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单词 recycle
释义 recycle verbadverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤endlessly (usually figurative) 无限重复使用◆they endlessly recycle the same worn-out arguments.他们没完没了地使用那些老生常谈的论点。preposition➤from从⋯回收◆made of plastic recycled from old packaging material由回收的旧包装材料的塑料制成➤into回收利用制成⋯◆these materials are recycled into other packaging products.这些材料被回收后制成其他包装产品。phrases➤can be recycled可以被回收◆the packaging can be recycled.包装可以回收。➤recycled waste, paper, materials, etc.回收的废物、再生纸、循环使用的材料等 recycle /riːsaɪkl/ verb [intransitive, transitive] to put things that have already been used through special processes so that they can be used again 再利用;回收利用◆the country has a target of recycling 25% of all waste by 2012. 这国家制订了一个到 2012 年废品总回收率达到 25% 的目标。◆envelopes made from recycled paper 用再生纸制作的信封 ▸ recyclable /riːsaɪkləbl/ adjective◆we use 100% recyclable packaging. 我们使用 100% 的可再生包装。 ▸ recycling noun [uncountable] ◆the uk lags far behind its european neighbours in recycling levels. 英国的再回收利用水平远远落后于其欧洲邻国。◆a recycling business/plant 废品回收公司/加工厂☞ recyclerecycle/ˌri:ˈsaɪkl ||; riˈsaɪkḷ/verb[t] 1. to put used objects and materials through a process so that they can be used again 使循环再用;把废物处理再用;回收利用: ◇recycled paper 再生纸◇aluminium cans can be recycled. 铝罐可以回收再用。 2. to keep used objects and materials and use them again 保留用过的物件再用;重复使用: ◇don't throw away your plastic carrier bags -- recycle them! 不要丢掉塑料购物袋─可以留下再用的! ➔recyclable adj ◇most plastics are recyclable. 大部份塑料制品都可回收再用。 recyclesee ⇨ use 11 re·cy·cle /ri`saɪkḷ; ˌriːˈsaɪkəl/v [i,t]to put used objects or materials through a process so that they can be used again (使)[用过的物品或材料]再应用,回收利用:◇most glass bottles and aluminium cans can be recycled. 大多数玻璃瓶和铝罐都能回收利用。




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