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单词 matching
释义 matching /mætʃɪŋ/ noun [uncountable] (accounting 会计) the process of relating amounts of money paid and received to the accounting period in which they occur 收支配对;收支匹配matching [only before noun](of clothes, fabric or objects) having the same colour, pattern or style and therefore looking attractive together(衣服、布料或物件的颜色、图案或款式)相同的,相称的,相配的◆we got a pine table with four matching chairs for only £240.我们只花了 240 英镑就买到了一张松木桌子和四把配套的椅子。  ➡ see also match → match verb 2 matchingsee ⇨ suit/look good together 2 match·ing /`mætʃɪŋ; ˈmætʃɪŋ/adjhaving the same colour, style, pattern etc as something else [与某物颜色、风格或式样]相同的,相配的:◇the twins wore matching t-shirts. 这对双胞胎穿着一样的 t 恤。




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