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单词 sake
释义 sake/seɪk ||; sek/noun[c] for christ's/god's/goodness'/heaven's/pity's, etc sake(spoken 口语) used to emphasize that it is important to do sth or to show that you are annoyed (用于强调重要性或恼怒): ◇for goodness' sake, hurry up! 看在老天份上,还不快点!◇why have you taken so long, for god's sake? 天哪,你干吗那么久? ☞ for god's sake and especially for christ's sake are stronger and may offend some people. for god's sake及for christ's sake语气较重,尤其是for christ's sake,也许会冒犯某些人。 for the sake of sb/sth;for sb's/sth's sake in order to help sb/sth 为某人或某事物起见: ◇don't go to any trouble for my sake. 看在我面上,别惹麻烦。◇they only stayed together for the sake of their children/for their children's sake. 他们之所以没有离婚,完全是为了孩子。 for the sake of sth/of doing sth in order to get or keep sth; for the purpose of sth 为了获得或保持某物;为了;由于: ◇she gave up her job for the sake of her health. 她为了健康放弃了自己的工作。 sake /sek; seɪk/n 1. for the sake of in order to help or improve a situation 为了…的缘故,为了:◇both sides are willing to take risks for the sake of peace. 为了和平,双方都甘愿冒风险。 2. for sb's sake in order to help or please someone 为了某人的缘故,为了某人:◇she only stays with her husband for the children's sake. 她和丈夫一起只是为了孩子。 3. for goodness'/pete's/heaven's etc sake spoken used when you are annoyed or impatient with someone 【口】 看在老天的份上:◇why didn't you tell me, for heaven's sake? 看在老天的份上,你为什么不告诉我呢?




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