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单词 sink
释义 sink nounadjective | verb + sink | sink + noun | preposition adjective➤bathroom, kitchen浴室洗涤池;厨房洗碗槽▸➤blocked, clogged (name) 堵塞的洗涤池▸➤marble, porcelain, stainless-steel大理石/瓷制/不锈钢洗涤池➤double双槽洗涤池◆the kitchen had a double sink.厨房里有双槽洗涤池。verb + sink➤fill充满水池◆she filled the sink with hot water.她在洗涤槽里放满热水。➤block, clog (name) 堵塞洗涤池▸➤clear, unblock, unclog (name) 疏通洗涤池➤install安装洗涤池◆you can install a new sink in the kitchen.你可以在厨房里装一个新洗碗槽。sink + noun➤unit (bre) 一套洗涤台▸➤plunger (bre) 搋子◆i bought a sink plunger to clear the blocked kitchen sink.我买了一个拔子来疏通堵塞的厨房洗碗槽。➤faucet, tap (bre) 洗涤池水龙头➤counter (name) 洗涤台◆the sink counter in the bathroom浴室里的洗涤台preposition➤at the sink在洗涤槽旁◆she was at the sink, washing the dishes.她正在水槽旁洗碗。➤down the sink倒在洗涤槽里◆don't pour coffee grounds down the kitchen sink.不要把咖啡渣倒在厨房洗碗槽里。➤in the sink在洗涤槽里◆put the dishes in the sink.把盘子放在洗碗槽里。sink verb¹ 1in water, mud, etc.水里;泥里adverb | verb + sink | preposition | phrases adverb➤slowly慢慢下沉▸➤fast快速下沉◆duane was in waist-deep and sinking fast.杜安陷到了齐腰深的地方,而且还在快速下沉。➤down向下沉◆she sank down into the soft soil.她陷进松软的泥土里。➤deep深深地沉下去◆his boots sank deep into the mud.他的靴子深深地陷进了泥里。➤nearly几乎沉下去◆the boat nearly sank under the increased weight.船的载重增加后,几乎要沉下去。verb + sink➤begin to, start to开始下沉preposition➤below, beneath沉到⋯之下◆we watched the boat sink beneath the waves.我们看着小船被波涛吞没。➤into沉入⋯◆our feet sank deep into the soft sand as we walked.我们一迈步,脚就深深陷进松软的沙里。➤to, up to没至⋯◆he sank up to his knees in the mud.他陷进没膝深的泥里。phrases➤sink like a stone快速下沉◆the box sank like a stone.盒子很快沉了下去。➤sink or swim (figurative) 沉沦或自救◆in a situation like this, you either sink or swim.在这样的情况下不自救必沉沦。➤sink to the bottom (of sth)沉到⋯底◆the ship had sunk to the bottom of the sea.那只船已沉到了海底。➤sink under the weight (of sth) (often figurative) 因(⋯)重压下沉◆the airline industry is sinking under the weight of its losses.因亏损拖累,航空业正走向衰退。➤sink without trace未留痕迹地沉没◆it seemed as though the ship had sunk without trace.那艘船沉没后似乎没有留下一丝痕迹。sink verb² 2fall/sit down倒下;坐下adverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤wearily疲惫地坐下▸➤gratefully求之不得地倒下◆i sank gratefully into the warm, dry bed.我一下躺倒在温暖干爽的床上。➤gracefully优雅地坐下▸➤low往下坐◆the sun was sinking lower.太阳渐渐落下。➤back, down坐回去;倒下◆dexter sank back into his seat.德克斯特又坐回到座位上。preposition➤into陷入⋯◆he sank lower into his chair.他坐在椅子上的身子又往下陷了陷。➤onto坐到⋯◆she sank gracefully down onto a cushion at his feet.她优雅地坐到他脚边的垫子上。phrases➤sink below the horizon落下地平线◆the sun had sunk below the horizon.太阳落下了地平线。➤sink to the floor, sink to the ground瘫倒在地◆she sank to the ground and started to cry.她瘫倒在地,哭了起来。➤sink to your knees跪下◆he sank to his knees, grasping at his stomach.他跪下来,紧捂着腹部。sink verb³ 3become weaker/worse减弱;变糟adverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤quickly, rapidly迅速/很快减弱◆virgil rapidly sank into depression.弗吉尔很快变得消沉抑郁。➤gradually逐渐减弱◆the project gradually sank into oblivion.该项目渐渐被淡忘。preposition➤into减弱到⋯状态phrases➤sink to a new low, sink to new lows (both figurative) 降到⋯新低◆with this article the newspaper has sunk to a new low.因为这篇文章的缘故,这家报纸的销量降到了历史新低。 sink /sɪŋk/ verb(sank /sæŋk/, sunk /sʌŋk/ or, less frequent sunk, sunk) 1. [intransitive, transitive] if a ship sinks or sb/sth sinks it, it is damaged and goes below the surface of the sea 下沉;沉没◆the tanker sank off the coast of brittany. 油轮在布列塔尼沿海沉没。 2. [intransitive] to decrease in amount, volume, strength, etc. 下跌;减少;减弱◆the pound has sunk to its lowest recorded level against the dollar. 英镑兑美元下跌至历史最低水平。 ●sink sth into sthto spend a lot of money on a business, for example in order to make money from it in the future 把大量资金投入◆we sank all our savings into the venture. 我们把所有的积蓄都投入了这个企业。☞ sinksink(sank, sunk) [intransitive] (especially business尤用于商业) to fall in value or strength(价值或强度)降低,减弱◆the pound has sunk to its lowest recorded level against the dollar.英镑对美元的比价已降到历史新低。◆his voice sank almost to a whisper.他的声音渐低,几乎成了耳语。 opp rise → rise sink(sank, sunk) [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) (of a person) to move downwards, especially by falling or sitting down; (of an object) to move slowly downwards(人)倒下,坐下;(物体)下沉,下陷◆she sank back into her seat.她坐回椅子上。◆the old man had sunk to his knees.老头跪了下去。◆the foundations of the building are starting to sink.楼房的地基开始下陷。sink¹/sɪŋk ||; sɪŋk/verb (past tense sank /sæŋk ||; sæŋk/ past participle sunk /sʌŋk ||; sʌŋk/) 1. [i,t] to go down or make sth go down under the surface of liquid or a soft substance (使)沉入或陷入水中等: ◇if you throw a stone into water, it sinks. 你把石子抛进水里,石子就会沉下去。◇my feet sank into the mud. 我双脚陷进泥里。 ☞picture at float 见float插图 2. [i] (used about a person) to move downwards, usually by falling or sitting down (指人)往下移动(通常是跌倒或坐下): ◇i came home and sank into a chair, exhausted. 我回到家里,累得跌坐在椅子上。 3. [i] to get lower; to fall to a lower position or level 往下落;降低;下降: ◇we watched the sun sink slowly below the horizon. 我们望着太阳慢慢沉到地平线下。 4. [i] to decrease in value, number, amount, strength, etc (价值、数目、数量、力气等)下降,减少 your heart sinks→heart sink in (used about information, an event, an experience, etc) to be completely understood or realized (指消息、事件、经历等)被完全了解或明白: ◇it took a long time for the terrible news to sink in. 过了好久那可怕的消息才被完全理解。 sink in; sink into sth (used about a liquid) to go into sth solid; to be absorbed (指液体)渗入,被吸收sink²/sɪŋk ||; sɪŋk/noun [c] a large open container in a kitchen, with taps to supply water, where you wash things 洗涤槽;水槽 ☞picture on page c7 见c7页插图 ☞look at washbasin. 参看washbasin。 sinksee ⇨ down 3,4,5     • • •• ⇨ everything but the kitchen sink☞ sink¹☞ sink²




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