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单词 fluent
释义 fluent /fluːənt/ able to speak, read or write a language, especially a foreign language, easily and well; (of a language, especially a foreign language) expressed easily and well(尤指外语)流利的,流畅的◆she's fluent in polish.她的波兰语很流利。◆she's a fluent reader of arabic.她能熟练阅读阿拉伯文。◆he speaks fluent italian.他说一口流利的意大利语。▸ fluently adverb◆she speaks russian fluently.她说一口流利的俄语。◆a child just beginning to read fluently刚开始熟练阅读的孩子fluent/ˈflu:ənt ||; ˈfluənt/adj1. fluent (in sth) able to speak or write a foreign language easily and accurately 谙熟(某种外语): ◇after a year in france she was fluent in french. 她在法国呆了一年,已经能说一口流利的法语。 2. (used about speaking, reading or writing) expressed in a smooth and accurate way (指说话、阅读或写作)流利,流畅: ◇he speaks fluent german. 他的德语说得很流利。 ➔fluency /ˈflu:ənsi ||; ˈfluənsɪ/ noun [u]: ◇my knowledge of japanese grammar is good but i need to work on my fluency. 日语语法我掌握得不错,但还需努力提高口语的流利程度。 ➔fluently advfluentsee ⇨ speak 3 flu·ent /`fluənt; ˈfluːənt/adjable to speak or write a language very well, without stopping or making mistakes [说话、写作]流利的,流畅的:◇jem can speak fluent japanese. 杰姆能说一口流利的日语。◇+ in candidates must be fluent in two european languages. 候选人必须熟练掌握两种欧洲语言。




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