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单词 spinoff
释义 spin-off nounadjective | spin-off + noun | preposition adjective➤movie, tv电影/电视派生作品▸➤positive (especially bre) 有积极意义的派生物◆the games will certainly have positive financial spin-offs for local companies.这些运动赛事肯定会让地方企业搭上金融的顺风车。➤lucrative (especially bre) 利润丰厚的派生产品▸➤unexpected (especially bre) 意想不到的派生产品▸➤commercial, economic (both especially bre) 商业/经济衍生品spin-off + noun➤benefit (especially bre) 附带的益处◆the contract is likely to have spin-off benefits for the aerospace business.这个合同很可能会附带使航空航天企业受益。➤business, company衍生企业/公司➤movie, series, show派生电影/系列剧/节目◆the show was so successful that it launched two spin-off series.这个节目非常成功,于是推出了两个派生系列节目。preposition➤spin-off from从⋯中派生出的产品 spin-off (name spelling also spinoff) noun [countable] (finance 金融) (also spin-out, especially in name ) the act of forming a new, independent company from part of an existing one; a company formed in this way 抽资脱离组建新公司;抽资脱离组建的新公司◆the proposed spin-off of the group's restaurants from its hotels 从这家集团酒店业务中抽资脱离组建餐馆的提议◆the group expects three of its spin-offs to go public in the next two years. 集团期望在今后两年内将其抽资脱离组建的新公司中的三家上市。 unexpected but useful result of an activity that is designed to produce sth else 有用的副产品◆commercial spin-offs from medical research 医学研究带来的商业副产品3.a book, a film/movie, a television programme or an object that is based on a very successful book, film/movie or television series 衍生作品(由受欢迎的书、电影或电视剧改编而成的书、电影或电视剧等)◆the magazine is a spin-off from the successful tv show. 这本杂志是那部热门电视剧的衍生作品。




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