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单词 road/path
释义 road/path1 in a town2 outside a town3 a wide road for travelling quickly4 a path for people to walk onrelated wordswhen a road changes direction 路改变方向 turn (9),when a road, path etc bends 路、小道等弯曲 bend (7),1. in a town 在市镇上 road /rəʊd/ [countable noun] a hard level surface made for cars and other vehicles to travel on [供汽车及其他交通工具使用的]路,道路 they're building a new road around the city centre. 他们在修建一条围绕市中心的新道路。 i live at 37 king's road, birmingham. 我住在伯明翰市金氏路37号。cross the road before crossing the road, stop, look, and listen. 过马路之前要先停下,看一看,再听一听。by the side/edge of the road something was lying in the gutter by the side of the road. 路旁的排水沟里躺着什么东西。across/over the road on the other side of the road 在路的对面 a widow lives in the house just across the road. 一个寡妇就住在马路对面的房子里。along/down/up the road on the same road 在这条路上 i went to the girls’ school down the road. 我去了这条路上的那所女子学校。main road a large road where there is likely to be a lot of traffic 干道,大路 they turned left at the gas station, into the busy main road. 他们在加油站左拐,驶上了繁忙的大路。busy road a road where there is a lot of traffic 交通繁忙的道路 it's amazing how many schools front busy roads. 这么多学校面朝交通繁忙的道路,真让人诧异。 street /striːt/ [countable noun] a road in the main part of a town, with houses, shops, or offices and sometimes a path down each side for people to walk on 街道 there were stores on both sides of the street. 街道两边都有商店。 wall street is a famous financial center in new york. 华尔街是纽约著名的金融中心。the streets of london/paris/istanbul etc pablo loved wandering through the streets of barcelona. 巴勃罗喜欢在巴塞罗那的街道上闲逛。in/on the streets we need more police on the streets. 我们需要更多的警察在街上执勤。along/down/up the street victoria can't walk down the street without someone recognizing her. 维多利亚走在街上时总免不了被人认出来。live in a street british /on a street american she had lived in the same street in london all her life. 她一辈子都住在伦敦的这条街上。somebody's street the street where someone lives 某人居住的街 our street was just a row of brick terraced houses. 我们居住的街道上全是砖结构的连排房屋。 high street british /main street american /ˈhaɪ striːt, ˈmeɪn striːt/ [countable noun] the main street in the middle of a town where most of the shops and offices are [市镇中心的]主要商业街,大街 our bank used to have a branch in every high street. 我们银行过去在每条商业大街上都设有一家分行。 the small town of whitehorse, alaska consists of a half-mile long main street and a few scattered houses. 阿拉斯加的怀特霍斯镇是个小镇,由一条半英里长的大街和一些零星的房屋组成。 albert road is just off the high street. 艾伯特路就在主要商业街附近。 back street also back alley american /ˈbæk striːt, ˈbæk æli/ [countable noun] a small street, away from the main streets of a town, where there are no large shops or important buildings 偏僻小街,后街;后巷 they went exploring the dark, narrow back alleys of the old part of town. 他们去考察旧城区阴暗狭窄的偏僻小街。 it took us almost an hour to find her house in a narrow little back street. 我们花了将近一小时才在一条狭窄的偏僻小街上找到了她家。 side street /ˈsaɪd striːt/ [countable noun] a small quiet road away from any main roads [远离大路的]偏僻小路,小街 if the car park's full you might find a space in one of the side streets. 如果停车场满了,你也许可以在小街上找到停车位。 alley /ˈæli/ [countable noun] a very narrow street or path between buildings in a town 小巷,胡同,小街 a narrow alley led up between the houses to the main street. 房屋中间的一条狭窄小巷通向大街。 women in white aprons gossiped in the alley between the apartment blocks. 系着白色围裙的妇女们在公寓大楼间的小巷里说着东家长西家短。 avenue/boulevard /ˈævɪnjuː, ˈævənjuːǁ-nuː, ˈbuːlvɑːʳdǁˈbuːlə-, ˈbʊ-/ [countable noun] a wide road often with trees along each side of it, especially one that is long and straight - often used in street names [两边有树的,尤长而直的]大街,林荫大道[常用于街道名] she lives in a large house on acacia avenue. 她住在阿凯舍街上的一幢大宅里。 new york's 5th avenue 纽约市第五大街 the apartment is located on jackson boulevard. 这套公寓位于杰克逊大街。 new delhi, with its elegant wide avenues and impressive government buildings, is a complete contrast with old delhi. 新德里有漂亮宽敞的林荫大道和宏伟的政府大楼,与旧德里形成鲜明的对比。 there are plans to replace the old highway with a braod tree-lined boulevard. 有计划要修建一条宽敞的林荫大道来取代那条旧公路。 cul-de-sac/dead end/dead end street /ˈkʌl də sæk, ˌded ˈend, ˈded end ˌstriːt/ [countable noun] a street that is closed at one end so there is only one way in and out 死巷,死胡同 we got to know the neighbors on our cul-de-sac quite well. 我们与这条死胡同里的邻居都已很熟悉了。 archie lives on a dead end street, so it is very quiet. 阿奇住在一条死巷内,所以很安静。 honey, this is a dead end - you'll have to turn around. 宝贝,这是条死巷,你得往回走了。 drive /draɪv/ [countable noun] a road with houses on it, especially a beautiful one - used in street names 路,大道[尤指有房屋的漂亮街道,用于街道名] she was found dead at her home in maple drive. 她被人发现在梅普尔路她的家中死去。 close /kləʊs/ [countable noun] british a road with houses along each side of it and with only one way in or out - used in street names 【英】死巷,死胡同[用于街道名] fran lives at 37 appian close. 弗兰住在阿皮安巷37号。 crescent /ˈkresənt/ [countable noun] british a street with a curved shape - used in street names 【英】新月形的街道[用于街道名] turn left into badgerly crescent. 向左转入巴杰利新月街。2. outside a town 在市镇外 road /rəʊd/ [countable noun] a road that connects towns or cities [连接城镇或大城市的]道路,路 route 66 used to be one of the main roads across the states. 66号公路曾经是横贯美国的主要道路之一。 i like driving on the french roads - they're so straight, and there isn't much traffic. 我爱在法国的公路上开车,这些路很直,而且来往的车辆也不多。road to as you leave the city, turn right and take the road to madrid. 你出了市区后往右拐,然后走去马德里的那条路。 lane /leɪn/ [countable noun] a narrow road in the countryside, connecting villages or farms [乡间连接村庄或农场的]小路 the last stretch of road is a narrow lane bordered by trees. 这条马路的最后一段是两旁有树木的狭窄小道。country lane we rode our bicycles along pretty country lanes. 我们沿着美丽的乡间小路骑车前进。 dirt road /ˈdɜːʳt ˌrəʊd/ [countable noun] a narrow road with a dirt or soil surface 土路,泥路 a dirt road ran from the highway past the dump and into some trees. 一条泥路从公路那边伸延过来,经过垃圾场进入了树林。! rain fell continuously and turned the winding dirt road into a river of slippery mud. 雨下个不停,把这条蜿蜒曲折的土路变成了一条湿滑的泥流。 track /træk/ [countable noun] british a narrow road, usually without a hard surface, leading to a farm or field 【英】[通常没铺硬路面的、通往农场或田地的]小道,小径 the track was only wide enough for one car. 这条小径只够一辆汽车通行。3. a wide road for travelling quickly 交通快捷的宽广大路 motorway british /freeway american /ˈməʊtəʳweɪ, ˈfriːweɪ/ [countable noun] a wide road connecting cities and towns, on which cars can travel fast for long distances [连接大城市和城镇的]高速公路 the speed limit on motorways is 70 mph. 高速公路的限速是每小时70英里。 we headed east on the pasadena freeway. 我们沿着帕萨迪纳高速公路往东行驶。a motorway bridge/cafe/garage etc a new motorway service station has been opened to encourage drivers to take a break. 一个新的高速公路服务站启用,以方便司机稍事休息。 highway /ˈhaɪweɪ/ [countable noun] american a wide fast road that connects cities and towns 【美】[连接大城市和城镇的][高速]公路 i got onto the highway and drove as fast as i could. 我上了高速公路,能开多快就开多快。highway 61/70 etc there's a rest stop somewhere on highway 61. 61号高速公路上有个休息站。 expressway /ɪkˈspresweɪ/ [countable noun] american a wide fast road that takes traffic into and out of a big city 【美】[出入大城市的]高速公路,快速干道 they took the expressway to the airport. 他们上了去机场的高速公路。 route /ruːtǁruːt, raʊt/ [] american used in the names of some roads connecting towns and cities 【美】[连接城镇和大城市的]路,公路[用于路名] rockland is hard to miss. route 1 runs right through it. 罗克兰这地方很好找,1号公路就穿过那里。 the westerly side of route 128 128号公路西侧 by-pass /ˈbaɪ pɑːsǁ-pæs/ [countable noun] british a road that goes around a town, so that people can avoid driving through the town 【英】[为绕过市镇等而建的]旁道 it will be much quicker if we take the by-pass rather than drive through the middle of town. 如果我们走旁道而不在市镇中央行驶,那会快得多。 the village has become much quieter since the creation of the by-pass. 旁道修筑好以后,村里安静多了。 ring road british /beltway american /ˈrɪŋ rəʊd, ˈbeltweɪ/ [countable noun] a circular road that goes around the edge of a large town, with roads leading off it into the centre of the town [大城镇的]环路,环城公路 the property is ideally placed for access to the centre and the ring road. 这房产的位置很理想,到城中心和环城公路均很方便。inner ring road a ring road that is inside another road that goes around a town 内环路 a car park beside the inner ring road 内环路边的一座停车场 we took the beltway around the city. 我们走环城公路。4. a path for people to walk on 供人行走的小道 path /pɑːθǁpæθ/ [countable noun] a long, narrow piece of ground for people to walk along [步行的]小径,小道 a narrow path took us down to the river. 我们沿着一条狭窄的小径走到河边。down/along a path he lead me down a path to a farmhouse. 他带我沿小道走到一间农舍。garden path mrs smith was singing as she came up the garden path. 史密斯夫人唱着歌从花园小径走来。 pavement british /sidewalk american /ˈpeɪvmənt, ˈsaɪdwɔːk/ [countable noun] a path built along the side of a street for people to walk on 人行道 christopher wandered along the sidewalk, looking into store windows. 克里斯托弗沿着人行道闲逛,一边浏览商店橱窗。 what annoys me is that everyone parks on the pavement in front of our house. 使我生气的是人人都把车子停在我家门前的人行道上。 footpath /ˈfʊtpɑːθǁ-pæθ/ [countable noun] british a public path for people to walk on in the country 【英】[乡间的]人行小径 they followed the coastal footpath into the village. 他们沿着海滨小径走进村子。public footpath a path that anyone can use, especially one on private land [尤在私人土地上的]公共小径 there are over 1,000 miles of public footpaths within the national park boundaries. 这个国家公园内有一千多英里的公共小径。 trail /treɪl/ [countable noun] american a path in the mountains or in the forest 【美】[山间或林间]小道,小径 the trail follows the river most of the way to avalanche lake. 这小径大部分都沿河而行,通向堰塞湖。




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