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单词 grand
释义 grandimpressive and large or important壮丽的;堂皇的;重大的◆it's not a very grand house.这房子并非十分富丽堂皇。◆the wedding was a very grand occasion.婚礼场面非常隆重。ⓘ when grand is used to describe a thing, it is usually sth relating to a building or part of a building such as a house, villa, hotel, castle, palace, staircase or entrance. when grand is used to describe an occasion, it is usually one that involves rich people or the spending of a large amount of money. * grand 通常描述建筑物或建筑物的一部份,搭配的词通常为 house、villa、hotel、castle、palace、staircase、entrance 等。grand 所描述的场合、活动通常是有富人参与或耗资巨大的。  ➡ see also grandeur → luxury grand¹/grænd ||; grænd/adj1. impressive and large or important (also used in names) 宏伟的,重要的(也用于名称之中): ◇our house isn't very grand, but it has a big garden. 我们的房子虽然不算美轮美奂,可是也有一个大花园。◇she thinks she's very grand because she drives a porsche. 她认为自己开的是保时捷汽车就很了不起。◇the grand canyon 大峡谷◇the grand hotel 格兰德大酒店 ☞noun grandeur 名词为grandeur 2. used in compounds before a noun to show a family relationship 用于名词前,表示亲属关系 3. (informal 非正式) very good or pleasant 极好的;令人满意的: ◇you've done a grand job! 做得好! ➔grandly adv ➔grandness noun [u] grand²/grænd ||; grænd/noun [c] (plural grand) (slang 俚语) 1000 pounds or dollars 1000英镑;1000元grandsee ⇨ impress 4☞ grand¹☞ grand²




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