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单词 sunlight
释义 sunlight nounadjective | ... of sunlight | verb + sunlight | sunlight + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤blinding, bright, brilliant, harsh, hot, intense, scorching, strong, warm眩目的/明亮的/灿烂的/刺眼的/炙热的/强烈的/灼热的/很强的/温暖的阳光◆he emerged from the tunnel into blinding sunlight.他走出隧道,阳光照得他睁不开眼。➤direct, full直射的/充足的阳光◆plants that do not like direct sunlight不喜阳光直射的植物➤pale, weak暗淡的/微弱的阳光▸➤dappled, golden斑驳的/金色的阳光◆the dappled sunlight of the forest森林中斑驳的阳光➤reflected反射的阳光▸➤afternoon, evening, morning午后的/傍晚的/早晨的阳光▸➤spring, summer, etc.春天、夏天等的阳光... of sunlight➤beam, ray, shaft一束/一缕/一道阳光▸➤patch, pool一片阳光verb + sunlight➤block out遮住阳光◆a dank backyard with a wall that blocked out the sunlight被一堵墙挡住阳光的阴湿后院➤be exposed to暴露在阳光下◆do not leave your skin exposed to sunlight for too long.不要让皮肤在阳光下长时间暴露。sunlight + verb➤come in, fall, filter, flood, penetrate sth, pierce sth, pour, shine, stream阳光照进来;阳光洒落;阳光透过;阳光倾泻;阳光穿透⋯;阳光照耀◆sunlight filtered dustily through the slats of the door.阳光透过门上的板条照射进满是尘土的室内。◆in dark thickets where sunlight could not penetrate在阳光难以穿透的阴暗的灌木丛中◆she threw back the shutters and the sunlight streamed in.她拉开百叶窗,阳光照了进来。➤fill sth阳光充满⋯◆bright sunlight filled the room.屋子里阳光明媚。➤gleam, glimmer, glint, glitter, shimmer, sparkle阳光闪烁;阳光闪耀◆the sunlight sparkling on the water水面上闪烁的阳光➤be reflected from sth, reflect off sth, reflect on sth阳光从⋯反射;阳光反射到⋯上preposition➤in the sunlight在阳光下◆waves sparkling in the sunlight在阳光下闪闪发光的波浪➤into the sunlight进入阳光下◆we came out into bright sunlight again.我们来到户外,回到灿烂的阳光中。phrases➤gleam in the sunlight, glint in the sunlight, shimmer in the sunlight, sparkle in the sunlight在阳光下闪烁;在阳光下闪耀;在阳光下闪闪发光◆the sea shimmered in the sunlight.阳光下海水闪烁着波光。➤blink in the sunlight, squint in the sunlight在阳光下眨眼/眯眼◆they emerged from their cells, blinking in the sunlight.他们走出牢房,被阳光刺得眯着眼。sunlight [uncountable] the light from the sun阳光;日光◆the room was lit by a shaft of bright sunlight from the open shutter.一束明亮的阳光透过打开的百叶窗照进了这间屋子。◆the colour will fade if exposed to strong sunlight.这种颜色暴露于强烈的阳光下会褪色。 ➡ see also light → light noun 1 sunlight/ˈsʌnlaɪt ||; ˈsʌnˌlaɪt/noun [u] the light from the sun 阳光 sunlightsee ⇨ light 1 sun·light /`sʌnˏlaɪt; ˈsʌnlaɪt/n [u]natural light that comes from the sun 阳光,日光:◇he stepped out into the strong sunlight. 他走了出去,外面阳光很强烈。




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