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单词 shotgun
释义 shotgun nounadjective | verb + shotgun | shotgun + noun | preposition adjective➤12-bore, 12-gauge, double-barrelled/double-barreled, pump, pump-action, sawed-off, sawn-off (bre) * 12 口径猎枪;双管猎枪;滑杆式散弹枪;枪管锯短的猎枪◆the men were armed with sawn-off / sawed-off shotguns.这些人带着枪管锯短的猎枪。➤loaded子弹上膛的猎枪verb + shotgun➤cock扣上猎枪扳机▸➤fire猎枪开火▸➤be armed with, carry, have, hold配有猎枪;带着猎枪;手握猎枪▸➤point, raise, threaten sb with用猎枪指着;举起猎枪;用猎枪威胁某人◆the shotgun was pointed at me.猎枪指着我。➤load, reload给猎枪装子弹;给猎枪重新装上子弹▸➤aim用猎枪瞄准目标➤be blasted with持猎枪射击shotgun + noun➤licence (bre) 猎枪许可证▸➤cartridge, pellet, shell猎枪子弹▸➤blast猎枪射击◆the cause of death was a shotgun blast at close range.死亡原因是近距离猎枪射击。➤wound猎枪伤preposition➤of a/the shotgun猎枪的⋯◆the barrel of a shotgun猎枪枪筒➤with a shotgun用猎枪◆he tried to blow his brains out with a shotgun.他试图用猎枪打爆他的脑壳。shotgun /ʃɒtgʌn; name ʃɑːtgʌn/ [countable] a long gun that fires a lot of small metal bullets (called shot) and is used especially for shooting birds or animals(尤用于射杀鸟或动物的)猎枪,火枪◆the farmer kept a shotgun for killing crows and foxes.那个农民有一支火枪,用来猎杀乌鸦和狐狸。◆ (bre) the raiders were armed with sawn-off shotguns.袭击者携带了枪管锯短的猎枪。◆ (name) sawed-off shotguns枪管锯短的猎枪shotgun/ˈʃɒtgʌn ||; ˈʃɑtˌgʌn/noun [c] a long gun that is used for shooting small animals and birds 猎枪 shot·gun /`ʃɑtˏgʌn; ˈʃɒtɡʌn/n [c]a long gun, used especially for shooting animals and birds 猎枪




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