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单词 grand¹
释义 grand¹ /grænd; ɡrænd/adj 1. a grand building, occasion etc is very impressive, big, or important [建筑物]宏伟的; [场面]盛大的,隆重的:◇a grand ceremony at the palace 皇宫里举行的盛典 2. grand total the final total you get when you add up several numbers or amounts 总计,共计 3. rich and important but too proud 有钱有势而神气活现的; 高傲的:◇he thinks he's too grand to talk to us. 他以为他很高贵,不愿意和我们说话。 4. informal very good, pleasant, or enjoyable 【非正式】 非常美好的; 非常愉快的:◇a grand day out 愉快出游的一天




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