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单词 self-control
释义 self-control [uncountable] the ability to remain calm and not show your emotions even though you are feeling angry or excited(生气或兴奋时的)自制力,自我控制◆it took all his self-control not to shout at them.他尽了最大的克制强压怒火,没有冲他们叫嚷。◆she struggled to keep her self-control.她竭力保持自制。◆he suddenly lost all self-control and started shouting and swearing.他突然完全失控,喊叫咒骂起来。 ➡ see also control → control noun , control → suppress verb 2 note 辨析 restraint or self-control? self-control is an ability that people have as part of their character. you can have self-control and you can keep or lose it on a particular occasion. restraint is less a part of sb's character and more a matter of their behaviour: you can exercise or show restraint, but it is not sth that you have, keep or lose. * self-control 指自控能力,是人性格的一部份。可以说 have/keep/lose self-control (有/保持/失去自制力)。restraint 不太被视为人的性格,而多与行为有关。可以说 exercise/show restraint (发挥/表现出克制),但不能说有、保持或失去 restraint◆it took all his restraint not to shout. ◆she struggled to keep her restraint. ˌself-conˈtrolnoun [u] the ability to control your emotions and appear calm even when you are angry, afraid, excited, etc 自制(能)力: ◇to lose/keep your self-control 失去╱保持自制能力 self-controlsee ⇨ control/not control 13 self-con·trol /ˌ· ·ˈ·/n [u]the ability to control your feelings and behaviour even when you are angry, excited, or upset 自制,自我克制




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