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单词 safety
释义 safety nounadjective | verb + safety | safety + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤added, extra, greater, increased额外的安全性;更高的安全度◆the seat is bolted in place for added safety.座位用螺钉固定,以提高其安全性。➤comparative, reasonable, relative比较/还算/相对安全◆a blizzard forced the climbers back to the relative safety of their tents.暴风雪迫使登山者返回至相对安全的帐篷里。➤complete, perfect绝对/十分安全◆walkways allow visitors to enter the caves in perfect safety.步行道使游客可以十分安全地进入洞穴。➤long-term, temporary长期的/短暂的安全▸➤child, passenger, patient, worker儿童/旅客/患者/员工安全◆the house will have to be rearranged with a view to child safety.这所房子必须从保障儿童安全的角度重新布置。➤personal, physical, public个人/身体/公共安全▸➤fire, food, nuclear, etc.消防安全、食品安全、核安全等▸➤air, aviation, road, traffic, etc.航空、飞行、公路、交通等安全➤environmental, home, industrial, occupational, workplace环境/家居/行业/职业/工作场所安全◆an organization for psychologists and other researchers in occupational safety and health由心理学家和职业安全与健康研究人员组成的机构➤firearm, gun武器/枪支安全verb + safety➤assure, ensure, guarantee确保安全;保证安全▸➤enhance, improve, increase加强/改善/提高安全性➤compromise, endanger, jeopardize, risk, threaten牺牲/危害/损害/危及/威胁安全▸➤fear for担心安全◆police fear for the safety of the missing children.警方为失踪儿童的安全担忧。◆we fear for their safety.我们担心他们的安全。➤find, get to, make it to, reach找到安全感;到达安全的地方◆they thought they would never reach safety.他们以为永远无法转危为安了。➤leave离开安全的地方◆what made her leave the safety of her apartment?是什么让她离开安全的公寓的?safety + noun➤tips安全小贴士▸➤controls, improvements, limits, measures, precautions, procedures, provisions安全管制/改进/限制/措施/预防措施/程序/规定▸➤codes, guidelines, laws, legislation, levels, policy, recommendations, regulations, requirements, rules, standards安全行为规范/指导原则/法规/立法/级别/政策/建议/条例/要求/规章/标准◆a violation of safety codes违反安全规程的行为◆new safety legislation will be introduced next year.新的安全法将于明年开始实施。➤violation (name) 违反安全规定的行为▸➤hazard, risk安全隐患/风险▸➤check, inspection安全检查▸➤inspector, officer, official安全检查员;安全员◆the plan was rejected by the safety inspectors.该方案被安全检查员否决了。➤record安全记录▸➤concerns, considerations, implications, issues, matters安全方面的担心;安全方面的考虑;安全影响;安全问题;安全事务▸➤aspect, factor安全因素▸➤awareness安全意识◆a safety-awareness campaign安全意识宣传活动➤campaign, initiative, training安全运动/倡议/训练▸➤belt, equipment, features, glasses, goggles, harness, helmet, rope安全带;安全设备;安全设施;防护镜;安全吊索;安全头盔;安全绳◆the car has many safety features, including anti-skid braking.这款车配有许多安全防护装置,包括防滑制动器。➤catch, device, valve保险栓;安全装置;安全阀▸➤barrier, curtain, net (often figurative) 安全屏障;防火帘/安全幕;安全网/安全保障◆a national insurance system provides a safety net for the very poor.国家保险体系为最贫困者提供保障。➤glass, pin, razor, seat安全玻璃/别针/剃刀/座椅preposition➤for safety为了安全◆the stairs are fitted with a handrail for safety.为保证安全,楼梯上装了扶手。➤for your own safety为了人身安全◆the police gave him protection for his own safety.警方为他提供了人身安全保护。➤in safety安全地◆the people want to be able to walk the streets in safety.人们希望能够保障街头行路安全。➤to safety到达安全地带◆we managed to run to safety before the building collapsed.我们在大楼坍塌之前设法跑到了安全地带。➤safety of⋯的安全地点◆she finally made it to the safety of her room.她终于回到了自己的房间这个安全的地方。phrases➤for safety reasons出于安全原因◆the building was evacuated for safety reasons.出于安全原因疏散了整座大楼中的人员。➤health and safety健康与安全◆the company was fined by the health and safety inspectors.这家公司被卫生安全监察员罚了款。➤on safety grounds以安全为理由◆the playground was closed down on safety grounds.操场因安全问题被关闭了。➤a place of safety安全的地方◆the refugees finally reached a place of safety.难民终于抵达安全地点。➤safety first安全第一◆when operating machinery, remember: safety first.操作机器时切记:安全第一。 safety /seɪfti/ noun [uncountable] 1.the state of not being dangerous 安全性◆the plant has been closed for safety checks. 工厂已经关闭以便进行安全检查。◆the factory was closed down on safety grounds. 工厂因安全原因被关闭。◆the airline has an excellent safety record. 这家航空公司具有极佳的安全飞行记录。⨁ to check / improve safety检查/改进安全状况 ⨁ fire / flight / food / product / road safety消防/飞行/食品/产品/道路安全 ⨁ a safety assessment / check / inspection安全评估/核查/检查 ⨁ safety regulations / requirements / rules / standards安全条例/要求/规则/标准 ⨁ safety measures安全措施 2. the state of being safe and protected from danger or harm 安全;平安◆the safety of the employees is the company's main concern. 公司最关心的是员工的安全。⨁ passenger / personal / public / worker safety 旅客/人身/公共/工人安全 ⨁ to ensure / guarantee safety确保安全 3.used to describe sth designed to prevent injury or damage 保安装置;安全设备◆a manufacturer of industrial safety equipment 工业安全设备制造商⨁ safety devices / equipment / features / glasses安全装置/设备/性能/眼镜 health and safety ◇ margin of safety ☞ safety safety nounsafety ♦︎ security ♦︎ welfare ♦︎ well-beingthese are all words for the protection of sb/sth from harm or danger.这些词均表示安全、安稳、安乐。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆for safety / security◆comparative / reasonable / relative safety / security◆economic / financial / material security / welfare / well-being◆to improve safety / security / sb's welfare / sb's well-being◆to promote the safety / welfare / well-being of sb / sth■ safety [uncountable] the state of being protected from danger or harm; the state of not being dangerous安全;平安;安全性◆children need a place where they can play in safety.孩子们需要一个可以安全玩耍的地方。◆he was kept in custody for his own safety.拘押他是为了他本人的安全。◆i'm worried about the safety of the treatment.我担心这种疗法的安全性。◆he is involved in local campaigns to improve road safety.他参与了当地改善道路安全的活动。◆the airline has an excellent safety record.这家航空公司有极好的安全记录。■ security [uncountable] protection against sth bad that might happen in the future; the state of feeling happy and safe from danger or worry担保;保障;安全;平安◆the plan offers your family financial security in the event of your death.这个计划会在您万一离世的情况下为您的家人提供财务保障。◆job security (the guarantee that you will keep your job) is a thing of the past.现在已经没有所谓稳定有保障的工作了。◆she'd allowed herself to be lulled into a false sense of security (= a feeling that she was safe when in fact she was in danger).她让自己陷入一种虚假的安全感之中。note 辨析 safety or security? safety is used especially to talk about protection from physical harm or danger; in this meaning security is used more to talk about being or feeling financially or emotionally protected. * safety 尤指身体健康或平安; security 表达此义时更多指财务或情感上的保障。■ welfare /welfeə(r); name welfer/ [uncountable] the general health, happiness, comfort or safety of a person, animal or group(个体或群体的)安康,幸福◆we are concerned about the child's welfare.我们关注的是那孩子的福祉。■ well-being [uncountable] the general good health, happiness or comfort of a person or community(个人或团体的)健康,幸福,安乐◆physical and emotional well-being are closely linked.身体健康与情绪健康紧密相连。◆this industry is vital to the economic well-being of the city.该行业对这个城市的经济繁荣至关重要。◆she was filled with a sense of well-being.她充满了安适康乐的感觉。note 辨析 welfare or well-being?sb's welfare is their level of health, happiness or safety, whether this is good or bad. * welfare 指健康状况、幸福指数或安全程度,不论其好坏高低◆she was filled with a sense of welfare. well-being is a level of health, happiness or comfort that is good; it is not usually used to talk about sb's safety. * well-being 指健康、幸福、安乐的上佳状态,通常不指某人的安全状况◆we are concerned about the child's well-being. safety [uncountable] the state of being protected from danger or harm; the state of not being dangerous安全;平安;安全性◆children need a place where they can play in safety.孩子们需要一个可以安全玩耍的地方。◆he was kept in custody for his own safety.拘押他是为了他本人的安全。◆i'm worried about the safety of the treatment.我担心这种疗法的安全性。◆he is involved in local campaigns to improve road safety.他参与了当地改善道路安全的活动。◆the airline has an excellent safety record.这家航空公司有极好的安全记录。safety [uncountable] a place where you are not in danger安全处所◆i managed to swim to safety.我设法游到了安全处。◆we watched the lions from the safety of the car.我们坐在汽车里看狮子,很安全。 ➡ see also safe → safe 1 safety/ˈseɪfti ||; ˈseftɪ/noun [u] the state of being safe; not being dangerous or in danger 安全: ◇in the interests of safety, smoking is forbidden. 禁止吸烟,以策安全。◇ road safety(= the prevention of road accidents) 道路安全◇new safety measures have been introduced on trains. 火车上已实行新的安全措施。 safetysee ⇨ safe 1,3,5 safe·ty /`seftɪ; ˈseɪfti/n [u] 1. when people are safe from danger or harm 安全; 平安:◇hundreds of people were led to safety after the explosion. 爆炸发生以后,数百人被带到安全的地方。◇road safety 交通安全 2. how safe someone or something is 安危,安全:◇there are fears for the safety of the hostages. 人们担心人质的安全。 ☞ safety




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