesn't open until 11am and so it loses a lot of business. 这家商店上午11点才开门,所以失掉不少生意。 therefore /ˈðeəʳfɔːʳ/ [adverb] so - use this in formal speech and writing 因此,因而,所以[用于正式的口语和书面语中] the building work is taking quite a long time, and therefore costing us money. 这项建筑工程耗时很长,因此我们花费也大。 jewish weddings are both religious and civil. therefore two official applications for marriage are necessary. 犹太人的婚礼包括宗教和世俗两种形式,所以必须有两份正式的结婚申请。 so big/tall/old etc (that) /səʊ ˈbɪg ðət/ [adverb] use this to say that because someone or something is very big, tall etc, something happens as a result 这么大/高/旧等[以致…] i was so busy today that i didn't have time for lunch. 我今天忙得连午饭都没有时间吃。 he always thought he was so good looking that no woman would turn him down. 他总是认为自己长得漂亮,没有女人会拒绝他。 such a bad day/an old car/a tall man etc (that) /ˌsʌtʃ ə bæd ˈdeɪ ðət/ use this to say that because it is a very bad day, a very old car etc something happens or someone does something as a result 那天如此倒霉/那车如此旧/那人如此高等[以致于] it was such a nice day that we decided to go for a picnic. 天气这么好,我们决定去野餐。 the dress was such a bargain, i had to buy it. 这连衣裙这么便宜,我一定要买。 paul remained silent for such a long time that we were beginning to wonder if he'd fallen asleep. 保罗这么长时间没有出声,我们开始怀疑他是否睡着了。 so that/with the result that /ˈsəʊ ðət, wɪð ðə rɪˈzʌlt ðət/ [conjunction] use this to say that because of a particular situation, another situation exists or happens. with the result that is more formal than so that 以致/结果[with the result that 比 so that正式] his hair was very long and covered his eyes, so that you could hardly see his face. 他的头发很长,盖到眼睛上,以致难以看到他的脸。 a car pulled out right in front of me, so that i had to slam on the brakes. 一辆车一下开到我前面,我只得猛踩刹车。 the company paid excellent salaries and provided good working conditions, with the result that its employees were of a very high standard. 这家公司薪酬高,工作条件好,所以员工的水平都很高。 as a result/consequently /əz ə rɪˈzʌlt, ˈkɒnsə̇kwəntliǁˈkɑːnsə̇ˌkwentli/ [adverb] use this to say that because of a particular situation, something else happens or is true. consequently is more formal than as a result 结果,所以[consequently 比as a result正式] i had made a lot of contacts, and had good job opportunities as a result. 我关系很广,所以有一些不错的工作机会。 the virus attacks the plant, the flower does not open, and consequently no seeds are produced. 病毒攻击植株,开不了花,所以也结不了籽。 then /ðen/ [adverb] use this to say what you would expect the result of an action or situation to be 那么 ‘my father's quite laid back.’ ‘then he won't mind if you borrow his car, will he?’ “我父亲很无所谓。”“那么他不会介意你借用他的车了吗?” ‘i'm full up.’ ‘does that mean you don't want any dessert then?’ “我吃饱了。”“那就是说你不想吃甜点了?”




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